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Who Inspires You?

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Hopefully this hasn't been done already. This is a site full of nerds, so everyone here must have someone, either real life or fictional who inspires them, either physically in terms of appearance or by what they do.

Even if it's Jar Jar Binks, I want you to own up. Who is the person you imagine urging you to finish that last burpee or to walk straight on past the fast food shop?

Mine is personally Adam Jensen, the protagonist of the new Deus Ex game, all I know about the character is what I've seen in the trailer, but watch it and blame me for wanting to be half as cool as that :Phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIPrVB12CK4


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Robert B. Parker's Spenser is my primary fictional inspiration. Maybe with a dash of Jason Bourne. :P

For real life figures, I'd take some kind of amalgamation of Crossfit althletes Miko Salo and Dave Lipson.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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Spartacus from the Starz series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. The Hero from the Quest for Glory series of video games. Bill Adama, the Old Man.

Although, one of my long term goals right now is to be fit enough to dress as Kratos (from God of War) for Halloween in the next couple of years. He's not the greatest role model, though. :)

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I don't have an inspiration person so much as inspiration songs. One of them is "Up" by The Saturdays (for the lyric "I'm ready to be in control and the ground isn't good enough for me") and another is "Uprising" by Muse (for the lyric "They will not control us, we will be victorious"). Spot the similarities if you can. ;) I guess I'm all about me taking control of my body, my diet, and my life. Inspiring stuff.

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Henry rollins is a big inspiration for me, don't agree with all his views but most of the ones focused on fitness and living well.

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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I have lots, I need the extra encouragement ;-)

Friday Jones (Heinlein)

Dejah Thoris Carter 'nee Burroughs (Heinlein)

Dejah Thoris (Burroughs)

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

Trinity (Matrix)

Hazel Stone (Heinlein)

Lessa (McCaffrey)

A few computers

Gay Deceiver (Heinlein)

Dora (Heinlein)

Minerva (Heinlein)

Mycroft Holmes (Heinlein)

And a few males for spice ;-)

Johnnie Rico (Heinlein)

Hugh Farnham (Heinlein)

Zebadiah Carter (Heinlein)

And a few real life people

Gene Logsdon

Dalai Lama

Harrison Ford

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I am also in need of a lot of inspiration.


Kahlan and Richard from the Sword of Truth series, both hardcore warriors who understand making hard choices and living to the hilt.

Resolute from the DragonCrown War series. He's unstoppable. I can just picture him curling his lip in disdain whenever I feel like coping out when the going gets tough.

Phedre from the Kushiel series, who's every decision is made from love, and incidentally is incredibly fit.

Bridgette from Wheel of Time, hero extraordinarre who is competant, straight-forward, and has fun in her downtime.

Video Games:

Laura Croft, who lives her life based purely on what sounds cool, resulting in a damn cool life.


Dharma from Dharma and Greg. The quintessential Bendy Yoga Chick, who has a great attitude.

Jason Bourne. Cool, collected, and frighteningly competant.

Ripley from the Alien series. Hardcore.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I don't have an inspiration person so much as inspiration songs. One of them is "Up" by The Saturdays (for the lyric "I'm ready to be in control and the ground isn't good enough for me")


I guess mine would be Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5 HAHAHA even though he looks like he got 'roided up, I dunno, I just want to look as sex--I mean menacing as he does.


Or Daniel Craig from James Bond. I'm not actually gunning for super mass like them but yea, like I said, I like the look of them.


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I guess mine would be Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5 HAHAHA even though he looks like he got 'roided up, I dunno, I just want to look as sex--I mean menacing as he does.


Or Daniel Craig from James Bond. I'm not actually gunning for super mass like them but yea, like I said, I like the look of them.

Whenever I play that game with a friend, we spend the whole time talking about how huge his arms are :P It's downright impractical :D

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I guess mine would be Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5 HAHAHA even though he looks like he got 'roided up, I dunno, I just want to look as sex--I mean menacing as he does.


Or Daniel Craig from James Bond. I'm not actually gunning for super mass like them but yea, like I said, I like the look of them.

Hotttt :) Daniel Craig also = hot.

WHO INSPIRES ME: Anyone who is faster at running than me, more dedicated to working out than me, or who is more ripped than me. I get equal motivation seeing a guy who is ripped vs. a girl who is ripped.

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Well, there's these two, for starters...

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Although actually, I'd throw a decent number of the rest of their casts in with them, particularly Giles, the Old Man, and Lee.

"Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'."

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There are a couple real people in my life who've inspired me. My drill seargant in NJROTC was an amazing man who cared about every kid who walked through his door, whether they were taking his classes or not. I went to him once and told him I thought a friend of mine (who was also in ROTC) was suicidal and he instantly gave me a note to get her out of class to be taken to her office. I never did find out if she was suicidal or not, but I've always respected Top for doing stuff like that -- no hesitation, just love.

One of my acting mentors is one of the most loving people I've ever known. My relationship with him is a little hard to describe, since I've known him for over half my life now. When I was a kid, I adored him, as do just about every kid who works with him. (I've yet to see an exception.) I recently had a chance to work with him in The Sound of Music, and I took that opportunity to try to put aside my childish feelings of adoration and examine him with an adult's eyes... and came out admiring him even more. Again: an amazing man. His faith in the goodness in people is contagious -- I've historically been very cynical about human nature, but when you're around him it's impossible to believe that people are anything but basically good with the ability to become better. He, too, loves every kid he comes in contact with and will do anything to help someone in need. (And in case that doesn't sound complex, consider this: he's about my dad's age and I've known him since I was twelve... but when he's on procession at the Renn Fair as one of the barons and my friends and I are in our busty peasant wench outfits, he and others try to throw chocolate coins in our ample cleavage. It's all in good fun -- and fun it is -- but a small part of my brain boggles o_O every time I think about it. Actors FTW.)

Daft Punk inspires me with Harder Better Faster Stronger.

Ender's Game has been inspiring to me since I first read it at the tender age of nine. It was the first book I ever stayed up until 4 AM to finish because I couldn't put it down, and I'll never forget Ender's words to his troops: The enemy's gate is down. It's amazing how thinking that gets a few extra reps out of me when I'm weight lifting.

A less direct inspiration, going back to real people, is a good friend of mine who is like a sister to me. For several years now, in my sociology studies, I've been faced with the inherent difficulties of moving from one socioeconomic status to another. There are a lot of barriers in place, particularly to moving up out of poverty -- it's pretty damned ridiculous, honestly. But she went from poor (really poor) to middle class while raising a child by herself. She has a husband now, a man who took to helping her long before they became romantically involved and then married, but she started the path out of poverty long before she even got pregnant. She demanded the education she deserved after her family moved to a village with a K-12 school that required literacy classes. She hasn't gone to college because her son has been her primary focus, but they live comfortably, and she's able to provide her son with opportunities she never had. She encourages his love of learning, too, which increases his chances of going higher. At the risk of sounding redundant, she's also amazing. I've been unsuccessful in convincing her of that, though.

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Ender's Game has been inspiring to me since I first read it at the tender age of nine. It was the first book I ever stayed up until 4 AM to finish because I couldn't put it down, and I'll never forget Ender's words to his troops: The enemy's gate is down. It's amazing how thinking that gets a few extra reps out of me when I'm weight lifting.


I love my Ender's Game. Given to me to read in 8th grade by my husband who was a boyfriend at the time. Changed everything about the way I thought. I was no longer the boring normal girl trying to maintain some status with the popular kids. I was a nerd to the core, and that was totally okay.

Also, this is so mommy cliche, but my kids inspire me to be better. They are wonderful and bright and scary. They are going to take over the world and I have to do everything in my power to keep up. :)

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(And in case that doesn't sound complex, consider this: he's about my dad's age and I've known him since I was twelve... but when he's on procession at the Renn Fair as one of the barons and my friends and I are in our busty peasant wench outfits, he and others try to throw chocolate coins in our ample cleavage. It's all in good fun -- and fun it is -- but a small part of my brain boggles o_O every time I think about it. Actors FTW.)

This is totally off topic, but that's funny...that sounds a lot like my high school choir director. I loved him like...well, not a father, exactly, but definitely a favorite uncle, as did every kid who ever gave his choir half a chance. And he would have done anything for us. The choir room was everybody's safe haven, and we used to occasionally bring competition judges to tears with how well we responded to his direction. And yet, when I once came to choir in a low-cut Shakespearian costume I was wearing for the theater production, his immediate reaction was to look down my top, ask, "What are you supposed to be? A hooker?" and fish a dollar bill out of his wallet.

"Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'."

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This is totally off topic, but that's funny...that sounds a lot like my high school choir director. I loved him like...well, not a father, exactly, but definitely a favorite uncle, as did every kid who ever gave his choir half a chance. And he would have done anything for us. The choir room was everybody's safe haven, and we used to occasionally bring competition judges to tears with how well we responded to his direction. And yet, when I once came to choir in a low-cut Shakespearian costume I was wearing for the theater production, his immediate reaction was to look down my top, ask, "What are you supposed to be? A hooker?" and fish a dollar bill out of his wallet.

Our band teacher in high school was the guy like this for our group. Only after I graduated and came back to help coach the flag team for him did something like this happen. It is surprising to realize he was a man as well as a mentor.

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Well, there's these two, for starters...

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Although actually, I'd throw a decent number of the rest of their casts in with them, particularly Giles, the Old Man, and Lee.

Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes. These. Especially Starbuck.

River Tam: My food is problematic...

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