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Hola, my name is Andrew, I'm new! So far this is my story.. (I hope it's not too long)

I'm currently 29 years old and I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. 10 years ago I reached my heaviest weight of 260 lbs with a 44in waist. However, what I noticed more than the numbers was being out of breath from climbing a set of stairs or even walking a few blocks. In 2003 I decided to change my life; I became a vegetarian (lacto-ovo, no fish), fixed up my eating habits and started exercising. At the time I did a lot of research regarding food and nutrition but had little to no knowledge about exercising, how to do things properly and no real plan of attack. I spent a lot of time counting calories, doing cardio on an exercise bike, and very minimal weight lifting thinking that I was doing enough. Over several years I've actually managed to lose 110 lbs and fit into size 34in pants... but I was 'skinny fat', I still had some of my gut, no muscle, and overall not very happy with my body. I then let things slide throughout most of 2012 and put back on 50 lbs...

About a month ago I resolved that I would start over and do things correctly. While looking for info I found Nerd Fitness (hurrah!) and started with the basic bodyweight workout. I've since purchased the Rebel Fitness guide and some dumbells and started my first week at Level 2. I'm 190 lbs at the moment still looking to get rid of fat around my mid section. I'd like to build some muscle as well but I'm waiting to purchase the Rebel Strength guide.

I think my biggest struggle food wise is trying to incorporate more veggies into my diet (I'm a picky vegetarian) and eat more protein. I can manage 50-70g most days but it can be tough. I'm trying to reduce pre-packaged foods as well.

Exercise wise I've managed to do the basic bodyweight workout every other day throughout Feb which I am pretty happy about but I find it difficult to keep active on the in between days.

With the beginner body weight routine I was doing 5 sets of everything without too much difficulty, so I figured with the RFG I should probably be doing weighted lunges, squats, etc...?

Anyways, if anyone has any further advice I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, hi!, and I look forward to learning more, doing the program, and all the other stuff going on around here [:)]

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Hey Andrew, welcome aboard dude. I am relatively new here too. I am about 20 pounds heavier than you at the moment, are you just trying to lose that last little bit of "flab"? That is kinda where I am at right now.


It's great to hear your story dude, I am gonna keep posted to your journey!

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I think abs are the hardest thing to get to "show",  everything I have read so far is that you get abs mostly from eating properly.  This is my biggest area I have to work on is figuring out what foods are best for me.  I am also trying to cut out as many processed foods as possible.

Since you are a vegetarian what foods do you eat to get your daily protein?  

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Peanut Butter! (all natural, just peanuts) I like almond butter but I prefer the taste of peanut butter.
Nuts (almonds mostly)
Greek yogurt
Amy's Kitchen bean and rice burrito (pre-packaged but delicious)
Soy (the occasional veggie burger, etc. However I don't like soy milk, almond is the way to go)

various little amounts from other foods seem to add up, like whole wheat bread. (I've been using the loseit.com app to keep track of it all)

I've tried quinoa, but didn't care for the recipe I made. I intend to give it another shot if I can find a better recipe.

I've yet to try tempeh or seitan.. I often forget they exist.

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Peanut Butter! (all natural, just peanuts) I like almond butter but I prefer the taste of peanut butter.


Nuts (almonds mostly)


Greek yogurt

Amy's Kitchen bean and rice burrito (pre-packaged but delicious)

Soy (the occasional veggie burger, etc. However I don't like soy milk, almond is the way to go)

various little amounts from other foods seem to add up, like whole wheat bread. (I've been using the loseit.com app to keep track of it all)

I've tried quinoa, but didn't care for the recipe I made. I intend to give it another shot if I can find a better recipe.

I've yet to try tempeh or seitan.. I often forget they exist.

I LOOOVE peanut butter and just started making my own the other day.  I also eat lots of Greek Yogurt, but I just got some regular "home made" yogurt from a local farmer here that I am going to try...have to see the protein in that.  I am trying to eat more eggs and have a few muffin-tin recipes to try so I can freeze some for early mornings during the week.

I find that when I have pan fried eggs they feel so "heavy" after I eat them so hopefully baking them in the oven will help lighten the load... 

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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