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A weightlifting chick from New Zealand says hello!

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Hi team

I've been weightlifting for a few months now. I'm from New Zealand so you'll have to forgive the weight differences ... I was deadlifting 95kg, bench pressing about 37kg and squatting up to 50kg, I think? I have a great trainer who gives me a programme each month after I've seen him and we've worked out what my max was.

I gained weight, but definitely toned up.

I was eating high protein low carb. Though on weekends, social events (plus performing in a musical which meant a fair bit of junk food in the dressing rooms and a lot of socialising) I probably wasn't eating the best.

Then I got really sick and had to take a month of exercise. Chronic pain and nausea meant the thought of protein made me feel sick, and somedays it was a struggle to eat at all, so I didn't really focus on eating good foods.

I'm now trying to get back on track and lose the weight I've gained and tone up. I can tell by my clothes that I have gained weight (some don't fit anymore :disturbed:) and I can see it in my body. I come from a bit of a history of eating disorders, and where to lose weight I would severely restrict calories and exercise, and purge, too. I am proudly recovered from that, but I have to say trying to get back into the whole 'eat lots of protein/lots of food and weightlift 3x a week' seems like it won't work to help me lose weight and tone up. The weights I'm lifting are a lot lower than they were, but I'm hoping they'll get up high again pretty quickly.

My challenges are definitely social events, or when people bring sweet foods into work. I also get hungry VERY quickly .. even after a breakfast of 3x eggs scrambled with 30ml milk, tblsnp mozerella and veggies, I am starving 2.5 hours later.

So, here I am. I'm keen to get involved with Nerd Fitness, meet people doing the same thing, share recipes and ideas ... especially for how to get my protein up again without feeling so nauseous at the thought of it! I'll take it step by step, and maybe next week I'll get on the scales and do the photos etc ... after a week away on holiday with lots of carbs and cocktails (tropical island, was amazing!) if I weighed myself now I think I'd fall into depression!

I'm 5"9, probably weigh about... 76kg at the moment (my heaviest ever weight :culpability:) Think that's about 167pound for you US folk.

Look forward to meeting you all!


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Hey lady

Well, though I haven't quite experienced it, a friend of mine did a 3 month weightlifting challenge, and MAN did it work for her. She looked amazing, toned up, trimmed down, and all that eating a LOT of protein and food!

How have you lost your weight, so far?

I think I'm on the diet for muscle/burning fat not necessarily losing weight ... am aiming for 180grams of protein each day, about 1900cals on non-training days and about 2200 on training days. Seems like a lot of food (especially when a 'diet' for me meant 1200 cals!) ... but I find it surprisingly difficult on non-training days to stick to that number.

Had a read of your six week challenge post... you ROCK!


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I love it ... forbidden love child! Do you count food yourself, or by any chance do you use MyFitness Pal? That's what I'm trying to use at the moment.

Those cups look great - I've made similar ones with bacon before, but ham looks a lot easier. Had a good workout today, food mostly good (weak moment and bought a marshmallow santa at the supermarket while I was picking up some chicken) but I also bought strawberries for a healthy, sweet treat!

Thanks for your reply, nzchick

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