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I can't trust people who say...


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i really can't trust people who say that i should stop doing upper body and ESPECIALLY leg strenght training when i only do running and biking..beacuse it makes me slow and gives me a higher risk of injuries..


I can't trust (sometimes random) people who tell me that what im eating is unhealthy... please let me eat my double coated chocolate XXXL cookie in peace.. and worry about your own big mac,,


people who ask me nearly every-single-lunch when i pack out my health lunch: "oh...do you think my lunch is healthy?" my answer to that is usually something along: "well... compared to a double layerd peanut butter choclate m&ms' cake with extra creme.. no its not"


finally i cant trust people who decide that at the end of the race the SPRINTING PRIZE (qucik sprint at the end stretch) is a gift card to McDonalds..


ahhh i feel so much better now :peaceful:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit"

Unos -. Ranger

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I'm not enjoying people asking if I think my husband will be upset and/or unattracted to me because I'm getting stronger (weightlifting) or a better fighter (fencing). Neither his masculinity nor his love for me are so easily threatened. I don't like the implication that men only love those weaker and more dependent than they are, nor the idea that women should cater for that presumed preference, by not getting *too* fit.


I met my beloved at our fencing club! So he had the chance to be intimidated by me right from the beginning. He's brave though - even numerous sword hits to the groin (accidental, I swear!) didn't put him off...

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This isn't really about what someone said, it is just how they look. When I go boxing, I am in total workout mode but I see other girls that don't even break a sweat and have pristine outfits on the whole time! I'm there drenched, and  trying to not give anybody the crazy eye cause I got sweat in my eyeball.  

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I'm not enjoying people asking if I think my husband will be upset and/or unattracted to me because I'm getting stronger (weightlifting) or a better fighter (fencing). Neither his masculinity nor his love for me are so easily threatened. I don't like the implication that men only love those weaker and more dependent than they are, nor the idea that women should cater for that presumed preference, by not getting *too* fit.



Never believe anyone that says that.  If a woman can kick my butt, it just makes her hotter.  What they're really saying is that they can't keep up with you and you're making them look bad.

None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear.   

-Ferdinand Foch

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Too many all or nothing people in my opinion. Like if you can't run a marathon than there is no point running at all.


Agree!  Add 'all or nothing' to 'I'll do X once this happens' and you have a recipe for doing absolutely nothing ever (cause the time is never right and you aren't an overnight success if it is).

Pixie Adventurer


Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

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This isn't really about what someone said, it is just how they look. When I go boxing, I am in total workout mode but I see other girls that don't even break a sweat and have pristine outfits on the whole time! I'm there drenched, and  trying to not give anybody the crazy eye cause I got sweat in my eyeball.  


THIS!!! I am always the sweaty one in classes, it drives me crazy! I'll be redfaced and dripping in yoga and ballet, and all the other girls look perfectly composed...

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Have you seen this guy? He's a personal trainer who'd never been unfit in his life, and he deliberately stopped exercising and ate like crap so he'd put on lots of weight, then worked to lose it again, so he could better understand what that journey was like for his clients (and write a book about it).

I have heard of this guy, maybe it was even right here on NF... What I had not heard about was this DietBet stuff that came up when I clicked on the link. Lose weight AND make money? Pfft, I'm in!

"There is nothing permanent except change." - Heraclitus


Nighner's Nest               Challenge Log

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"I can never refuse (some sugary thing) from X person because that person is too nice and sweet when they offer it to me..."


I've used that one.  It's the dumbest excuse.  Sure I love that person, but the food is not that person.

Hostile intent is imminent. You prepare for battle.

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There are very few things that make me not believe people when they say something about weight loss.


One is "I saw this on Tv, or read this on the internet, etc".  Unless you have personal experience with something don't go telling everyone about it like its the solution to world hunger or world peace.


I also don't like people who say "this is the only diet/etc that works."  Because everyone is different.


You say that you don't like people that say "I did X and the weight just melted off", while it is true that it requires work, it really depends on the person.  When I was extremely overweight just a minor change in my diet caused me to lose almost 10 pounds a week. Now that I am closer to my goal weight it requires ALOT more work.  So I agree that saying this would work for everyone is foolish.  Someone who has 100+ pounds to lose can lose weight much faster without drastic change/work.  But those who only have 20 or so pounds to lose wouldn't see as much of a change. So I would say that people who say "this worked for me so its going to work for you" is off putting.


I will say something that really puts me off.  I helped a person and their significant other get a membership to a local gym by telling them what a great place it was and how clean it was (they didn't know what to join).  Since I had done pretty well at losing weight (100 ish pounds) I thought I could help give them some advice on how to stick with working out, and not just stop after 1 week.  Such as setting realistic goals etc.  This person looked me in the face and said "Well John Doe works out all the time and is really fit so I will just listen to him and do what he says".  Now I am no exercise wizard.  I don't know many strength exercises and what they work. But I must have been something right to lose all that weight.  So to say that pissed me off would be quite and understatement. Not too long ago they stopped going to the gym except for maybe once a week.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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someone did that to me once- I've been mostly fit my whole life- but a coworker of ours had recently lost quiet a bit of weight- and coworker A and I were discussing fitness stuff (hysterical because he pretends to be badass about working out- but he's so overweight he's broken not one but TWO of his drivers side seats)


and he immediately dismissed what I said and went- well John lost all that weight- I'm going to take his word about it.  


I immediately said something  very snarky and he left in the uncomfortable silence after that.   I can't stand when people discount what I say because I've never been morbidly obese.  It drives me nuts.

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I have two policies about listening to what people have to say about fitness/nutrition:


"If you can't do it, then I don't want to hear you telling me I should." This comes from many, many years of being coached (swimming/football/water polo).  And having the converse applied (my coaches could at anytime perform the workouts they had us do, AND THEN SOME!)


(And the lines I hate the most in the world) "Running is the only way to lose weight, and lifting is the only way to build muscle." Let me tell you as a swimmer/water polo player that has not been my experience, in fact I would venture to say Water Polo is probably (on a competitive level) as physically strenuous as an hour long session of Parkour.  Other people had defined this as absolutes previously, I just think that if you aren't educating yourself on new/different ways to get/stay in shape then you're only limiting your gains. 

Race: Deva | STR: 5  DEX: 4  STA: 4  CON: 3  WIS: 4  CHA: 2

! = Inactive ! = Active/Non-Focus ! = Active/Main Focus

Wizard Lv. 5 Monk Lv. 1 Assassin Lv. 2 

CURRENT CHALLENGE: ZachAcid - Tutorial Finished: C! Next Phase: Conditioning

BATTLE LOG: Experience Box (BLLVL: 2)

PROGRAMMING: Reshaping My Body for Parkour

QUEST: The Quest of A Buddha



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That any diet is the be all and end all, particularly when they're a yo-yo dieter. 


That girls shouldn't lift big weights or they'll get bulky.


That Paleo is how cavemen ate... Don't get me wrong, it seems like a great diet (in the literal sense of the word) but I don't see what it has to do with prehistoric eating patterns. 

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"It will put meat on your bones" when coming from just about anyone that lives in my area. Because it usually involves eating something really salty, fried, and overly fatty. 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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- "Don't drink protein shakes...they're bad for you"

"How is protein bad for me?"

- "It just is"

"Wow, with such a convincing argument from someone who doesn't exercise, how can I ignore it?!"


I've actually heard this one from past co-workers. 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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I have some friends who come out with phrases like that


"That much protein is bad for you"


"Weight lifting? Why would you do that?"


I like to think it's a funny form of jealousy when people spout these kind of sayings, it's as if they're justifying to themselves why they don't do it! I just smile and let them finish making a fool of themselves

Go BIG, or go home.

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- "Don't drink protein shakes...they're bad for you"

"How is protein bad for me?"

- "It just is"

"Wow, with such a convincing argument from someone who doesn't exercise, how can I ignore it?!"

Girls in my office teased me when they caught me with a post-workout shake because apparently they'll make me fat... That's why I've lost 6kg since January...

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someone did that to me once- I've been mostly fit my whole life- but a coworker of ours had recently lost quiet a bit of weight- and coworker A and I were discussing fitness stuff (hysterical because he pretends to be badass about working out- but he's so overweight he's broken not one but TWO of his drivers side seats)


and he immediately dismissed what I said and went- well John lost all that weight- I'm going to take his word about it.  


I immediately said something  very snarky and he left in the uncomfortable silence after that.   I can't stand when people discount what I say because I've never been morbidly obese.  It drives me nuts.


It's really difficult to take weightloss advice from someone who has never had to lose weight. Exercise advice is something totally different though. 


I have two policies about listening to what people have to say about fitness/nutrition:


"If you can't do it, then I don't want to hear you telling me I should." This comes from many, many years of being coached (swimming/football/water polo).  And having the converse applied (my coaches could at anytime perform the workouts they had us do, AND THEN SOME!)


(And the lines I hate the most in the world) "Running is the only way to lose weight, and lifting is the only way to build muscle." Let me tell you as a swimmer/water polo player that has not been my experience, in fact I would venture to say Water Polo is probably (on a competitive level) as physically strenuous as an hour long session of Parkour.  Other people had defined this as absolutes previously, I just think that if you aren't educating yourself on new/different ways to get/stay in shape then you're only limiting your gains. 


My gym is over an olympic sized swimming pool (built for the Commonewealth games) and in the mornings when I go, there's a water polo team who practice. They are all buff as hell and the workouts they do... insane. Total respect. 

Level 1 SheHulk Warrior [str: 1]  [Dex : ]  [sta: ]  [Con: ]  [Wis: 1]  [Cha: ] 

Challenge 2: Project Krisptonite

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agreed to a point.. but we were mostly talking diet and fitness. less about his massive need to lose weight. but what's funny if you had asked John he would have said the same thing that I said about diet and working out.

I have to be honest I feel most people I have encounter are so dismissive because they dismiss everything anyone says not just because the person giving advice wasn't like they are. they aren't ready to change and its an excuse. Not saying that's everyone's mojo but people come up with excuses for everything... and when I hear that... it's usually coming from someone who keeps making excuses about everything in their life.

it's like not taking advice from a financial advisor just because they have never been horribly in debt and come out if it. while I can understand it but that doesn't mean it's completely logical.

yeah water polo.... nom nom nom eye candy

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For me there is a clear knowing when someone is older than their golden years and coaching you, because typically you go search these people out.  But if I know your capability (age/size/fitness level) and you aren't willing to just drop down and go do it, or at least something of relative difficulty, then I don't think you have any business telling me what to do. Like my homie the other day was like, "I want to see you do 10 Schools." which means run the local High School 10 times while, running 10 laps around the track up and down the bleachers.  I'm sorry but I'm not near the level of fitness of a High School Wrestler, so there's no way I'm going to be doing that, you feel me? 

Race: Deva | STR: 5  DEX: 4  STA: 4  CON: 3  WIS: 4  CHA: 2

! = Inactive ! = Active/Non-Focus ! = Active/Main Focus

Wizard Lv. 5 Monk Lv. 1 Assassin Lv. 2 

CURRENT CHALLENGE: ZachAcid - Tutorial Finished: C! Next Phase: Conditioning

BATTLE LOG: Experience Box (BLLVL: 2)

PROGRAMMING: Reshaping My Body for Parkour

QUEST: The Quest of A Buddha



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As a long-time fooled-by-the-masses guy, I hate the media bullshit that says that anything only takes 6 weeks, or any short amount of time for that matter. This stuff, whether weight loss, or muscle gain, or whatever advancements to yourself that you are trying to make, it takes time, and dedication, and damn hard work! Those realities seem to have been lost in the midst of an instant-gratification society that won't get off their asses. When people complain about their bodies and aren't satisfied with themselves, but refuse to do anything about it, I'm sorry but I don't have sympathy. If you want to change yourself, do something. Anything! Stop looking at the end result and wallowing because it's so far away. Take the first step, take little steps, bust your ass, and before you know it, you'll be where you want to be! 

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"It'll put hair on your chest!".....because as a female it's our life goal to have a hairy chest....Oh Yeah!


I also agree with all that has been discussed here it's hard to pick out what is the good information and what is bad information.  If someone tries to give me advice or tell me how to be healthy/workout I usually tell them "Thank you for your opinion, I will take it in to consideration."  Then if I am interested in what they say I will do more research and if I think it's a bunch of BS I will just disregard it.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Can't believe I forgot this one... 


One of my exes (I was young and naive), thought I was getting too fat, so said I should go on a diet that his mate had lost weight with. The 2 ready meals per day diet. Yup. 2 ready meals per day. I lasted maybe 2 days before I snapped. Food shopping was such a weird experience. As a vegetarian I'm used to stocking up on loads of vegetables, but with his weird diet I wasn't allowed anything unless it came in a pre-portioned, microwaveable plastic sleeve. 29 year old me wants to bitch slap 19 year old me for not calling him on his insane methods. His crazy shredding of my self esteem led to the exact opposite of what he wanted to happen too. All the time he swore blind that it was a legitimate weight loss method. Eurgh. Wang.

Level 1 SheHulk Warrior [str: 1]  [Dex : ]  [sta: ]  [Con: ]  [Wis: 1]  [Cha: ] 

Challenge 2: Project Krisptonite

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