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Another New Recruit Reporting

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Greetings all

I've always been a big guy. I'm 33 years old, 6'4-ish (it honestly changes) and am currently at 285#. Even when I trained martial arts five days a week in my teens I didn't drop below 265# and kept my ample waist so we'll see what happens as I embark on my current quest.

I know that my will is my weakest link. I'm like a lot of people in that I've half-assed tried and "failed" with starting to exercise or diet. I treated college the same way and washed out of engineering school, mostly because it was hard work. I've been working for the same company for almost 9 years in the medical billing field for almost 11 years, and I really don't like it. But at the same time, it's been easier to do nothing and complain than get out, network and try to find something new. In 2008 I decided it was time for a change and started back on my degree path through Washington State University's online degree program. In August of 2010, after 30 months of classes, I completed my degree, and a professional writing certificate, graduating summa cum laude.

A month ago I decided that I wanted to climb the 65' climbing wall at REI's flagship Seattle store. I'm deathly afraid of heights and I don't exercise, so this was going to be a challenge on several levels. My wife thought it sounded like fun, too, so we went and signed up for the following weekend (they only take reservations and they were all booked up). We went back the next Sunday, each climbed to about the 45' level and had a blast! The height wasn't as scary as I thought it might be and the belayer we were paired with was great-- we trusted her and the equipment completely.

About three weeks ago a friend of mine told me about the Warrior Dash which is a 3.55mile (5.6Km) obstacle course/run. This seems like it's right up my alley, except for the running. We'll be climbing cargo nets, big hay bales, mud pits- it really sounds awesome and I'll have at least a half dozen friends running with me. There's just one problem: aside from some recreational biking during good weather, like I said before I don't really exercise. :)

The wife had been talking about taking advantage of our respective corporate discounts at the Gold's Gym that is about a block from the building we work in (same building, different companies). I met with a trainer for the first time on Friday and we did box jumping, climber's pushups and kettle bells for weights. I told him that I have no interest in machines, and he said most of the trainers at this location prefer to not use them. Because I know that my personal motivation is fairly low and I have no set of exercises to choose from I'll be working with a trainer twice a week for the next three or four weeks and then I'll meet with him at least once a week after that. It's something we'll have to play by ear.

Regarding diet- I really reduced my processed food intake two years ago and have recently eliminated bread and wheat products from my diet. My wife has psoriatic arthritis and gluten causes painful joint inflammation. It's been hard because, well, it's bread! Burgers are tasty. Pasta is tasty, and easy! But it's part of the deal, right? Included in the processed foods we avoid are ice cream, chips, sodas, candy, etc. It's actually kind of nice that a couple of M&Ms now satisfy the chocolate craving, instead of needing an entire King Size bag, for example. We also don't use artificial sweeteners because that stuff will probably kill a person faster than eating real-sugar junk food will.

We also eat mostly organic meats. There's a local beef ranch that raises their cattle without antibiotics, etc and leaves them on the pasture until the day they're herded to go to the abattoir. Occasionally we'll have a steak at a restaurant and they're almost nasty in comparison.

The most helpful suggestion I've been given to curb cravings is to use a tongue scraper when brushing my teeth. Apparently the sugars and starches in food will stay on the tongue and roof of the mouth, so the brain is constantly receiving sugar signals. At least that's how it was explained to me, I do know it works on those days where I N-E-E-D sugar.

I know this was long, but I'm taking the advice of the How to Not Suck at Goal Setting post by making it ALL public. Thanks for reading :)

I read a study once that said doing ANYTHING in the gym is more anabolic than doing NOTHING sitting in front of the computer.

~Chris Shugart @ T-nation

Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and is

transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.

~Morihei Ueshiba


* Robb Wolf Podcast #68- Matt Lalonde vs gluten (<-transcript)

*Documentary: Fat Head

*NF blog:Most Inspirational 20 Minutes

*Starting Strength Wiki

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Welcome Gowaduv! I want to start by saying a massive congratulations to you for taking control and making changes in your life. It takes so much courage to not only admit that you're not happy in your situation, but to take the necessary steps to change it. And summa cum laude as well!

The Rebels on this board are encouraging and supportive and I'm glad we can be part of your journey!

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Hey man, welcome to the boards!!

Congradulations indeed on finishing your degree, changing your diet, facing your fears on the climbing wall and taking up exercise! What fantastic progress already, and you've made some great goals to work toward (I wish we had a warrior dash near me. It sounds like such fun). Thumbs up on the trainer idea. It's so helpful to have someone take the lead when you're starting something unfamiliar, especially fitness. What did you think of kettleballs? That's the favorite of a couple of people on this board.

Have you looked into Primal/Paleo nutrition? Their basic premise is that Grains Are Evil, with Eat As Naturally As Possible as a close #2. Seems like it'd be RIGHT up your alley, and there's so many good recipes out there you'll never miss bread again. How is your wife's arthritis since she quit grains? I've heard that nightshades such as peppers and tomatos are also infammatory and can aggrivate joints, if she's still having trouble.

As you can see, we're definite fans of long posts here. Welcome aboard! : )

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Thanks Werwolf, it's good to be here.

Althea: Yeah, I basically eat paleo, but haven't been calling it that. I don't know if potatoes are included with paleo, but I generally skip those, too because they convert to sugar so readily. The wife eats tomatoes sparingly, like once or twice a week as a salsa or pico de gallo. They don't usually affect her inflammation but they're sugary so they're not in regular rotation. She'll always have inflammatory issues but tries to limit her pain med intake through diet. Thanks for passing along the info :)

I read a study once that said doing ANYTHING in the gym is more anabolic than doing NOTHING sitting in front of the computer.

~Chris Shugart @ T-nation

Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and is

transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.

~Morihei Ueshiba


* Robb Wolf Podcast #68- Matt Lalonde vs gluten (<-transcript)

*Documentary: Fat Head

*NF blog:Most Inspirational 20 Minutes

*Starting Strength Wiki

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Hi there Gowa,

Welcome to the boards. Interesting that you say that about tomatoes because I have recently started paleo and have been thinking the exact same thing. 'So sweet, blech'. (Fruit is an exception).

I will be participating in the Warrior dash on the east coast with hopefully a couple of the DC local members. We must post pictures!

Grats on moving foward with your life and degree and good luck on fitness challenges you have set for yourself.

"She turned me into a newt!"

"A newt?"

"I got better..."

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/NFPlex

That's NFPlex.

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Clawed: I get that a lot. You'd think I would stick out like a sore thumb but I frequently hear things like that and I'm like WTF- I'm not even a Costco member :) Maybe once I drop some of the squishy off of my frame people will know it's me, and not another non-descript chubby white guy with a beard in the Seattle area :D

I read a study once that said doing ANYTHING in the gym is more anabolic than doing NOTHING sitting in front of the computer.

~Chris Shugart @ T-nation

Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and is

transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.

~Morihei Ueshiba


* Robb Wolf Podcast #68- Matt Lalonde vs gluten (<-transcript)

*Documentary: Fat Head

*NF blog:Most Inspirational 20 Minutes

*Starting Strength Wiki

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