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Hey y'all,


(Yes I'm from the South).  This is my go at entering the forum.  Never been much a chatboard/forum person, but the more time passes, the more I realize that the right people are awesome to be around.  Especially NF Rebels.  So excited to hear from fellow Rebels and to help other Rebels exceed their goals!


I'm a senior at University of Tennessee studying Economics.  Personally I'm reserved but can be goofy from time to time.  I'm a business, productivity, and self-help nerd.  Love the stuff.  Listen to HBR podcasts and the like walking to classes.


When 2013 rolled around I took to NYE resolutions with a fervor.  I set 10 in particular that will be accomplished before 2014 shows itself on the calendar on the wall.  These weren't pie in the sky either.  Each one had 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month milestones.  In addition on a weekly basis I work on adding them into my productivity system (OmniFocus.  Any other OF users out there?).  The 1-month and 3-month goals will be adjusted on a rolling basis as they are achieved or not.  So here goes:


#1 Make the first sale for my company.

I've started up a little side business to help students when they talk to recruiters and interviews.  This year I will make my first sale and officially have started my own company.


#2 Write 26 articles for my blog, FrankenLife.org.

Another initiative of mine, this is a blog dedicated to designing a better life and broadcasting some of my personal views about personal productivity and achievement.


#3 Reach 12% body fat.

For a long time I've been the chubbier guy and at 225lbs. out of high school (with some muscle from sports) I was a little larger than I'd like.  While the weight has been whittled down, this will be the year I give it the final blow.  PS I'm actually ahead of schedule here due to cutting weight for a boxing tourney soon!  I'm lighter than I was as a junior in high school!


#4 Go on 8 dates

Never one to have much social confidence, I've sorta allowing dating to come to me.  No more.  I'm going to start making a conscious effort to get into a relationship.


#5 Publish an academic paper

As an aspiring economist publishing an academic paper means quite a bit to me.  It would be make me incredibly happy to see my name in a peer-reviewed journal no matter how small.


#6 Establish my 7 Habits

Based off of Covey's 7 Habits I want to finally delve into them in a very Ben Franklin way.  Of course there's never any such thing as completing the 7 Habits but having a strong basis in them is the idea.


#7 Increase my confidence

A little nebulous, but I had trouble quantifying a concept as nebulous as confidence.  The idea being by the end of the year, my friends will see a difference in me, and I will feel more in line with my "true self" in a way.


#8 Improve my charisma

Really you might say #4, #7, & #8 are similar and you'd be right.  But this is different in that it's not just about communicating with the other sex (#4) and about connecting with other people, not myself (#7).  Again the litmus test here is do my friends see it?


#9 Visit Europe

In between high school and college I had the amazing opportunity to live in Hungary for 3 weeks and ever since I've wanted to return.  Instead of talking about it, this year I'll go.  Already saved some Christmas money for the cause.


#10 Learn Hungarian

Kinda a bonus to #9, it would be great to get to Hungary and be able to somewhat converse with Hungarians. I have a pen pal in Hungary and she'll be the judge of whether I know Hungarian by the end of this year.


I know that was a lot so thank you for reading!  AND LET THE REBELLION BEGIN!

Leave your mark to endure FOREVER

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Howdy :), welcome to the Rebellion!


That looks like serious organised planning there on the NYE resolutions, mine never look that good. Good luck with them and hope us NF rebels can help you along the way.


Get stuck, have questions, just holler NF nerds like helping out :).

Spooky_Rach, level 3 dwarf ranger


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