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Okay. So. Here is the world...

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Well, my version of the world anyway.

This is my personal introduction to the rebellion and first post ever.


I'm twenty-eight years old, living in the SF bay area with my husband. I have always been more cerebral than physical in my personal pursuits (still bitter that my HS GPA depended on being able to juggle tennis balls xx amount of seconds in gym class? Why would you think that?). Definitely a picked last in gym class kind of gal.


Which is not to say that I'm not active. Or wasn't, at least. I grew up on a small farm, mostly subsistence and direct to market sales, so eating super delicious and nutritious food is a life-style. And so is physical labor. But physical labor, while making me much stronger than you would think from a once-over, doesn't necessarily lend itself to being trim, and a lot of repetitive work can cause plenty of its own issues. My daily activity level after college and marrying a military man that both took me away from the farm and being still unemployed can at best be described as "sedentary."


Our life plan is to return to the farm, and it's getting more important as the years tick by that I still be able to do the farm work once we do get back there. Plus, to generally be and stay healthy and feel better in my clothes. My husband has always been very fit and active, almost to the point of being intimidating simply because I feel so far behind, even though he is very encouraging. I think being a part of the Rebellion will help since I can be exposed to other people out there who aren't lightyears ahead of me.


So, here I am, on NF, trying to stay away from the evil video games (which I love) and be more productive and proactive in my own life. Looking forward to bettering myself with ya'll each and every day.


Starting out at 5'7" and ~ 140 pounds, with much too high of a body fat % for my freakishly small body structure. Let's see what we can do bout that.

Level 2 ~ Half-Nymph Ranger

Str: 6 l Dex: 6 l Sta: 4.8 l Con: 5.3 l Wis: 4 l Cha: 3


This is Me ~ Challenge 2 ~ beastmode


"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." - Samuel Beckett


"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." - Julia Child

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Pretty sure you are already ahead of the game by eating healthy and having some farm strength.


Welcome to the Rebellion! Look forward to seeing your Challenge :)

Paradox, Humor, Change



Level Four Half-Elf Ninja (Assassin/Monk)

Str: 15.25 l Dex: 12.25 l Sta: 10.25 l Con: 5 l Wis: 10 l Cha: 7


"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein

Ninja Gecko Profile / Battle Chronicles

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Thanks everybody!


I guess what I'm looking for is support more than anything else. With my husband in the military, I move around a lot, so my local support base is constantly being broken down about the time it's really getting established. It makes it very hard to stay motivated.


I'm your classic "skinny fat" girl. Meaning I'm curvy, but definitely small, and I'm at a healthy BMI, but my body fat percentage is high (33-34% when I got my FitBit scale last October, I've since managed to bring it down to about 31.5%, and am definitely still working on it), and that bothers me. I have a substantial amount of strength, to the point that I'm often surprising the men I encounter with my ability to lift and move heavy objects, but I'd like to actually look strong. And to increase my flexibility and endurance. Mostly, I just want to maintain a healthy lifestyle so I can live a full and lengthy life.


Also, I once heard a friend refer to his female partner as "a beast." Something about the way he said it, I thought it was the sexiest thing I'd ever heard. While I have absolutely no self-image or body-image issues where my husband is concerned, I'd still like to be able to inspire him to genuinely make that comment about me. Thankfully, he's not the type to say it just because he knows I want to hear it. He knows all this and is very supportive of me and is always willing to assist me in whatever way I need. Spotting or encouragement or what have you.


And Taijibum, you're absolutely right. Farms are a lot of work, and it's not easy. Definitely the hardest job I've ever had. But it's also the most rewarding. The farm has been in my family for 115 years (on the west coast, that's a serious accomplishment), so it's a big legacy and one I'm not willing to give up on without a fight. :-) Besides, everybody's gotta eat, and that food comes from somewhere. :-)

Level 2 ~ Half-Nymph Ranger

Str: 6 l Dex: 6 l Sta: 4.8 l Con: 5.3 l Wis: 4 l Cha: 3


This is Me ~ Challenge 2 ~ beastmode


"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." - Samuel Beckett


"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." - Julia Child

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