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incoming femme fatale hopeful!!

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Hey there everyone ~


It's nice to meet all of you. I've been following the Nerd Fitness news letters for a while now, and finally I motivated myself enough to create an account and join in with the rest of the Rebelion. C:


Well, let's get down to the nitty-gritty ~





My name is Melanie, but I'm more interested in introducing you to Raibix first.


⧠Raibix is a cute little Hobbit. Standing at 5'0", she might be on the taller end of Hobbits, but with her average build and tendency to putter around the house, this race seems to suit her the best. Shame she doesn't have a tuff of hair on her feet- wouldn't that just be adorable? ( please, note the sarcasm! )

⧠Five feet tall exactly and one-hundred forty-seven pounds of... stuff. Raibix isn't obscenely overweight, but she could definitely stand to loose some weight and tone her muscles. Toning is especially important, considering this she-Hobbit wants to become one baddass assassin.

⧠Where does Raibix stand on her stats, though? Let's start breaking this level one down.

⧠ Strength : I -- When have Hobbits ever been know for their physical strength, really? However, on her path to becomong a true assassin, Raibix will have to become at least a little stronger.

⧠ Dexterity : II -- This is where this would-be assassin will be focusing. After all, assassins need to be quick on their feet if they intend to sneak off silently after a particularly good kill.

⧠ Stamina  : I -- Hooooooboy ~ This is going to be the tricky one. Raibix might be quick on her feet- for all of thirty seconds- but past that? She's heaving and gasping for air! This is her secondary focus. Whereas

⧠ Constitution  : I -- Sadly, Raibix easily falls ill to disease and infection. It goes with her type one Diabetes. Try as she might, every time a cold goes around or a fever rushes the town, she is one of the first to get it.

⧠ Wisdom  : V -- A quick learned with the ability to complete tasks quickly and effiently, this is where Raibix is truly at home. She could educate you about fitness without any problems, she just needs to apply the lessons she knows to her own life.

⧠ Charisma  : V -- It's time for the ego to attack! Raibix might just find herself more attractive than the world around her, but that makes her confident and extroverted and she can get along with people without any problems. Making friends? No problem. Luring people in? Easy ~ Obviously, there is always room for improvement, but this is one place where Raibix excels and it's what will make her a great Femme Fatale some day.


So that's Raibix, but how about you meet Melanie now. C:


I'm a twenty year-old bank teller from the North-eastern United States and my story begins in elementary school.


I was always a little overweight, but it become especially noticable when I was ten years of age. As a young girl, I was a cheerleader and I loved the activity. I dedicated multiple years to the sport- eight, to be exact- and it wasn't until seventh grade that my one love was taken from me from girls my age who liked to poke fun at my weight.


"She looks awful in that skirt!" and "She really needs to run a few more laps- she could use it."


Of course, there were other things. Being a female nerd can be hard when you're young. Comic books and anime and a sick love for Japanese culture? Those aren't things your typical girl is interested in and sadly, that made it hard for me to make friends and get along with others. So, instead of continuing with a sport I loved, I quit mid-season and recluded into myself.


Until ninth grade, when I switch schools and made a slew of new friends, I kept to myself and never realy put myself out there. I didn't join any sports teams or clubs- I didn't think anyone would accept someone who was "weird", "gross", or "ugly" ike me.


However, some senior year of high school, I had made an amazing group of friends for myself and my confidence had greatly increased! Turns out. once you get past that teenage angst, anyone can become an amazing person. C:


In that same year, however, I started a two year exploration into the negative effects of dieting pills. First it felt like I was on top of the world. I started with Green Tea pills and they gave me a boost of caffeine to get through the day. I figured that if I took them, with or without exercise, I would still lose the weight. When I didn't lose anything, though, I switched to something that everyone knows.




It became my own personal hell.


At first I was losing weight. I was in college without much time to workout and sadly those five weekly essays took precidence over going to the gym, so I popped two pills when I woke up in the morning and two more in the afternoon.


I was in the first four weeks of my Sophomore year when I stopped.


In my family's living room, when everyone else was at work, I just stopped moving, sank to the floor, and cried until I passed out. As a person who lived with anxiety problems, I thought these were just symptoms of a panic attack. But then another episode happened two days later. Then again a week later. Two weeks into these attacks, I found myself dropping out of college because I couldn't face the world. I refused to leave my room because all I could do was cry.


Finally, I ran out of the pills and I realized only a few days later- they were replicating the signs of anxiety and amplifying them.


To say HydroxyCut ruined my college career is an understatement, but it helped to cement one thing in my mind-- I needed to lose weight in a healthy, natural way. Rather than look for instant gratification from drugs, I need to change my eating habits and add work outs to my life.


So, here I am.


It's time to begin a new life on my way to becoming the Femme Fatale I know is inside of me. C:




This is where I am currently, but hopefully I'll drop down in size and become the woman I know is in me.


1mbj_zpscf9f4df3.jpg       3mbj_zpsc92c6643.jpg


Raibix ⧠Level One ⧠Hobbit ⧠Assassin
STR { I } DEX { II } STA { I } CON { I } WIS { V } CHA { V }

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Thanks a bunch!!


Lately I've been doing a lot of running, along with a few other cardio exercises here and there (ie. jumping rope, dancing). Then, to help with the toning, I've actually started looking into Burlesque. While it might seem like an easy and low intensity workout, the amount of muscles you have to use and the flexibility it requires is ridiculous. If you can get through a routine you feel really accomplished after, so it's totally worth feeling absolutely silly after!


And I've been cutting down on carbs. I looooove crackers and other crunchy foods, which is one of the pit falls I need to get past in order to really get healthy. ;P

Raibix ⧠Level One ⧠Hobbit ⧠Assassin
STR { I } DEX { II } STA { I } CON { I } WIS { V } CHA { V }

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Hey Raibix


It's good to hear that you've moved on and grown from your experience. I am a Type One Diabetic as well, and for a time I let it rule my life and define who I was. I didn't eat right, or take my medication properly leaving me feeling mentally and physically ill for most of my teenage years. I took comfort in the world of video games and found myself further neglecting what I should have always done: Take Care of Myself!! I'm doing much better now and am working towards becoming the person I always knew I could be. So I understand where you are coming from.


Running is a great form of cardio and it feels so great to be outside. I started around this time last year and am proud to say I nearly doubled my maximum distance from 2.5 to 5 miles. But to be honest the best workouts I get are when I combine jump rope with crunches and push ups. Cutting down on carbs is hard especially when diabetics are supposed to make sure we have a minimum amount of them. So I'm right there with you; In fact I've been researching the Paleo Diet and am looking to slowly transition to it. Ever heard of it? Good Luck and remember "Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, then life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly."


Ranger LV. 1

STR| 4  DEX| 3 STA| 3

CON| 2 WIS| 2  CHA| 1 

No Challenges Yet!

"You don't reach the top of mountains by never going uphill."


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To: Maleficarum


D`aww!! Well thank you. C:



To: Onelovelion


It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who has had a hard time managing their Diabetes over the years! It was never an issue with taking insulin, like it is for many teens, but I never thought to test my blood sugars. It never seemed important, because I thought I knew my body better than I actually did.


I've just started running, thanks to the Zombies, Run! app. At this point, since it's freezing outside, I'm using a treadmill, as annoying as it is. I can't wait for the chance to go out in the spring and have some runs outside. C:

Raibix ⧠Level One ⧠Hobbit ⧠Assassin
STR { I } DEX { II } STA { I } CON { I } WIS { V } CHA { V }

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