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Yes, I finally got around to posting a damn intro!

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So I realized that I have started a 28 day challenge, but failed to introduce myself properly to the rest of the board.

I’m Clawed Bear, or you can call me Jake. I live in the greater Seattle area, and am 29.

I currently weight 328ish pounds, but it varies week to week, and I’ve seen it fall a bit during the current challenge.

I realized this last year that I had failed at every single goal over my life to get into shape. Didn’t really matter what the goal was, or the reward, but I wasn’t able to change. I have led a life of relaxation and ease in my spare time, and even though my job was physically difficult, I was constantly spending time sabotaging any degree of physical fitness that I was trying to obtain through my diet.

So I started out late 2010 with a goal to finally realize what I have desired over the years, a different shape to go along with my finely honed mind. My 2011 goal is to lose over 78 pounds, and my 2012 goal is to hit 10% bodyfat (if not lower, depending on what stage I get defined abs at). So that means I'm looking at a total weight loss required of about 120-140 pounds. Damn, that's a big number. I got my low thyroid levels fixed (well, here’s hoping it’s finally over with), and now have no excuses to lose weight.

I have to admit I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want to be physically fit, I want to run up three flights of stairs and laugh at the thought of being out of breath. I want to destroy the US SS kettlebell snatch test and beat it into the ground. I want to challenge myself, and become someone slightly different, who’s not afraid of something because I’m not in good enough shape to do it. I want to be able to climb that wall, or play that pickup game of basketball. I want to practice a martial art and not worry about my back constantly being a worry in the back of my mind.

I know that over the years my diet has been the one thing holding me short of any goal, and so this time I’m changing. I’m working on going primal (my term for paleo+milk), with an 80/20 compliance by the end of February. I don’t really know what this looks like in terms of me liking it, but I know that change is required if I desire to get anywhere in life. I've thought about going slow carb, or atkins, but I'm not a huge fan of beans or lentils, and I want to eat some veggies/fruit.

I also have picked up my kettlebells again and am working my way through Enter the Kettlebell by Pavel Tsatsouline w/ a local RKC trainer. I desire the type of functional fitness that these workouts give, and am much more entertained swinging kettlebells around than with normal gym equipment or cardio machines.

If you got to the end, thanks for sticking around. I’m looking forward to a fun couple of years with each of you :D

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And an official "Welcome to the Boards" to you, Bear! I've only tried kettleballs a couple of times, but I loved them. They're just so much more FUN than traditional weight training!

I'm quite certain you'll love primal+milk (btw, "primal" is an actual thing, very similar to paleo but invented by a dude at www.marksdailyapple.com. Just fyi). As you know, we're big fans of it here. : ) If you find any good recipes, you must share!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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welcome jake! you have some pretty awesome goals there-- good luck smashing them!

"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

"Anyone who doesn't want french fries every day is a commie." - AngelaTheGeek

Current Challenge


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=) You've officially been broken in, so there's not too much more to say. If you want motivation, you got it. You have a few questions about the kb's? I can help with that too. Need to vent? Toss a message. Need your tail booted into next week because you're slacking on your challenge, I'm your girl.

Let's do this, huh?

Tag, you're it. My goal for next week is one pistol each leg. If it kills me. I'm within two inches of hitting parallel... What's yours? *wicked grin*

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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No, tag you're it. And after yesterday's cheat day, I definitely feel the need get back on the paleo wagon, stat. And thank you for the support :D

Well, I can't do pistols (Just wait, I'm going to get there). But I wish you the best of luck. May you not fall over all and all that jazz *evil smirk*

My goal is to survive two 12 minute sessions w/ kettlebell swings, and actually get to a lunge from the bridge position on the turkish getup for when I'm holding the weight in my right hand...because I can't. I have to do the stupid leg switch for old or infirm people :(

I'm officially switching to the program minimum from enter the kettlebell, and my kettlebells are waiting for me to die. I'm going to show them who's boss!

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My goal is to survive two 12 minute sessions w/ kettlebell swings, and actually get to a lunge from the bridge position on the turkish getup for when I'm holding the weight in my right hand...because I can't. I have to do the stupid leg switch for old or infirm people :(

Practise your getup with a sneaker instead of the weight. Make a fist and balance the shoe across your knuckles. It takes just as much concentration to keep the damn thing up there, you don't have to worry if you drop it on your head, and you can drill the fluidity of that specific section of the movement over and over and over until you can do it in your sleep without getting overly exhausted. =)

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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And yes, I'll try that. I've been using a 1 pound weight to do it, but I can find a shoe...

Trust me. The shoe is so light it BITES... a lot worse than using an actual weight. You have to have your alignement pretty much perfect all the way up to keep the stupid shoe on your fist. It'll teach you proper posture for it so that when you do load up with weight you don't hurt yourself. I've gotten a 24kilo kb up on each side once. It was exhausting but I did it!! And don't compare... *shakes finger* I've been working with these things for two years. If I teach'em I'd better be able to do'em!

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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