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Went from obese to decently in-shape to obese again.

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I was living a very unhealthy lifestyle that was granting me a BMI of almost 40 while living near Las Vegas. I moved to Arizona to pursue my college education and lived at the dorms. I started doing exercise classes on campus, and it was very easy to get motivated as the classes were both great (Zumba really got me addicted to working out) and were about a five-minute walk away. Plus, not living in a place that had $5 buffets everywhere helped me eat less (though I still ate awful). However, working out 2-4 hours, four-five days a week got me from 300lbs to 230. I was still big, but I was much more muscular and noticed a huge change in my life. This lasted for about four years, during which I met an amazing woman and we got married.

Then about a year later I got really sick. We're talking bedridden for three months sick. To this day I nor the doctors I saw have any idea what happened. A 30-day detox from Herbdoc.com got me back up and running, so I was back to full health. However, while I was sick I still ate as badly as I had before my massive exercise bursts so I gained a huge chunk of my weight back. Then my daughter was born and while I tried juggling school, work, and being a good husband as well as a good father I found the time I had reserved for exercise classes (I hated weightlifting with a passion, so it was all dance/aerobic/total body condition/pilates classes) completely vanished. After a few months I found myself back up to the weight I had been before I'd moved to AZ - just shy of 300lbs.

I have tried dieting with some success. Now I'm trying to get back into exercising and I like having the info this site provides. Plus, I'm pretty nerdy. I tend to tell jokes about Star Trek, Anime, and various video games that most people besides my wife don't seem to get. Thus, a community for nerdy types that focuses on getting people into shape seems great.

I've already joined LA Fitness a few months ago (about a month before I discovered this site) and bought the three-year membership. However, the classes that they offer either have lousy teachers or amazing teachers but with classes that are full to the brim (literally shoulder to shoulder, very uncomfortable) so I'm trying to do the aerobic/cardio stuff outside of the gym while focusing on weights inside the gym. Only problem is I have NO idea where to even start with weights. I know enough from reading various sources that the machines are a no-no, but I've never really focused on weights (other than maybe some light bicep curls here and there) and am hoping to find information on that.

Physical Stats:

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 280

If anyone has any advice or questions, I'm here to help out. The only expertise I can really offer is about Zumba classes - I am a former Zumba instructor. Just to be clear, I was the kind that took various types of training as to not injure my students. Over the years of taking Zumba, as well as teaching it for a while, I can tell you what to be scared of or what to be happy with. Otherwise, I'm really hoping for help with weights for now.

Have a great one!


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My advice is, that if you still hate weightlifting with a passion, avoid weightlifting. (Bear in mind I love weightlifting, so there's not a personal bias at play here.) If you want to stick with an exercise plan, it needs to be something you look forward to. Especially when there's other demands on your time (and a parent & spouse will *always* have other demands on their time). So, try out a few different things, lots of different exercises, anything that gets you moving is fine, or do some Zumba at home in the evenings, or see if you can find a better gym with less busy classes.

Weight loss is 80% diet. Don't "try dieting", you've gotta focus on changing what you eat, long term. Not a temporary fix you "try". (Don't make me quote Yoda at you!) Exercise is just the metaphorical cherry on top.

If you really think weightlifting is going to be fun for you, something you're going to look forward to, here's a place to start - The Starting Strength Wiki. Getting a gym trainer who knows what they're doing to show you is also of course a good call.

Ah, I should have been more clear. I hated weightlifting years ago as I was less disciplined, more prone to boredom, and lacked the iPod I now own (I currently am enjoying listening to the Big Bang Theory or the audiobook for The Hobbit while working out). Nowadays I'm more than willing to do it and have been able to do rounds with different equipment. Plus, I also know more now about how great it is for you. Finally, it fits into MY schedule - the schedule of a husband/father/worker/full-time student is pretty full. It is hard to exercise when the one or two exercise classes I like are offered at times I can't make it to. However, with weightlifting I can go anytime and get a routine in (especially since my gym is about five minutes from me).

So, to summarize; I would love to start doing weightlifting. Except... I am pretty clueless about what to do and how to not hurt myself with weightlifting. In an aerobics class I know more than enough to modify things if needed and what I can do or can't (without injury, I mean), but in weightlifting I don't have that knowledge. I'm worried because between my ignorance and many personal trainers being rumored to not know much more than me, I could really hurt myself.

Another part I could've been more clear on; my use of the word "diet." In my house we don't believe in "diets" but we do believe in lifestyle changes. A temporary diet might be good for a detox/flush or whatever, but to be healthy we do believe in eating healthy. However, just as many say "suntan lotion" instead of "sunscreen," I do sometimes refer to what I plan on being a lifetime-change of the way I eat as my diet, lol. I just tend to use it with its older meaning that's pretty much only used in Biology classes to describe what animals eat, (ex: the cheetahs diet consists of so-and-so). Anyway, recently my wife and I have settled on what kinds of food we'll eat, portions, and so on. I've dropped about five lbs so far, so that's been good :)

Wow, I didn't realize it was about 80% of our diets that contributes! I did figure out, when I actually did a 30-day detox, how much what we put in truly effect what we get out. Knowing it contributes a much higher percentage than I'd though is almost mind-blowing. I'll have to really focus on what I eat more now that I know that.

Thanks for the reply and the tips :)

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No worries. Sorry if I misinterpreted you there - internet communication is an imperfect medium!

Good luck with your goals - I hope the Wiki link helps you get started. You might like to pick up a copy of Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" as the most-recommended weightlifting bible for beginners. I got a copy for my Kindle for $10 off Amazon. :)

I'm sure it was my fault. Part of why I gave myself a 1 in CHA is because (especially online) I find that no matter how I try, I always say it the wrong way lol.

Thanks, I did see some other posts in the forums about that guide. I'll see about giving it a look-see. If it's on Kindle I can put it on my iPod so that'd be nice. I'm thinking of starting Yoga and Pilates since both are offered at my gym (I already paid for the membership, which includes classes) and have made myself a good "generic" exercise routine from the blogposts of NF.

Weights do scare me a bit as it seems so easy to injure yourself, plus there's just so many weights at the gym and I don't even know where to start lol. I'll look into that book, though, so thanks for the starting point :)

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I know just how you feel with your weight. I started at 330 pounds, got down to 225 and after also being sick for a month, I eventually went back up to 270 pounds. Since joining the rebellion and reading some other posts, I have dropped 6 pounds in about a month and a half!

I wish I could give my two cents about weight lifting, however I am in the same boat as you. I am currently doing a body weight circuit and am excited to also do some gymnastic rings work.

Welcome to the Rebellion and I look forward to hearing about your progress!

Level 8 Scottish Highland Assassin

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"Most of the things worth doing have been declared impossible before they were done."

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