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     Hi! So, let's see... I'm not very familiar with forums or gaming {what are you doing here? this is a NERD forum!!}, but I'm going to do my best and hope people correct me along the way!  :nevreness:  I'm falling head over heels for the whole NF deal - a motivational website that deals with my issues, spewing geeky easter eggs in it's wake?  Whaaaaat?  


     Standing in the dawn of what appears will be a mediocre adulthood, I'm deciding to shake things up a little.  Clearly, what I've been doing up to now hasn't been fulfilling enough, or I would have more confidence and trust in myself.   My one secret, almost unconscious, goal in life has been to be a BAMF.  I spend hours reading, watching shows, and thinking about characters who really go for it, all or nothing.  They try to use their powers for good, balance work and play, and generally carry themselves like they are the best thing since sliced bread. The saying is that desires rule the world, and the desires of these BAMF's carries them to seemingly impossible heights.  They beat the odds.  They are the triumphant underdogs: wrestling with their demons, but forging ahead, nonetheless.  I really, really want that for myself.   


     I googled "How to Become a Superhero," looking for some tongue-in-cheek list of useless internet material.  What I found instead was Steve's article on this website, and I was taken aback.  This guy is serious!  He really thinks life can be that awesome.  Where does this link go . . . and he's done some awesome stuff already . . . and so has this person . . . and THIS person!  Okay, I'll jump down the rabbit-hole; these people may be crazy, but I like it! 


    SO. Here I am posting this. I am 5'5" and 120 lbs, not looking for a massive weight change, but a toned body and some rock-steady habits.  My beloved job's conditions and schedule prevents me from following my 2nd passion, martial arts.  It also slathers my life in stress and little down time, leading me to eat my feelings.  My mostly-well-meaning family pushes me to the edge: be better than perfect, watch your weight, and let's play mind games to try and motivate you (producing the opposite response.)  I naturally became a hakuna-matata-master (read: lazy and not very ambitious) to navigate through these stressful waters, but I'm slowly figuring out that sometimes you can't achieve great things without getting a little worked up and enthused.  â€œPeople are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them," says Paul Coelho.  


     According to the folks on here, this baggage does NOT mean I have to kiss my BAMF dreams good-bye.  I'm starting by:

     - Going 100% Paleo. 

     - Doing an activity 6 days a week.  Special consideration given to the basic exercises on this site and fun things. 

     - Seeing muscle definition.

     - Finding or creating a support system for when I will invariably want to call it quits. 

     - Buying a pair of Vibram's. 

     - Reseting my understanding of food and why/when I should be utilizing it.  

     - Having martial arts in my life 2 years from now, once I've played a little Jenga with my life to make room. 

     - Loosening the hold of marketing and HFCS on my habits. 

     - Not being afraid of my potential as a human being. 

     - Hopefully having galactic-sized confidence in myself even before I achieve any of these goals. 

     - Being awesome.  I aim to misbehave.  :playful:




   El Fin (if you made it here. haha)







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Welcome to the rebellion. Those are some good goals and motivations for reaching them. The next step is to take baby-steps to get there. The six week challenge that starts today is a great place to start. What are four things (three fitness and one life) you can accomplish in the next six weeks that will get you closer to the ultimate goals you listed above?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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"I naturally became a hakuna-matata-master (read: lazy and not very ambitious)"


I love it! This describes me to a T. Anxiety problems and a not-so-great family life have definitely led me to a harmful "giving up is so much easier" type of lifestyle.


It's awesome to be ambitious, and great that confidence is something you're trying to gain! That's a great goal. I'm also starting the challenge tanktimus listed, and you should, too!

Lvl. 2 Ranger Assassin Shapeshifter


STR - 3 | DEX - 3 | STA - 7 | CON - 4 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 4


Current Challenge: Breaking Chains

(Really) Old Challenges 1 | 2 | 3

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Welcome to the rebellion! Can I just say I love your writing voice? Would that come off as creepy? Anyway..


I think you've got some great long term goals and a lot of motivation. Also a great sense of humor from the sounds of it, which I think is important for the good life. Good luck on your challenge! And I hope you find lots of fun nerdy things to get into (Seeing as you ended the list with a Firefly reference, I doubt it will be that difficult). :redface:

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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Thanks for the support guys! Seriously.  


tanktimus- I'm all over that challenge!  It sounds like it will be an awesome learning experience.  My goals are: 

 #1. 95% Paleo

 #2. No soda

 #3. 45 min. (at least) of physical activity, 6 days a week

 #4. [Life Goal] Allot a portion of each day to organizing my work and personal things, and staying on top of the messes I make. 

Great suggestion!


basscrack- Yay, I'm not alone!! That attitude helped me get through some tough times, but yeah  . . . it's turned out to be much more of a hinderance in the long run.   :/   Good luck with your challenge!!!


jofalltrades- Bahaha! On the contrary, I'm flattered!  Also, I'm glad you caught that reference!  I'm a secret nerd in real life and made that my facebook status once . . . the few comments I got were like, "ow ow,  someone's aiming for the naughty list!"   hahaha  *facepalm*   Good luck on your challenge, as well!

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