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Weird Frame of Mind - Vision and Philosophy (Leadership Development Course)

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I might have worked out too much today... or I'm just a little sleep deprived. The module we're working on in Leadership development and my assignment seems to have gone a little deep.

The assignment topic is: How does your philosophy of leadership act as a compass for your vision as a career in the fitness industry?

I'm going to post my answer and I'm curious - taking out the "fitness industry" part and sub'ing in your career of choice, how would you answer this question? Do you see yourself as any kind of a leader?

Clarity · Depth · Vision

From Philosophy to Practise

Andrea Fikkert

Philosophy and vision statements: the “how to†and the “where toâ€. You’d think on the surface at least that they wouldn’t be all that difficult to develop and yet I find that’s not the case. Who am I? What do I believe? Where do I want to be? Who do I want to be? Out of all of the reading on vision in the textbook the one point that really resonated with me was that to successfully draw others to you, to share your vision, you must be totally and completely committed. It has to be your north star. When everything else in your life cycles through seasonal and sometimes unexpected circumstance your vision has to be the one thing you can always look to, always point unerringly to. It has to be the one thing to which you can say “This is what we follow to get to where we’re going. This is how we get home. I know the way.†So if vision is a destination, your philosophy of leadership dictates the path you take to get there. If your vision is so directly tied into what you believe doesn’t it make sense that to keep sight of that vision you have to remain true to who you are? The path you take has to fit within the scope of what you see or you lose sight of it. Instead of a vision it becomes a pretty pipe dream. Without the structure of your philosophy to keep you moving in the right direction you risk not moving at all. The vision becomes a dream, the dream becomes a wish, the wish becomes wishful thinking until it’s nothing but a bitter memory of what you COULD have done. Where you COULD have gone. Who you COULD have been. I sincerely believe that there is no greater tragedy in this world than the death of a vision or dream due to an apathetic nature. There is too much “some day†and not enough “right nowâ€.

One of the defining moments in my life came just before I had my first son. I was pregnant at sixteen, trying desperately to get my High School diploma, I had just left the baby’s father who was abusive and was facing the terrifying prospect of trying to support myself and a newborn as an under-age single mother with no education in a province where I didn’t have any family. I had me. Only me. My science teacher had a copy of “Invictus†by William Ernest Henley framed on his desk and I sat staring at it every single class for almost a year. I still have it memorized:


Out of the night that covers me, black as the Pit from pole to pole

I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried allowed

Under the bludgeoning of chance, my head is bloody but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade

And yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find me, unafraid

It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll

I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

This was the spirit of the child I had been. I was at a point in my life where I could turn away from that and become much less or I could choose to take the wheel. While my vision at the time was completely out of focus, my personal and leadership philosophy took shape and while I feel I’ve done very well between there and here I’ve been wandering, still lost. I am not wandering any longer. I have a vision now. Now we see who I can become. Now we see what I can do. I recommend standing back a step...

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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I like your thoughts, and I see the 'could' statements as really tying into who you are as a trainer and person on this board as general :D

Though I feel sorry for you, sounds like life has been a bit...well, rough at times...

As for my leadership thoughts, they are a jumbled mess in my mind right now. I'm trying to lay down a five year plan, and realize that in some ways I'm a great leader, but in other ways I suck. I talk about life in general, not just in my job, because I believe leadership extends past who I am at work (not in charge, but lead in my own way) and to who I am really when I'm at home. The jumbled mess gets worse when I realize I can't separate my faith and spirituality and personality as a Christian, nor can I say I would live without my faith at either work or home. However, I'm at least at home recognizing that in some ways I'm an absolute hypocrite, that I have a lot of issues, but I at least have a good reason for living and changing my life...

And yes, it's complicated. But isn't that the point of life? A non-complicated life would be very very boring... :D

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Though I feel sorry for you, sounds like life has been a bit...well, rough at times...

Don't be silly... I feel more sorry for someone with an easy life. I know exactly who I am and what I'm capable of.

The jumbled mess gets worse when I realize I can't separate my faith and spirituality and personality as a Christian, nor can I say I would live without my faith at either work or home. However, I'm at least at home recognizing that in some ways I'm an absolute hypocrite, that I have a lot of issues, but I at least have a good reason for living and changing my life...

Why does your personality and your faith have to be seperated? If you have faith, it's part of your personality. It's like trying to remove your elbow and still maintain full use of your hand. If you find you're being hypocritical in your faith and you can recognize it, then it's something you can make an effort to correct. It doesn't matter what kind of leader you are, what kind of person you are, if you don't hold yourself to the same standards you're expecting everyone else to follow then it doesn't work. You won't get any respect. Lead yourself first... others will follow naturally. =)

And yes, it's complicated. But isn't that the point of life? A non-complicated life would be very very boring... :D

*wicked grin* And no one follows a boring leader...

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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Why does your personality and your faith have to be seperated? If you have faith, it's part of your personality. It's like trying to remove your elbow and still maintain full use of your hand. If you find you're being hypocritical in your faith and you can recognize it, then it's something you can make an effort to correct. It doesn't matter what kind of leader you are, what kind of person you are, if you don't hold yourself to the same standards you're expecting everyone else to follow then it doesn't work. You won't get any respect. Lead yourself first... others will follow naturally. =)

Right. That's why I'm here. To exist in my faith/personality/life and do what I think is possible/beyond possible through these challenges. I didn't say it wasn't a process I wasn't working through, just that it's a jumbled mess at the moment :)

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Since I am a wuss, I did not reply at first. But your writing stuck with me on the way out, and now I am replying. To say it's inspiring feels a bit like a cliche, but hopefully one that I will be forgiven. Because it is.

I myself haven't found the north star yet beyond seeing a vague shine sometimes. But I'll keep looking.

Thank you for sharing.

Victory, not vengeance.

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I myself haven't found the north star yet beyond seeing a vague shine sometimes. But I'll keep looking.

That's the real kicker, isn't it? I've known for most of my life that, in some way or another, I was going to take over the world. Not all of it, sure, but some small piece I was going to really dig my heels in and make a better place. Up until the beginning of 2010, however, I couldn't have told you how. That's over 30 years of searching the sky and myself, trying to find that point of reference. I've been ready to run for as long as I can remember and I've only just found the starting line.

Keep looking... it's there. Somewhere... =)

. ~*~ Some things make ripples... I prefer to make waves. ~*~ .

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I've known for most of my life that, in some way or another, I was going to take over the world. Not all of it, sure, but some small piece I was going to really dig my heels in and make a better place. Up until the beginning of 2010, however, I couldn't have told you how. That's over 30 years of searching the sky and myself, trying to find that point of reference. I've been ready to run for as long as I can remember and I've only just found the starting line.

Good for you! and on a less serious note, I have my own thoughts on that too :D Mwahahahahahahaha!

Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"

The Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"

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