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Hi! My (board) name is Flow.

I love the atmosphere of this website. I really appreciate how, although there can be friendly competition, it is non-exclusive, positive, and community oriented. I also like how it is skeptical and evidence-based.

I'm quite comfortable with my exercise goals and progress, but have been wanting a community to belong to. I think I've got a lot to offer you guys too :) without further ado, about me...

My interests:

Living a healthy, happy, enjoyable life, for a long time. But doing so in a way that doesn't interfere with other people's pursuit of the same goal. Ideally, I can harmonize with other people and we can both achieve improvements.

Specific to physical health, I want to be all-around fit in ways that make me feel good, wish to have exercise be a support for my life (not the other way around), be able to have access to it throughout my life, wherever I am, have it not cost much (if anything), and reduce my consumption in meeting the above (be more "environmentally-friendly").

I've got a body-type suited to running, and some of my best life experiences have been moments of nigh-spiritual 'flow' I achieved while running (hence my board-name). It's a term used in psychology. I'm good at running, it's fairly useful, it (usually) makes me feel good, and I want to be able to do it till the day I die, if possible.

But running isn't the be-all and end-all. I was looking for something else to add to round out my fitness. For a variety of reasons, I've landed upon body-weight exercises. Some medium-term goals (5-15 years) are thus:

Establish and maintain the 7 following body weight exercises:

- straddle planche pushup

- freestanding head-stand pushups

- straddle back lever

- straddle front lever

- straddle l-sit

- muscle-up

- human flag

In addition, maintain flow through running.

Some important long-term design goals for me are: minimalism, time efficiency (3-6-hrs a week), and a higher Happy Planet Index. I can elaborate on any point for anyone if they wish (I would love to: I've thought about these things a lot, but I've got a tendency of going-on-too-long as you can see... Oh! Another cool idea is what I'll call 'The Nutritionist's Heuristic' which I think coil be very useful to a lot of people on here$

So I've got experience with running, interest in gymnastics-at-home, and am very interested in connecting and supporting other people. I'd like us all to be happy and healthy :)


- Flow.

PS: I've got a longer-term interest of cutting back my meat consumption, as well as grease and simple sugars.

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Oh I know meat can be healthy, I'm just coming from an environmental perspective (it takes a lot more energy and resources to produce, essentially it has a higher price tag than plant-derived food).

As for the 'Nutritionist's Heuristic', it's relating to junk food (but I think can be applied to lots of other stuff). Everybody has a 'list', stuff you REALLY like to indulge in (ice cream for myself, cookies for the lady I heard it from), down to so-so stuff (cake for me), and at the bottom is junk food you actively dislike (black licorice for me).

Instead of making complete cuts of everything and having the possibility of a binge/crash later on, keep for example your top 3 junk foods, and cut the rest (why the HELL would you eat stuff that's bad for you that you don't enjoy!?). Then eat, and really enjoy, your top 3 (or for her, 1) item(s) in moderation. She LOVED cookies. She had one everyday. Otherwise she ate healthy, and exercised, but she enjoyed herself too.

Et voila :)

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