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Hi there this is dna here.. I just wanted to introduce myself to all here...

I used to be very active and fit as a kid that was until i had my ankle busted during a football game. After that it was all downhill. I suffered through setbacks while recuperating but now its behind me. I am 5'9" and weigh around 180pounds which i think is a tad high. As a kid i used to be into swimming, football, cricket, basketball, table tennis, tennis, squash along with cycling, hiking, mountain climbing etc.

Nowadays i try to stick to a routine that involves doing a circuit of: 15pushups, 10 body weight squats, 20 jumping jacks, 10lunges and 10 crunches in a set of 3 followed by dumbbells, skipping and stretching. I do supplement my mentioned circuit which i do in the evening by doing yoga 5 days a week along with 2km early morning walks though waking up is the issue :D!!

Well i was always a nerd starting from playing Prince of Persia in dos mode to destroying my first motherboard while trying to assemble a PC (lesson learnt never scratch a screwdriver into the motherboard :P). Recently i started writing stories short stories basically along with photographing places and sights using my old Olympus OM2n model (yes its pre-historic relic which uses a film role not SD cards :|) its a joy to see the photos develop must say :)!!

I have been reading the newsletters of Nerd Fitness for a while now and finally decided to immerse myself fully into the forums as well... I'm sure i will learn a lot from you folks..



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Hiya DNA! Thats a great all around fitness routine. Especially happy to see the yoga! Do you plan to take up hiking again in the summer? I do adore walking, especially away from concrete, and being able to take pictures is a definite bonus!

You are more then welcome to join our 28 Day Challenge, which just started on Monday. It's good fun!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Thanks for the welcome @Alethea :)!! well i just about started maybe 2 months into it.. getting back on track.... I always liked Yoga and meditation it gives me some "Me" time i guess ...

Unfortunately atm i dont have much time for hiking nor do i have my old gang but sometime soon i do wanna get back to it... along with long walks/runs in the beach!!!

Thanks i surely will join in... been reading a lot about it in the newsletters... will post away in that once again :)!!

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Depends, I'd say Nikon or Canon would offer more options in the future but if you're happy with Olympus and can use your old lenses then stick with it if you want to save money. I've never done film and I'm sure it would've been great, but being able to take 10k photos a year without having to buy the 278 roles of film and then develop all of them is an absolute blessing! :P

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@inferiormadbeing: Ahh yes Digital does have its added advantage of clicking away many pictures and choosing instantly whats the best one. Good learning. Since i started off by using my dads Oly i fell in love with the entire experience of film rolls. The anticipation of seeing how the pictures came out, how to improve on it - something very different. I was actually contemplating whether to install a dark room into my house instead of going Digital :D!!

Yes thats the advantage of using a digital Oly so that I can use my legacy lens with a bit of hindrance though anyway thanks for the suggestions mate :)!!

@rcarper: Thanks for the welcome.... hopefully i do meet them :)!!

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Dark rooms are fantastically fun. An old roommate of mine had one, and I had a blast trying all sorts of development special effects. Only possible downside is a) the cost of film, and B) when you're developing it yourself, sometimes things go horribly horribly wrong, and you wreck all/part of a roll. Or maybe that was just me.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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