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Hey all!

So I stumbled across here and figured I'd get myself joined up!

I'm 20 and basically I'm working on being all around more fit. I enjoy doing body weight exercises and before I got bound up in doors due to snow I was learning how to hoop dance. Once the snow is gone you can bet I'll be out playing with my hoops, also perhaps trying out running.

Right now I'd say my main focuses are gaining flexibility and refining my diet. I wouldn't say I follow a paleo diet, like I know many of you do. I don't eat quadrupeds (for whatever reason they don't agree with me) or grains (aside from quinoa, if you want to count that) but I do try to stick with whole foods.

Also, I will guiltily admit that I'm a smoker... I've quit six times in just as many months, always lasting a week or more, but for whatever reason I've had trouble staying 'quit'. But, if nothing else I've been told I'm pretty stubborn and I'm keep trying til I find what works for me.

Anyways, hi everyone!

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Hiya, welcome! You sound like a druid to me! How long have you been hooping for?

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Thanks for the welcome guys!

Technically I've been hooping for about six months, but the last three I haven't got much practice since it's far too cold and snowy out side and I live in a tiny appartment. I've got enough room to do it if I just keep it around my waist, but it's frustrating since I had just gotten good at keeping it around my knees and working it up to my chest before it snowed.

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