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Isty's Workout Log of Accountability

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Thanks, I will! I'm going to be adding weight to my jacknifes by clutching a 10 lb to my chest, but I'm really needing some more upper-body stuff that can be done solo in minimal space.

TODAY!: Walked 3 1/2. Still guarding the injured group, and that was as far as the weakest could go. I'm feeling pretty good, and my knee didn't hurt so: I think I'll try running agin on Wednesday. Hoping to have time this weekend to try walking 10 miles + in one go ... the marathon is coming soon (May 22) and I would like to *know* I could do it ... BEFORE the race. :3

Hoping to have energy to workout with weights when I get home. We'll see.

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Did my wii routine when I got home. Jacknifes, pushups/planks, lunges, arm/leg lifts, balance bridge: rinse and repeat. Did all the jacknifes whith 10lb weight. Tried one set of lunges with it, but my knees SCREAMED. Dropped if for the next sets, and was fine. Did way better on pushups, too! Did an entire set "proper." Haven't managed that before.

It was too easy. Sigh. When I started working out, it took me 2 weeks to adjust to a workout. Now my body is all: Oh, she upped the ante. Stronger muscle cells, STAT! Take THAT!

Need to bring home more/heavier weights ... The question is, will my roomies let me? :3

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Ha! I win. Did my wii routine again this morning, and my body wasn't ready for THAT! It was all "Wait! We did this, lie ... 12 hours ago!??! wtc?!"

Did even more push-ups "properly." It's getting easier, and I'm getting stubborner ... Is that a word? (It is now!)

Couple of things different: I was holding the weight to my chest last night for jacknifes. Did a set this morning with it over my head. Holy ... wordsIdon'tsay. My triceps are WEAK! WEAK WEAK WEAK! So they will be receiving some more attention. Tsk tsk.

My knees were deeply complaining about the lunges. And not in the "wah, it's too much" way, but that "damage! damage!" way. So I modified my last two sets. I am only in pain when I come UP out of the lunge, so I just went down and *stayed there* while the wii fit went through 10 reps of lunges. Oh, the burn. But no bad pain. Yay! Although, I SHOULD HAVE REMEMBERED I had to drive my truck in to work today. Ooog. My truck is a 1970's behemoth fitted with a racing clutch. It takes a lot of muscle and energy to drive her. (But oh, it's fun.) I was certainly feeling the workout while fighting the clutch. Heh heh ... Arrived safely, though!

I'm hoping to get some triceps and upper body in again tonight (just free weights, no wii routine), but my friend Kim is coming over with her "little" brother who just got back from Iraq. So, we'll see. Ta~

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Just remember muscle is made recovering from what you did in the gym (or at home), don't make the mistake of overworking yourself without getting proper rest. Great job on getting "real" pushups into your routine. In your first post you say you are under 250lbs, I would take that to mean you are somewhere around there? If that is the case then bodyweight squats and legwork should be sufficient in helping you reach your goals, especially if you are experiencing knee pain I would recommend staying away from weighted leg exercise.

Also, you may want to see a trainer or take some video of yourself performing the exercises that hurt you, it may not be the joints that are the problem but how you are doing the exercise.

Just my $00.02

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So far, I've dropped from 258 to 243. So yeah, still around there, but falling fast. I did check with my dad today, who is a physical educator, and my form is pretty good, I just have ... injuries. I'M DAMAGED. lol. I think as I continue to lose weight, it will be less of a knee strain.

He did say sticking with an endurance lung as opposed to a repetetive lunge would be good for awhile.

Point for reminding me about recovery time. I am very stubborn, and not very patient with not being where I think I ought to be. :3 I also watch/read way to much anime/manga where you train till you drop. XD

I did end up resting tonight since I was sewing a Jedi costume for Thursday. And now: TO BED!

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Blarg. Still fe-manfully fighting naseau, BUT I pulled about 4 miles, maybe a little more today. Was good. Not very sore either. DEAD. TIRED. But that, again is from stress. ^_~

Maybe I can start catching some of those lemons for lemonade. Hope so.

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I'm sick today, so no workout for me. (Although I'm debating doing something. But I'm pretty sure that would be stupid considering how I feel when I stand up ...)

I went for a walk on Saturday with my sisters. UPHILL. Otherwise, I haven't really done anything the past five days, except be sad about Grandpa and take care of my sisters and brother. Mom and Dad went up to be with Grandma, and I was "in charge" at home. It's been ... strange. Hard to believe Grandpa isn't THERE anymore.

Anyway. I am excited about the 28 day challenge. Gonna do it! Gonna train! Gonna be awesome! *cough cough* ... Tomorrow. ^______^ Now, I'm going to go back to sleep and get better.

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Still sick. Blarg. But! I went to the doctor, and I'll get an inhaler! And whatever drugs she gave me, sure made me WEIRD.

I have been working out a bit, despite being sick. Just planks, but something is better than nothing, eh? Today I held a plank for 90 seconds. I DIDN'T THINK I COULD DO THAT! D=

Total time: 3 mins. Hope I can go for a bit of a walk now before being sick eats all my strenghth. Ta~

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I don't advise running with bronchitus. It's scary. YOU CAN'T BREATHE! Yesterday I went to PE. It's baseball season now. Yay! We had a 1 1/4 mile sprint. 17:26 was my time =.= I don't think I would have done better even if I DIDN'T have bronchitus. As it was, when I got back, I couldn't breathe AT ALL. That's a scary feeling. I don't like it. Anyway, I'm sore all over, so that's good. Spent the weekend traveling up to Grandpa's funeral. Being sad, sick, and stuck in a car for 16 hours isn't very fun. Or good for exercising.

Things are pretty hard right now, but I'm doing my best.

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mm. tired. =_= But, I'm always tired lately. too much going on. *yawn*

OKAY! so, tuesday, despite my soreness, I did manage a mile and a half walk. Pretty slow, and I think I overdid it anyway, since I nearly fell down. THAT was exciting. My legs were so sore they weren't keeping my balance very well. I had to concentrate. ^_^

Wednesday ... was interesting. It was sheeting rain and icky hailstones at us, like Oregon does, so we (the PE class) stayed inside. I would have preferred sprinting again. o_O Lisa was in charge of us, and she kept us busy for an hour and half doing hard body-weight exercizes. Ow. I was proud of how much I was able to keep up. I'm much stronger. Although I couldn't do the hopping squats or lunges, they hurt my knees.

then we did a cool thing that I can't do (yet). I'm not sure if it's lack of muscle strength, or an I'm-not-sure-how-to-move-like-this thing. We started off in a bridge (y'all know what that is, right? Hands on the floor, pointing out your feet, belly arched toward the ceiling?), and then had to flip or roll over into a pushup position, do a push up, and flip/roll back.

I was able to get up in a bridge (YAY, and OW), but then I just kinda stayed there going "Uh ... move! Muscles? Anything? Wait ... which way am I supposed to move?" I gotta try it again! Eee hee hee.

then we did flips, and I did three. Well ... with Extreme Help from the spotters. Flipping nearly puts me into a panic, so I was glad I tried them at all.

Then we practiced shoulder rolls, and I tried one. The concept of flinging all 240 pounds of myself at the floor was not appealing, and it took me until the last round to try it. It was okay.

Then THEY set up a barrier, and did a shoulder roll into a leap and shoulder rolled over the barrier. That I did not try. I don't like flinging myself into the air. It will take a bit more confidence in myself and in my strength before I try *that*. (I don't trust myself! I trust GRAVITY. lol.)

anyway. Haven't done anything today, it's been busy. Hopefully I'll get something done tonight, but I'm so tired. Gnnngr. Need ... coffee ....

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My roomie and I went on a spontaneous trip yesterday! =D It was fun!

When we got home, I did work out for a little bit. ^_^ Did some stepping on the wii while we watched Psych, and then did more strength training. I've been using the exercises Lisa showed us on wednesday. A LOT of core work. 0_0

PE today. That's good. I only have to have willpower to get me there, I don't have to actually think. XD

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Whoa ... that feels weird. I did okay for the first part of PE, but then I started feeling really dizzy and my heart started pounding. Stayed on the field (Ultimate Frisbee. Bleh.), and road part of the way back. Not sure what caused this. Hope it goes away for tomorrow. ^_^

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Mmm. Fighting the good fight still, but more enemies than usual. =_=

Barely keeping my head over the water in just regular life, but I'm doing my best. It's not GOOD ENOUGH, but that's what it's been this week. Working out with the PE class today. Still watching my diet. It always careens way WAY out of control during the last few weeks of school, but this year it's doing better. It's wobbling frantically, and some days I'm definately over the yellow lines, but I'm not wildly out of control.

2 1/2 weeks left, and then sanity returns. Provided there's anything left of me.

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Okay! The long hard push of doom is ALMOST OVER! I got a few more days (and probably a few days of collapsed exhaustion), and then I can take my life back.

BUT, I'm still doing pretty well. We have been playing Ultimate Frisbee in PE (I hate frisbee), and the first few times, my legs and ligaments would aaaache. All the running, stopping, etc.

I did awesome yesterday. Ran more, tried harder, and I don't ache, and I wasn't as out of breath, or having an incredibly accelerated heartbeat.

Also, I can *totally* do push-ups now. AWESOME.

My next goal is to be able to plank for five minutes, and do handstand push-ups.

this will take a few steps to reach.

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Yosh! School is out (mostly) and my big projects are done (although my body is still in PANIC MODE ... I keep waking up with a jolt) and I can finally start focusing on getting my body in line.

I am sick (AGAIN!?), but I'm well enough to work out a bit. So ...

FORWARD! TO BATTLE! AND GLORY! and ... stuff. :3

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Yesterday I went for a short walk - about a mile. Was feeling pretty sick still.

Today, I feel about 83% healthy, so that's fine. Lol. Went for 1 1/2 miles today - I WAS DIVEBOMBED BY BIRDS. WTC, is up with that?! ANYWAY, later today is the end-of-the-year school party, and there's a 45 minute water fight at the end. Time to put all my fitness training into practice. :3 I'm looking forward to it, except for the rain. XD Ah well, we're Oregonians, it's just liquid sunshine.

(I actually am *quite* excited. I haven't participated in the waterfight for several years now ... too out of shape to keep up with the kids. This year, I'm participating AND I will pwn them. :3)

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Whoo! And ... ow. So, after I walked yesterday, I had a "practical work out" at the party. I played tag with the kids (middle and high school) for about 30 minutes. I was amazed that I COULD play tag. I was NOT as fast as they were, but I always managed to tag SOMEBODY by use of superior planning. :3 And then we had a waterfight for almost an hour.

SO MUCH RUNNING! Sprinting uphill and down and around and through trees and dodging "non-combatants." Phew, it was EXHAUSTING. But so much FUN, and the best part was, it's been 3 years since I played with the kids like that. I wasn't in enough shape, and I certainly strong enough to zip around without hurting myself.


I probably won't get much exercise in today. Have a full day of work (ew) lined up, but maybe I can go for a walk later. N'cha!


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I have fury!

Just when life was going to open back up some time, IT SWALLOWED IT, after tantalizingly dangling it in my face too. *grump* Boy, I need a vacation. @_@

Ah well. Tuesday, (theoretically) I will have the morning free. Meanwhile, I will keep on doing my best with the LITTLE SLOTS OF NO TIME. =_= (I was supposed to be RESTING this weekend, and getting ready for Shakespeare camp on Monday.)

Still, I am a little excited. One of my kids just graduated, and is interested in getting fit, and losing weight. I'm really proud, because he's not really overweight NOW, but is *tending* towards it .. and he wants to make the change now instead of 100 lbs later. So, we're going to be working on that together, probably with my roomie, and maybe another student or two. A workout group! =D Is exciting.

Anyway, I have GOT to go have breakfast. =_= I'm supposed to be at "work" in a few minutes. BLARG!

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