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Totes new here, was motivated by Steve's last post for the 28 day challenge, so here I am!

A little bit about me:

-22 years old

-Just graduated from school in PA in May, now living in NC about 7 months, but from RI

-Just started my first full time job, I now work 8-5 Mon through Friday as a data crunching nerd analyst and teach a drill team (8 kids on ponies that give me gray hairs) on the weekends

-Been riding for about 16 years, mostly dressage and eventing with hunt seat eq in college, just found a bad ass coach here that I love who's getting me back in real riding shape

-Just started rock climbing, mostly bouldering, my big bro's getting me into it :D

-Think I'm going to look into the local roller derby...something I've always thought looked really cool, and it would be sweet to have an alter ego none of my coworkers know about :-P

As far as working out and fitness goes...

I'm about 5'9, 150lbs, Mum was a nutritionist so I eat fairly healthily but definitely have been breaking down for fast food too much lately (or BBQ, drool). I can put on muscle a little too easily (for a girl anyway), so the focus right now is on becoming leaner, more flexible, quicker, and stronger without bulk.

I've never been able to run more than a mile, even as a little kid I hated running enough that I started riding ponies. They couldn't really get rid of me, so they set me on barnwork--stalls, water buckets, hay bales, etc--doing which regularly was enough to keep me in decent shape (not overweight but never what I would consider 'fit' or athletic).

After getting a desk job in the South (land of trophy wives and coach purses) I've realized a few things:

  • I can't expect to continue the way I have approached health with the same results
  • My personal appearance has a large impact on what I do and how I'm percieved at work
  • I'm one of the larger women in a leadership program role

I function best with a tangible goal (instead of just the "I do this everyday so I might catch a husband someday") so I signed up for the Rugged Maniac 5k . It looks like a blast, and a few people from the office have signed up with me. Only issue is that they also are training for half marathons and Iron Man. Yeep. So its time for me to put my butt into gear.

Overall this site has motivated me more than anything else I've seen. Sorry for such a long post (I get bored waiting for data pulls to come in at work :rolleyes: ) but looking forward to keeping this going!!

“Live for the iron and the fresh air. Punish your body to protect your soul. Only acts undertaken with commitment have meaning. Only your best effort matters. Life is a meritocracy, with death as the auditor. Inconsistency, incompetence and lies are all cut short by that final word. Death will change you if you can’t change yourself.â€

Mark Twight

The 5k Killers

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Very excited that you are here! I'm most curious on the male to female ratio now. More and more girls all the time! :) Great goal of the 5k. I've never been a runner either. I think I may take that up as a goal next month.

You should have seen me buying my first pair of running shorts. Checked the size at the store but didn't try them on...

Got home, went to put them on, stopped. Exact thoughts in my head - "They have built in...underwear...do you...is that...are they all like this?" I thought I maybe had pulled some off brand failed experiment off the sale rack. Turns out yes, yes they do all have them. haah

“Live for the iron and the fresh air. Punish your body to protect your soul. Only acts undertaken with commitment have meaning. Only your best effort matters. Life is a meritocracy, with death as the auditor. Inconsistency, incompetence and lies are all cut short by that final word. Death will change you if you can’t change yourself.â€

Mark Twight

The 5k Killers

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hahaha. Yeah, the running shorts are quite a shock.

Great goal! That's an awesome way to motivate yourself to do a running program. If you want, join our 28 day Challenge and we'll team you up with a bunch of new and experienced runners to cheer, scold and generally stalk you for the next 4 weeks while you get started

(Make sure to sign up on the signup thread as well as starting your own thread or we wont know to add you!)

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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