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Like an Olympian

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Hello everyone, I apologize in advance if this is a little lengthy.

I'm Lorie, 20 years old, residing in the capital of Washington state, I work full time at a desk job, and go to school part time for businessy-markety things.

I'm here because I love fashion, Pinterest, a lot of top 40 pop music...and any/all table top gaming, collections of graphic novels, and I've never lost a round of LOTR trivia in my life.

Also because I'm ready to get serious about health and fitness things. When I found out there was a nerd-fitness site, I felt ready to die happy knowing somewhere my two favorite things had been combined.


I've never been noticeably overweight but I've never been fit, or even skinny either.  I've always had about 10 awkward pounds to lose around my middle, where it's easy to hide, but still made it uncomfortable to wear swimsuits and dresses.

I used to not exercise at all, and I ate at best mediocre...rare fruits and veggies, a lot of cheese on stuff, pasta, occasional fast food, and more often than not a lot of beer and pizza every weekend.  I loved the idea of being fit and eating clean, but there were problems (excuses): Laziness, healthy food being expensive, etc.

The good news is, my best friend is a dedicated cross-fit queen, and always kept the idea at the forefront of my mind. Also, I found a dress.  THE dress. The dress that would make me a star, if it fit right.  I bought it, and used it as my much-needed excuse to really change.

That was 23 days ago.

Right away, I started exercising 7 days a week at home (a mix of cardio/body weight training) for about 40 minutes a day, started cleaning up my diet, and started taking vitamin supplements from a tried and true fitness company. I even started drinking that cinnamon honey water at night and in the morning to speed up my metabolism.

At first I did it just for weight loss, but of course after a few weeks and the deeper I began to do research and the more I committed myself, the more it became about getting fit and healthy and having the long term results I've always wanted and giving myself the epic body I deserve.

I live in the city of Olympia, and I'm immensely proud of it.  I want it to be proud of me, too.  I figure I am technically an Olympian, I should work as hard as one.

I'm here because I need a community that can help keep me on the right track, to encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing, and not to give up after having a bad day, or even a bad weekend (I'm rather notorious).  I'm here because my partner hasn't yet tried to develop the same habits I'm trying to (although I have yet to introduce him to this site!), and it's a little tough going it alone.

I have this fear that until a fit and healthy lifestyle is something I trust myself completely to maintain, today could be the day I stop and not start again. I treat every day like I"m walking on egg shells. That my will power is a tiny, budding thing and that if I don't keep all my focus tightly managed every day, I could destroy what I've worked to make something of a habit of the last few weeks.  I'm scared to take a rest day.

I think a community of fellow fitness nerds could be the exact thing that I need for real person-to-person motivation and inspiration, and a support system for when I feel like letting it go, and stop caring like I have many times before.

I look forward to proving myself wrong.


"Maybe we have to break ourselves in order to make something better of ourselves."

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Well, welcome! You've come to an awesome place, full of awesome people. Most of them are better at Pintrest and the Top 40 than me, but even so! We'll be glad to walk with you in whatever way you want us to to get you where you want to go.


If you don't mind me asking, are there any fitness-related feats (movements, lifts, etc.) that you're looking to achieve?

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Welcome! WE are all here to support you on your path to being an olympian and it sounds like you are off to a good start :)

Level 1


Food Goal #1: 5 Servings of Fruits/Veg for 30 Days


Fitness Goal #1: 5000 Steps for 30 Days


Life Goal #1: Keep a Room in Peak Shape for 30 Days

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Hey thanks everyone! :)

Ronin: My fitness related goals in terms of strength/conditioning are rather vague.  I've been looking at endurance and quantity rather than numbers (I haven't started weight training, just body weight training).  

For instance right now, I measure my progress in terms of how many reps of my entire home exercise  I can do (currently at 4, it's pretty lengthy, but I'm looking to get to 5 before long) and on cardio days, how fast/long I can jog (25 minutes at 5 MPH on the treadmill...looking to incorporate some incline and faster MPH soon) rather than I'm looking to lift/press ___ much weight.

I'm looking into starting a kickboxing class and/or join a gym or invest in weights soon so I can start seriously tracking and challenging my muscle building.

"Maybe we have to break ourselves in order to make something better of ourselves."

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