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One of the things that I have really searched for in my health and wellness journies is a supportive and active community. From what I've seen over the past couple of days on this forum this is exactly that. I work in the government sector doing IT work currently and am working on moving into the Information Security realm. I have been in this field for four years now, but sitting behind a computer all day really doesn't do much for your overall fitness. I was always pretty big and out of shape even as far back as middle school, but I topped out in my first year of college at 230lb (on my 5'11 frame with no discernable muscle that was pretty hefty). I then read a blog post back in 2008 that issued the challenge of taking a picture of yourself in the mirror with no shirt on and without sucking anything in to see just what you really look like. That picture was depressing enough for me to finally want to change. I still keep that picture around as a reminder of where I started and continue to take an identical picture ever July 4th (the day I took the first one) to show yearly progress.

The Change:

Not knowing anything about getting in shape and HATING the idea of working out I quickly jumped on the MensHealth Abs Diet program. It worked pretty well for me. From 2008 to April 2010 I lost 27lb. In April of last year I started the primal diet (essentially just paleo) and since then have lost an additional 30lb. I also started doing Crossfit at a box near my house in August and learned to love working out. Unfortunately, I recently had to quit going to that gym due to expenses, but am trying to come up with a program that I can stick with on my own. This forum is hopefully just the tool I'm looking for to keep me accountable and pushing forward. I still have about 15lb (or 5.4% body fat to be percise) that I want to lose to be at my goal, and I have also made a series of fitness goals that I am well short of. The journey continues, but I'm much healthier now and have a strong appreciation and enjoyment of a clean diet and strong workout program.

I'm greatly looking forward to getting involved in this community and seeing if I can't keep the momentum that I built up in Crossfit going on my own.

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I'm lucky enough to have a free membership to a globogym and will be using that as part of how I'm suplementing my workouts, but the thing I loved about Crossfit was the "drill-sergeant-like" atmosphere where they are constantly pushing you to do the best you can. I'm partnering up with a couple friends for this so hopefully they will kick my butt a little. I'm also hoping I can get them to hop on here as they are as big of nerds as I am!

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Hiya, Sellas! Welcome aboard! Don't worry, with enough practice you can develop your own inner Drill Sergeant. And in the mean-time, we're good at stalking. :P

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I'm lucky enough to have a free membership to a globogym and will be using that as part of how I'm suplementing my workouts, but the thing I loved about Crossfit was the "drill-sergeant-like" atmosphere where they are constantly pushing you to do the best you can. I'm partnering up with a couple friends for this so hopefully they will kick my butt a little. I'm also hoping I can get them to hop on here as they are as big of nerds as I am!

join the next 28 day challenge, i'll yell at you all you want :)

welcome to the rebellion!

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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It's those pictures that are killer to the mental image, isn't it? I realized how heavy I was getting years ago when I saw pictures of myself at my baby sister's wedding. All decked out, hair done, in heels and a dress (gack)... and I looked like a hippo next to little Miss Skinny Minnie in her mermaid cut white wedding dress. A cute hippo with chubby legs and turkey arms, sure, but not what I saw in my head or in the mirror. Even the mirror lies... but you can't fool the damn photographs!

I'm with Spezzy. You have come to the right place.... *looks innocent*

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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Hello Sellas.

Welcome to a hell of people stalking, pushing, poking and yelling at you for no reason other than because we love to harass you

about how absolutely awesome you're doing on your workouts or because you need support.

However, I have this inner feeling of doom that someone might start stalking me soon *runs and hides*. Perhaps I need someone to yell at me too :D

Anyways, good luck on the rest of your journey (damn, you've done good so far), and join the 28 day challenges!

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