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Attachment Parenting?


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I really hate labels. I don't understand the necessity of saying what kind of parenting style you hold to.


  • My daughter co-sleeps. It's what works best for us and honestly, she's likely to be my last child, so if she's not ready for her own bed yet, I'm not about to force her out just so I can have a little more of the bed for my husband to hog. ;)
  • She breastfed until she self-weaned at a mere 14 months. Honestly, I miss it.
  • We learned baby-sign together, she even still uses some even though she knows the words. (She's 20 months and she prefers to sign 'more' and 'diaper' instead of saying them even though she can say 'mo' and 'duppy'. XD)
  • She hated the sling/Moby - a friend bought it for me especially, so I was kind of bummed when she didn't take to it. I believe my daughter leads ME in parenting her.

Just do what is right for you and your child.


My daughter and I will still throw around thank you, potty, and sorry; especially when we're trying to communicate across a room or over another conversation.  She's in first grade.  Sign language is such a good cheat code.  ^_^


I love the rest of your post, too.  :)

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As the mom of a toddler my opinion is as follows: do what feels right for you, your spouse, and your baby. We took cues from our daughter, as well as from each other. Everyone had better sleep once LO was moved to her own room, breast feeding didn't work for us, and sleep training is perhaps the best thing I have ever done for my baby. That was great for us, but it might not work at all for someone else.

Bottom line- do what feels right. If something feels wrong, off, or uncomfortable to you then don't worry about it and try something else. Easy, right? :)

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I really hate labels. I don't understand the necessity of saying what kind of parenting style you hold to.


Just do what is right for you and your child.


I completely agree with what you said. I have two children (3y and 8mth) and they showed incredibly different parenting needs. Eventually, I find it easier to listen to their needs than to try to follow a how-to-grow-a-kid recipe.


3y boy needs a full-time attention, haven't been baby-weared but loved to fall asleep in my arms, we co-slept until 2month (and did full night ever after), talked at 10mth, walked at 11mth. I admit their are still things I don't understand with him but I try to improve everyday. A toddler's way of thinking is so much different than a grown-up it's hard to stick to something. But I cheat, I have a little help from Isabelle Filiozat, a famous psychotherapist who has published so many usefull well documented and pragmatic books (don't know if there are available in english).


8mth girl is completely autonomous in her games, is baby-weared at least 3h/day, hate to fall asleep in my arms, never wanted to be in a newborn bed (jumped right into toddler bed) and neither wanted to sleep in her parent's room (truth!), full-night at 1mth and at 8mth she's walking with a little help (!!)

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