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A P90X question...

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So, I am trying to get in shape for Navy OCS, which will involve a lot of endurance stuff, and a lot of running (around 3 miles a day). Right now I can't run that much. My running has always been my weak point. I've been thinking about starting the P90X workout, but does anyone know if this is going to be helpful overall? Can I still (Should I, maybe) still run while doing P90X? A little insight would be much appreciated.

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I CAN run, I've just never had a lot of endurance, nor have I ever liked it...I get bored. As far as physically doing it, right now my biggest problem is my calves. Granted I'm running more on the balls of my feet ever since I got my vibrams (though right now I'm running in New Balance) so I'm sure that has a lot to do with my calves burning.

When I said I couldn't run much it was mainly because of my calves. I'm on the second week of the Couch to 5k program and while I can finish the workout my calves burn something fierce.

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The legs will loosen up. The mental aspect will be harder to overcome if you don't enjoy it.

What I did was put some music on my MP3 player that matched the duration of the longest I wanted my mile times to be. It was 3-5 songs depending on the length, and it gave me something to focus on rather than the running itself.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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The Plyometrics part of P90X will kick your ass aerobically if you haven't been doing a lot of cardio, especially if you do everything the advanced way in the video. Personally, I didn't like the Kenpo karate workout as much, so I just ran on those days instead.

I'd say if you feel like you can handle more cardio on top of what P90X has to offer, go for it, but if P90X itself wipes you out you're probably going to be fine doing just that as it's a very endurance oriented program (Tony doesn't let you stop moving for very long).

Call me Dave if ya like.

"Time to nut-up or shut-up!" - Woody Harrelson

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Running: Interval Training

120 Second Walk, 30 Second Run (Repeat 4X to start... that's 10 Minutes)

As you get better, you can split it evenly to a 75 second walk, 75 second run 4X, and then go to a 30 second walk and a 150 second run. Try and cut a second off of the walk each workout. You'll be working out less over all, but the running will be less split up. 150X4= 600 Seconds of running nonstop. Then you can work on your speed and further endurance. This is the plan I wrote out to improve before we got hammered with snow here. So yeah, if you can run, run. Pounding pavement is the best way. Also, Sprinting and Burpees. They'll help.


Get prepared for some smoke sessions. When you're in a smoke session, 25 Push-Ups is actually 100 Push-Ups because of the way they'll count. Front Leaning Rest, then they'll start: 1 (Down), 2 (Up), 3 (Down), 1 (Up). Same with Flutterkicks. Do a lot of those, and at the end of the set, keep your feet at 6 inches for five seconds, then go halfway for 5 seconds, then go all the way up for five seconds, and then build off of that. Get used to the Front Leaning Rest and the top of a Sit-Up, because those are the authorized rest positions for the PFT.

As for increasing endurance, try Pyramids, or try and add one more everyday. Also, I know in Army Boot Camp they test Chin-Ups, not sure of they do in the Navy but it's something to think about.

Sorry if this is a little basic, but I'm not sure if you've gone to MEPS yet, or how much you know already. Just making sure everything is covered.

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Daily PT is just run of the mill Calisthenics. OCS and Boot Camp are gonna be the hardest, and depending on what MOS you get/signed up for, PT might be done in the mornings, or they might trust you to do it on non-working hours.

Do you mind me asking what you signed up for/what job you want?

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