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Hi everyone, I'm Nova. I'm also a gnome, apparently, (thanks for that stat builder thing, I had no idea what race to put myself down as) and an ex-assassin hoping to get back into being one.


About me: I'm 25, and support myself financially with artistic exploits. My current exploit is putting together a business to sell hand made monster toys. I'm a huge gamer, sci-fi, fantasy nerd. I play tons of games (all genres), listen to music from everywhere and am absolutely addicted to learning stuff. My favorite ways to spend my days are learning something new, whether it's a new craft skill (I had never sewn before six months ago for instance), or some new tidbit of knowledge to tuck in the back of my brain.


Backstory: I was a very very active teenager.  Then I found out there was a genetic defect with the muscles surrounding my knee and would have to learn to walk again over six months. This also effectively ended my dancing career. That was the first hit of a sedentary lifestyle, but I ovecame it and tried to get back in shape. About six months after that, I ended up in a hospital bed. I would be in and out of that hospital bed for the next five years, and spent the rest of that time stuck in bed at home. I was almost entirely bed ridden for about three of those five years, and all that muscle I had disappeared with it. With that muscle went my confidence, most of my self-esteem, and a lot of my will to live for some time.


Flash forward to now and I am finally getting out of bed. My body is in repair, we've figure out what caused me to be placed in permanent bed-rest. I have good days and bad days still, but I find that no reason to keep laying in bed. I am so sick of that bed, you have no idea. The problem was that I went from being top form, to no form and had not the slightest bit of a clue how to get back in shape. I tried a few programs, but they all seemed to be about mid-level when I had to start from the very bottom.


That's where Nerd Fitness comes in! Now I'm just starting, but the starter workouts are totally doable and it's wonderful to just be doing something without putting myself right back in that bed (like some of the other workouts I've tried).


Ok, now goals:


For fitness, I don't really care about my weight, could care less seriously. I only care about what I can 'do' so to speak. When I was younger I could pull off what my friends would call "ninja sh*t". I would love to not only get back to the point of doing that, but surpass who I was when I was younger. This will probably take a lot of time, but I think I can do it. I want my chun-li thighs back, that is for sure.


Food wise, I eat super healthy. I don't really need the help there, it's how I've kept decently trim while stuck in bed. Now I have to get used to eating more. I usually manage about 1000 calories a day. This is nowhere near enough, I need to up that by six hundred calories at least.


Life goals is to get that confidence I lost back. I used to be super personable, and now going out in public makes me very nervous. I think once I feel strong again, I will feel less exposed in public.


Sorry for the ginormous post! I like to get everything out in the open when I start somewhere.


TLDR: Newbee fitnessee looking to make friends and get in shape.


GhostGirl, level 1 Gnome assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 1|CON 2|WIS 4|CHA 3


"Defeat, my defeat, my deathless courage, you and I shall laugh together with the storm, and together we shall dig graves for all that die in us, and we shall stand in the sun with a will, and we shall be dangerous." - Khalil Gibran

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Welcome to the rebellion. That's a great story of what you've overcome already. The assassins are the right place for you for sure. If going from 1000 to 1600 all in a go seems to much, what about upping your intake by 100 calories/week? In other words, this week shoot for 1100/day, next week 1200/day, etc so It won't seem like such a big adjustment?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Thanks for the comment, and that is a great idea! The concept of upping my calories by 600 makes me feel like I'll fall over from eating too much. So taking it in incriments sounds like a great way to handle it! I think I'm getting close to 1100, so I'll try to jump it to 1200.

GhostGirl, level 1 Gnome assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 1|CON 2|WIS 4|CHA 3


"Defeat, my defeat, my deathless courage, you and I shall laugh together with the storm, and together we shall dig graves for all that die in us, and we shall stand in the sun with a will, and we shall be dangerous." - Khalil Gibran

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Welcome to the rebellion! You've overcome so much already. I think you'll definitely find what you're looking for here.


I love that you live off of your artistic exploits. I wish I had the talent to make a living off of crafts. I think your passion to learn is amazing (sorry, I think my inner-teacher is showing). What workouts have you found work best for you?

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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Thanks for the comment jofalltrades! Living off of my artistic exploits is not too hard, though now that I'm getting toward selling a toy rather than a painting I am way out of my element. Still it'll be three to six months before the shop opens, so I have time to wrap my head around the details. Also, everyone can totally sell their crafts! In the internet age, it's really really easy to get out there.


As for the workouts, right now I'm following the rebel fitness guide. The level ones in that are (so far) really easy to handle (except planking, planking kicks my ass). I'm still digging around at other workouts available on the site, and trying to figure out what to do for excersize on my off days.

GhostGirl, level 1 Gnome assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 1|CON 2|WIS 4|CHA 3


"Defeat, my defeat, my deathless courage, you and I shall laugh together with the storm, and together we shall dig graves for all that die in us, and we shall stand in the sun with a will, and we shall be dangerous." - Khalil Gibran

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