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Hey all,


I ran into this site a little while ago and after lurking around for the past couple of weeks devouring articles and its great stuff. I also really like the community here, you guys all seem to really support and care for each other (which is awesome!) and I'm excited to become a rebel with ya'll! 


Anyway, here's the skinny: I'm a 19 year old guy from TN but currently living in Austin. I'm a huge closet nerd and enjoy reading pretty much everything. I still haven't decided if Superman or Batman is better but I'm confident that either of them could beat Luke Skywalker to a pulp (that's right, I just crossed genres to prove my nerd cred!). My entire life I've been thin. Like unhealthy runway model thin. Which is unfortunate because I love (american) football. It's my favorite sport and I've always fancied myself as a pretty good player. Sadly, high school coaches had a different opinion on seeing my 5'11, 120 lbs hard gaining self when I tried out for the team my sophomore year. I was told I was way to small and "strongly encouraged" to go run cross country. So I did. Turns out I hate running. A lot. 


Fast forward a couple years to the summer of my senior year: I've packed on 40 lbs to get to 160, I've learned the playbook and look in line for some playing time. Boom, mono hits! Even worse, my doc screws up his diagnosis and prescribes me penicillin. Come to find out that I'm extremely allergic to penicillin. My body reacts super-violently and long story short I end up losing 30 lbs and being declared "medically ineligible" because any sort of jarring hit could rupture my swollen spleen. I was pretty disappointed to say the least.


Still, life went on and I finished out my senior year. I was super de-motivated to work out and only got back to 150 lbs, thanks only to eating because I never entered a weight room. After I graduated (May of 2011) I decided to take a gap year and spend a year working for a medical charity in Africa.


That turned out to be an amazing year and a great choice for a million different reasons, but from a fitness standpoint they had a weight room on board which, combined with a involuntary high carb diet, lead to me gaining 20 lbs that year, a huge deal for a super hard gainer like myself. When I got back to the States this past August I continued hitting the gym and put on another 10 lbs or so, so I'm up to about 181 lbs.


Recently though with the holidays I've been slacking off, skipping meals and skipping workouts while making excuses that I can't because I have work, or because I'm too tired, or because I just need to get in one more round of zombies. At the end of the day its all procrastination and laziness. Enough is enough! I'm hoping that joining this community will help me gain some new momentum while making some great new friends who will help keep me accountable and support me while I do the same for them!




- Warrior -

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Welcome to the community! It sounds like you're made some awesome progress already. I'm also kind of jealous you live in Austin, because that's one of the few parts I miss from Texas. Also a great place to meet some fun, nerdy people - so get out of the closet. :playful:  But in all seriousness, I'm sure you'll find some of the momentum you're looking for here. Are you participating in the six week challenge?

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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Welcome aboard. Always glad to see fellow Texans joining the board.  As for crossed genre matchups, they always favor the biases of the one crossing them. (In my mind crossed genres always end up in the good guys from each genre teaming up to beat the bad guys from both).  From your post you sound like a good fit for the warriors. Have you considered joining the six week challenge that starts today?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Hey guys! 


Yep, I did join the challenge and you can find my thread here. Austin is pretty fun when I can clear out the time to actually go out and have a social life. A big plus to being here though is that so many band and singers come through on tour, which is pretty great. 

- Warrior -

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