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Guess I should introduce myself!

Name: Samantha

Age: 19

Location: England, UK

My Fitness Journey So Far:

So, I started getting serious about working out at the start of 2012. I've always been a sporty person, playing Football (Soccer), Hockey, Volleyball and Rounders (similar to Softball) in my school years. I went to College starting in 2009 and didn't have the opportunities to play sport like I did at school, I was awake at 6:30am and got home at 6pm, I only had time to eat, wash and do my college work in the afternoons and the same cycle continued for two years. In that time I managed to go from around 135 to 150 pounds and I hated it. In the summer of 2011 I made my first attempt to get fit again but after a month of working out, I got discouraged and gave up. I wasn't a person to make New Years resolutions but I decided to this year, I wanted to get back to my 135 pound self but better. It's not been easy, it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. I go a few months of being highly motivated to losing it all for another few months. As of October 16, I'm at 147.4 pounds but have more muscle than I did at the start of the year. My aim is to hit 143 by the end of the year but obviously this will depend on how much muscle is gained in that time.

What I've Used:

I started off the year with Insanity, didn't lose a lot of weight but my stamina and energy sky rocketed!

Over the summer, I started a few free weights (baby ones unfortunately, couldn't afford a gym membership or heavier weights) and started to run with the C25K.

At the end of the summer, July to Mid August I started P90x. Was hit by injury and had to stop for a while.

Currently Doing:

Right now, I'm doing a hybrid of a few of the Insanity workouts along with P90x strength. The new sport season for me start in February so I need to work on upping my endurance and agility but also increasing my upper body and core strength. I'm working out 5x a week and may add Yoga or some form of stretching once a week to help with injury prevention.

Future Plans:

I have intentions to pick up some free weights in the coming months, dumbbells and barbells at around 50kg to start with until I can get more plates. I've been recommended the New Rules of Lifting for Women by a few friends so that may be the road I follow. No poxy weights this time though, going to attempt as heavy as I can without causing injury or changes to form.


February 2012---------------May 2012---------------August 2012







140 lbs | | 15 % Body Fat | | 12% Body Fat | | Run 5K | |

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Welcome, you got some great goals. Just remember weight isn't everything (unless you are lifting heavy) being healthy doesn't equal skinny. Insanity is hard, so is P90x awesome that you have stuck with those programs. Again welcome to the rebellion.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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Hey, thanks!

Yeah, the weight goal is just there to make me push harder. I know that if I end up gaining muscle then my goals may change but I always aim to eat healthy, I normally eat around 1300 good calories a day plus what I burn from working out, that's worked well for me so far. I've read a few stories in the blog of a few people who lost weight by starving themselves and working out, I don't think I could do that if I wanted to.

Just finished Shoulder and Arms from P90x for today, been a while since I've done it and my arms are like jelly. 530 calories down though! Love that program.






140 lbs | | 15 % Body Fat | | 12% Body Fat | | Run 5K | |

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