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Ted Moesby - Architect

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OK. So I am not Ted Moesby. Or Swarly. I am however Jon. And I suck. Well, I don't really suck. I am pretty awesome. But that's beside the case.


I suck because I have let myself go over time. I have never really been in shape since high school. OK since maybe my early 20's. But I am about 20-30 pounds overweight. I am 5'9" and currently weigh around 203 lbs. I guess I am supposed to weigh somewhere around 170? Who knows. 


I have tried workouts and diets in the past with limited success. I got down to 189 once for like a day two years ago. 205-215 has been my given weight for the past 10 years I bet. And it sucks. I hate being in public with no shirt on. Which means I can acquire a wicked farmers tan. I hate it when I look in the mirror. I hate buying clothes. Seeing everyone's posts or tweet picture from a beach somewhere is depressing. And girls don't even give me a second look anymore. WTF mate? Oh yeah - I suck.


Another reason I suck. Literally. I smoke. A pack every two days. I am smarter than this. And my lung capacity is non-existent anymore. But smoking, I don't know, I have been smoking so long now that when I have quit in the past, you just get that urge, and it takes over your persona. I even had to take a smoke break in the middle of writing this just now. 


So anyhoo - this is my plan. I discovered Nerd Fitness a few weeks ago. Tried the beginner bodyweight workout. And holy crap! I couldn't believe how sore I was the next day. Now up until a year ago, I used to go to the gym all the time. Lifting for power and strength. But never really got anywhere. And then I took a trip to San Francisco for a week, and when I got back, never went to the gym again. I don't like gyms. Unless it could be my own personal gym with no people around. Which is why I like the body weight workout so much. Stay at home! Do it when I have time (which is usually in the evenings. 


So I have been doing the body weight workout now for a couple of weeks, and even went out a bought a pair of 40 pound dumbells for the rows. I have a weight vest from weightvest.com (which is awesome BTW) and just incorporated it last night again to slowly make the workout more challenging. Albeit I removed most of the weight (it is a 45 lb vest), I think I left about 10 lbs in. Those 10 easy push-ups turned into 10 hard push-ups. 


To step it up a bit, I am going to start doing cardio. I hate cardio. Especially running. But I gots to do what I gots to do. So tonight I am going to go for a 20 minute run/walk. I am also thinking of buying some new running shoes this weekend. I am going to try and run at least twice a week. I challenged my girlfriend for us to run a 5k by the end of the summer without walking. So here is to hoping.


The best change though is Paleo. I have been doing it now for 2 weeks and I think I am starting to see results. I started out at 209 two weeks ago. I weighed myself Sunday and it read 203! Just to get below 200 in the next few weeks would be something. And next would be to get to 190.  And if I get to 180.........I might just hug a stranger. Eating Paleo has been tough, but it is getting easier. Two words - Texas Roadhouse. 


Anyhooters - my passions in life are my kids (obviously), rockcrawling (I have a built Jeep CJ7), and I love watching Formula One on TV, and English Premier League Soccer, along with the British Top Gear (American one is crap). My favorite TV show is How I Met Your Mother (if you didn't guess already). I play video games not everyday but once a week or so. I like racing games, and Battlefield 3. I bought Assassins Creed 3, but I am not a fan. 


Small goals I have are these: to be able to do 10 pullups in a row, 25 pushups without stopping, and to have legs like a soccer player again. I love soccer, but I haven't played forever. I would love to find an adult soccer league around here I can play in. I take my kids to all of their soccer games, and just wish I was in there with them. And I WILL quit smoking. 


So there it is. I am looking forward to leveling up!

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Oh yeah. I forgot to add I hurt my back pretty bad in 2002. Blew out my L5-S1 disk, and fractured my L5. That is when the weight gain started. So much pain for so long. But it has finally healed as much as it is going to in the last 2 years. Last time I went to the doctor for it, he said the disc is 95% gone, and soon will be completely absorbed by the body. I had my last physical in January, and the Doc said I am in perfect health, except for the weight. 

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Love the Ted Moseby reference! Such a great show. I'm new to Paleo and the site but I have the smoking down to a fine art. Two packs a day. Ugh.

For ur running have u checked out the site called couch to 5k? I think it's www.c25k.com

I used it last year and even with my overweight body I got up to running 6 miles a day and loving it.

Best of luck with ur goals!

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Hey, I dont think you suck!

#1 Reason you don't suck? You used a HIMYM quote :)

#2 Reason, because you signed up with NF! 


You know, there are a lot of people out there (like Steve from what I can tell from his articles) that don't seem to do cardio at all - at least not running. If you really hate it, don't do it! There's a ton of other options out there. Plus, lifting weights (and doing body weight exercises) boots your metabolism and builds muscle (and the more muscle you have, the more you burn!) Seems like being down 6 lbs in just a few weeks is a great start - 80% of it is the diet anyways. Which means that running (on top of the body weight stuff you're doing) is only gonna be what, like 10%? 


If you really wanna do cardio, you can always go hiking, swimming, bike riding, dancing, uphill walking (instead of running), use an elliptical, climb stairs, use one of those rowing machines (which are amazing, tough, and give you muscles + burn crazy calories), you could pick up some random hobby like perfecting your Just Dance moves that gets you moving around, pick up a side job walking gigantic dogs (which will improve arm muscles from trying to yank back against their tugging the leashes + you'd have to keep up with them..)


Now - I actually 100% love running. But seriously, if you don't.....then don't do it. Do more of what you love. 

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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Good job on taking control of your diet and really commiting doing your best fitness wise - you DEFINATELY don't suck.


Katariana is right about the running, if you hate it then don't do it BUT I have to admit that when I started running I thought I hated it but now I quite enjoy it. Granted, I don't run marathons or anything but just ran my first 5k this weekend and I couldn't be happier. Don't knock anything until you really try it since you might find you're actually pretty good at it (including walking huge dogs... v good idea that!)


btw, why don't you actually play soccer as your cardio? I'm sure you can find a group of people to play with just for fun.


Can I suggest something? don't be so hard on yourself. Words are stronger than you think and saying things like 'I hate it when I look in the mirror' can really mess up your perspective.

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I didn't really mean to come down on myself so much. To much sarcasm in my post I guess. But I don't like what I see in the mirror currently. But it is a motivator for change. 


I did go running/walking last night. 2.4 miles. My legs are very sore today. I guess I don't HATE running. I am just not very good at it. MY lungs are my weakness. I think if I stick to the running though, it will get a lot better, and I do feel pretty good when the run is over. I am still gonna buy new shoes Sunday. My current ones are falling apart! There is a 5K in town here on March 17th. I am going to sign up so I have something to motivate me. 


I would LOVE to find some people to play soccer with, but that is difficult in the area I live in. I know there are some adult indoor teams around here, but I have no idea on who to contact, or where to just show up. Plus right now I know there is no way I could handle a whole game. Running is a big part of soccer, so I need to build that skill up.


Thank you guys for the support. It really does make a difference! 

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I usually can't run due to messing up my foot doing long distance...but I see you have a weight vest...

One of my favorite cardio workouts is to pick a song or two (I like Motörhead or Glueficer for this) and do step ups with a weight vest on. Start light and short! Backpack with weight works as well, but it rocks with a weight vest!

Glad to see you here.

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