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Do you work out in the morning or in the evening?

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I like running when it's dark, especially because the field I run around is generally the only place to see the stars in the city. Since I'm not a morning person whatsoever, the idea of getting up before dawn is completely out, so that leaves the evening. The good thing about where I live is I can go running at midnight or even later and it's not only perfectly safe, but there are usually a couple of people out there running as well.


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I like running when it's dark, especially because the field I run around is generally the only place to see the stars in the city. Since I'm not a morning person whatsoever, the idea of getting up before dawn is completely out, so that leaves the evening. The good thing about where I live is I can go running at midnight or even later and it's not only perfectly safe, but there are usually a couple of people out there running as well.

That sounds amazing. I wish I could do that here, but I don't even run outside when it's getting dusky, let alone midnight, mostly for safety issues. Actually, late at night on a weekend could be fun if I stuck to downtown--there'd be a parkour element to it, having to dodge and weave between hordes of drunken college kids.

I've become a recent convert to the early morning workout, something I would've never thought possible before. I should try some evening workouts to see if it makes a difference performance-wise, but there are just too many variables that can pop up during the course of the day that can totally derail my workout plans.

Plus it feels freaking awesome to be at the office in the morning and think, "I've been up for 5 hours and already moved over a ton of weight around this morning."


"Did you go to the gym when you were alive?"
"I died in 1938. For exercise, we drank sloe gin and smoked Lucky Strikes."
- Dead Like Me

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I try to do a bit of both if I can (which is usually difficult) - meaning I'll go directly after work most of the time for heavier lifting, stuff that's a bit more un-timed, etc., and then use the mornings for intervals on the treadmill, or 30-30 intervals on the rowing machine (on of my favorite cardio workouts) or a 30-90 interval on the bike, etc. I find getting the blood rushing and the heart racing early in the day makes me more focused and energized, and I get more done in the first couple hours of work. Then by the time I've our of work, I've had a decent pre-workout meal and it works in nicely with my last meal of the day which I use to really pound protein-heavy foods.

That being said, this is ideal and tough most mornings - so if I can't get in to the gym in the morning I'll often modify my workout at night to do my weights in timed intervals, or add some burpees or box jumps or something. Lack of time always seems to be the enemy, huh...

Plus it feels freaking awesome to be at the office in the morning and think, "I've been up for 5 hours and already moved over a ton of weight around this morning."

EXACTLY. You feel accomplished with your day before most people have done 1 thing - an awesome feeling.

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For those of you who exercise in the morning, How do you manage your nutrition around your workout?

Do you have a meal beforehand and then some kind of protien shake type snack afterwards? or do you skip the 'before' meal and just have Breakfast after working out?

I'm planning to start working out in the morning, but I'm not sure how exactly I should do this, thanks.

Call me Dave if ya like.

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I used to not have anything in my system before I went to workout, mostly because I go first thing in the morning and hate the idea of getting up an extra 20-30 minutes earlier just to have digestion time. That being said, the last few weeks, I've started to have a glass of milk with some protein powder in it just beforehand. My problem was that, after finishing my workout, there was probably an hour gap before I would have the chance to have my post-workout snack (homemade shake). It's been good so far. I haven't necessarily felt any noticeable difference in my workout, but I'm hoping that it's keeping my muscles happy.


"Did you go to the gym when you were alive?"
"I died in 1938. For exercise, we drank sloe gin and smoked Lucky Strikes."
- Dead Like Me

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I'm best in the early afternoon or in the evening. I've tried just about every time of day, and that's definitely what is best for me. Morning workouts drain me far too much (regardless whether they've been done in a fasted state or not), and I'll crash something fierce about an hour after the workout is done. Keyboard impressions on the forehead don't help with the whole appearance of worker bee productivity.

Working out in the afternoon or evening, on the other hand, gives me a really nice burst of energy and doesn't interfere with my ability to sleep unless I work out immediately before going to bed. Plus, my coordination at those times of the day is definitely better than in the morning.

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If it's a cycling day, it's before and after work (6am and 6pm). If it's a gym day, it's usually around lunchtime (11am-2pm). I don't know if that's the most effective time, but it works for me.

Half Dragon, Half Elf, Level 0.5 Assassin - I flame people when cranky, but I'm seriously kickass.STR 4 | DEX 2.5 | STA 3.25 | CON 5 | WIS 8.75 | CHA 4 | Challenges: 1  2 3 4 5 | myFitnessPal | Spreadsheet | fitbitChallenge 6, Back to the assassin's rootsBlog: float knowledge return wisdom;


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I continue to work out in the evenings - usually between 7pm and 9pm. 5pm-7pm was getting too crowded, and later than 9pm made it difficult to get to sleep at a reasonable time.

However, next week I start a new schedule where I need to be in at 6:00am. I am not a morning person, so I'm looking at needing to get to sleep at 11pm each night if not earlier. It's going to wreck my schedule.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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first thing in the morning, absolutely.

gives me more energy for the day.

also, if i work out at 8 or 9pm, im then full of energy and cant get to sleep.

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I like both workouts, but I have found I usually have more motivation to go to the gym late at night (9pm 10pm start) than I do to get up early (would require something like 6 am or a so get up time). It's just quieter at night and I don't have to compete for machines or interact with people.

"She turned me into a newt!"

"A newt?"

"I got better..."

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Mornings definitely...starting the day with a good workout seems to set me up for a better day at work. Also if I don't do it first thing, then chances are, by the time I get a chance to go again I'll be too tired from kid-wrangling, working, etc. That being said, I did my first ever evening workout a couple of days ago and clocked up a few PBs so there might be something to that too...


Scout Commander (ret.)

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I like the idea of morning workouts, but historically, my energy is best mid-to-late evening. Midnight runs are the best ever, when I could manage it. Nothing but you, the stars, and ocassionally coyotes (okay, twice, anyway).

Also, I want everyone to know that I ALMOST closed this thread by accident, and realized how I keep doing it. So I've grown as a person.

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right now, it's after work. but on weekends, it's first thing. (sat 9am body pump class) i'd like to turn into a weekday morning person... we'll see if that ever happens.

"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

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