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*wave* Time for Introductions

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Hi, everyone! I'm Minyla. You can call me whatever you'd like, but Minyla or Jessie are most likely to get my attention. ;)

I am a 26 year old lawyer who still hasn't gotten used to saying "I'm an attorney." While in college and law school, I gained a substantial amount of weight -- approximately 100 pounds, maybe more -- and I have spent the last year slowly starting to lose it. For me, this has meant changing my eating habits and starting to move around occasionally, but my emphasis in year one has definitely been on food. I've counted calories, and I've read endless amounts of information about good nutrition and good cooking. I joined FatSecret.com, and have reduced my weight from about 285 lbs to just under 215 lbs. My eventual weight goal is unknown (I'll see what feels right when I'm in the right neighborhood), but my current long-term goal is 165 lbs. To get to a "healthy" weight according to the dreaded BMI chart, I need to hit 145. We'll see. A FatSecret buddy linked OMFG a few weeks ago, and I've been lurking ever since. :)

Nerd-wise, I've been most kinds of nerd at some point in my life. When I was young, I was a tech nerd (at 8, I was writing DOS programs-- those were the days...), and I grew into a band/choir/speech/scholastic bowl nerd in high school. I am now a law nerd, though I have maintained my passion for music, performing, and above all, trivia. I've also picked up some gaming nerditude, playing WoW with my husband and some friends. I also love Alternate Reality Games, though my passion and energy for that has waned a little in the last few months (see below).

I have a slight manic tendency, in the "I like space; we should build a rocket ship in the backyard RIGHT NOW" sense, but it's mostly worked for me so far. I get into things, and I get excited about them, though I tend to lose interest/motivation after a while. Fortunately, healthy eating has not fallen by the wayside, and I have changed enough of my habits and desires that I don't expect it to. Fitness however... well, let's just say I've never made it a consistent priority. I've always been a busy girl, and as I've mentioned, I tend to put a lot of energy into everything I do. This leaves little time and energy for "second tier" priorities. I hope that by getting involved here, I can make my fitness a first tier priority, now and for good. Fortunately, I've recruited my best friend, my husband "Zul", to help me stick with this until it becomes a habit. I am lucky in so many ways.

So that's a little (okay, maybe a lot) about me. I've signed up for the February Challenge, and the OMFG (yay Druids!), and I look forward to meeting and chatting with everyone!

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Yay Druids! Yay trivia-fandom! Yay rediculous levels of random enthusiasm! You and I will get along just fine, Minyla. : )

I've always taken an OOH SHINY approach to fitness, and it's worked fairly well for me. There's no such thing as boredom, since I'm always doing something new and different. The key is to be focused on fitness in general, and bounce from activity to activity. I've found the stuff that I really want to excel in, I'm able to focus on long enough or approach from different angles to develop it fairly well (I bounce from weights to traditional body weight exercises to very unusual gymnastics moves, but it all develops strength). So have no fear! You are home. : )

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Aww, thanks guys! :D

@werwolf, I am happy to take that as a compliment, since I have never actually seen Real Genius (I know, I know...). I definitely take "girl-uber-nerd" as a compliment. :D

@Alethea, yay! :) Enthusiasm is definitely something I've got in spades. I'm glad to hear that it's working for you. I'd love to be the kind of person who spends a little time each week (or even each day) on fitness, but I haven't found the right rhythm yet. One of the things I really like about the idea of OMFG is that there are a whole bunch of ideas and tasks already set out for me to work on, so I can spend some time working on a yoga position or on running or on swimming, etc, without feeling like I've already abandoned what I was doing five minutes ago. Thanks for your hard work on that, btw!

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I've always taken an OOH SHINY approach to fitness

LOL Just to fitness, Alethea? ...... I take an OOH SHINY approach to almost everything and then, discovering I'm half magpie, I covet. *beams* You're right... Minyla will fit in just peachy. *wicked grin* Welcome to the group!

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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doing that in 3" heels on a railroad track just gives you extra cool points. Did I say cool points? I meant insanity points. But they're pretty much the same thing.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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