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Hello from Amish Country Pennsylvania!

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Hey everyone! I guess this is where I talk about myself a little bit...

I've known about Nerd Fitness for a few weeks now, and have enjoyed looking into it thus far. I've set a goal for myself to get back into shape and I've been looking at various online resources to help me along the way. I'm not exactly new to fitness, as I was a Physical Training Leader when I was in the Air Force, I've just fallen off the wagon as of late unfortunately.

I'm a single, full time father of two beautiful girls, aged 8 and 6. I'm 30 years old, 6'1" and currently at just under 240lbs. I am a self-employed web/software developer and I love my job. My hobbies are pretty much anything to do with computers, bicycling (when the weather is nice and I the girls' schedules permit), and I enjoy cooking as well.

My girlfriend and I would like to get back into shape for the upcoming vacation season, (and stay in shape this time), and to we would like to start budgeting our money a little better so we can afford to travel the world once we're able to. (5 girls between us, so raising them comes first, and while we do well financially, having 5 kids aint cheap)

Also, I usually would argue that I'm a geek and not a nerd, but y'all seem cool, so I'll let it slide... for now! ;)

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Don't worry, this is the place to get encouragement and get into shape! Um, the whole geek vs nerd thing can get ugly. I have been told that geeks don't know how to fight, and nerds can hold their own, so I guess I'll go with that ;)

I used to think I was a geek, and then really looked at my hobbies and really, I was a nerd...don't worry, it's an easy slope to fall down :)

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Firm geek here myself, but I'm cool with the nerd title. "Geek fitness" just doesn't have the same ring, somehow.

Welcome! 5 girls? That's madness. I am impressed you've retained any sanity at all. What sorts of activities/workouts do you want to do to get a bit more in shape? We have a 28 Day Challenge starting RIGHT NOW, so feel free to sign up. We'll put you on a squad and you can meet fun and new people while staying accountable.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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