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Compliment of the Month

Flip Nunez

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So I was wondering what has been your compliment of the month? worth the biggest woot.


For me, at the end of feburary I got my winner when I over heard someone in the weight room talking about how he felt embarassed because I was squatting twice the weight they just put up. of course I didnt want the guy to feel bad (we are friends now) but it still made me feel good. (especially because he was in shape.)


so that was my 'compliment of the month' what was yours? and update as the year progresses.


or let me know if there is a thread like this that already exist.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Lycan Ranger: STR:3 DEX:3 STA:2 CON:2 WIS:3 CHA:2

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From a guy that I see at the gym pretty regularly, and is in pretty good shape.  (I'm jealous of his arms and pullup abilities.):

"I've never seen anybody around here squat that much that low!"


Really, it was only 225, but it was still nice to hear someone tell me my form is good.

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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From a guy that I see at the gym pretty regularly, and is in pretty good shape.  (I'm jealous of his arms and pullup abilities.):

"I've never seen anybody around here squat that much that low!"


Really, it was only 225, but it was still nice to hear someone tell me my form is good.


Haha... yeah.  I've had people tell me that, followed by something along the lines of "You are going to blow out in knees in under 6 months doing that."  /facepalm


My best compliment I suppose would have been from a co-worker, where she asked me if I was thinking about becoming body builder.  After asking why she would ask such a crazy thing, she said, "Well, you've been eating way healthier, been working out a lot, and you read all this stuff about fitness.  Figured you had goals."  Was pretty nice to see that someone at least noticed I was trying to clean up things.  

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I had two nice compliments this weekend actually: one of the guys at the gym referred me to a client which was really nice- said I was really good.  :D

And the second was a guy ask to train with me this weekend for legs.   Was a really flattering compliment- actually any time anyone says they want to train with me I'm always flattered.  :)  makes me feel like I'm doing a great job!

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jfreaksho - yah thats definatly a good one, especially if its not followed by the blown out knee comment(s) that Rook mentioned.


Rook - yah I always feel a boost of motivation when someone lets me know that they have noticed my life changes.


I-Jo - Thats awesome, I'v been doing alot of my work outs solo lately, but with good progress, however I find as the weights get heavier its always better to have a work out buddy, for starters just the safety side of having a good spotter, but I feel like it is easier to lift heavier when you know there is someone there who will help you out if something goes wrong and that lets you mentally push your self to heavier weights.


I am hoping to make some more progress this month and have something good to post soon.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Lycan Ranger: STR:3 DEX:3 STA:2 CON:2 WIS:3 CHA:2

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"hey, where'd you learn to squat like that?  It's really good!!"


Thank you, Sir!!  My trainer is amazing - She teaches me awesome form for everything I do, and doesn't let me progress until I get everything exactly right.  And even then, she still gives me feedback :) 

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"hey, where'd you learn to squat like that?  It's really good!!"


Thank you, Sir!!  My trainer is amazing - She teaches me awesome form for everything I do, and doesn't let me progress until I get everything exactly right.  And even then, she still gives me feedback :)


Having a trainer can be so awesome, both for just perfection of form and great motivation. As of lately iv been working out by mysellf, but my good friend from high-school has joined up with me and now I find myself a little more in the teacher role lol. but it is a nice transition from being by myself to having a spotter.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Lycan Ranger: STR:3 DEX:3 STA:2 CON:2 WIS:3 CHA:2

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So I have been pushing to see how much success i have with out supplements and just training hard and eating clean. recently at the gym someone asked me what supplements i was on, specifically if i took creatine. He said that it he was mostly curious because some times I look like im going to fail, and then manage to still put the weight up and it without sacrificing form and it was super impressive. 


That was my compliment of the month, was nice knowing not just for myself that a clean diet was working but that it was working so well some people even thought i was on something.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Lycan Ranger: STR:3 DEX:3 STA:2 CON:2 WIS:3 CHA:2

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The other day I was squatting 335 for 5 reps for 3 sets, going down as low as I can while standing on 5lb plates (I have very poor ankle mobility and am duck footed so this helps in going low) and I was getting a damn good leg workout while I was at it. On the squat rack next to me, two bros were going down maybe 4 inches on 135lbs. 


Soon the tall skinny white guy (there was a short skinny black guy as well) came over and asked me if I thought that he could ever put up 335 for reps. I told him that if he eats, sleeps, lifts big and squats as low as possible, no number will be big enough for him. He was so happy that he taught me a secret handshake that he and his buddy (the other guy) were using. :D

Ancalagon The Black. Half Dragon Spellsword

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I guess this is more of an encouragement than a compliment, but... A girlfriend and I workout once a week together. She came up to me excitedly and said "OMG! I've lost 12lbs!!!!" I frowned and said "I lost 5."


Without skipping a beat, she said "Ok, but you have a lot less to lose than me."


Its a lil' one, but made me feel good.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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Tonight I was hanging out in a tank top with my boyfriend and he looked at me and said "you know, your arms have gotten really nice lately". Then he ran his hand over my triceps and was like "wow, nice". I strength train for fitness and fun, but the side benefits are pretty good too :)


Current challenge - Rebels - Huntress lays the foundations

"The effort yields its own rewards"  - Data, Star Trek: TNG.

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At the gym on Thursday I was only squating 140lbs but IF go as deep as possible on of the passing body builders who was about three times the size of 11 stone me went "Those are really good squats lad!" I know its not a high num but considering my size an am self taught. Real woot!

I'm the Guy who lifts stuff.


Bodyfat: 14%   Weight: 74 Kilos


ORM Bench press : 58 Kilos     ORM Deadlift : 115 kilos       ORM Squat : 75 kilos

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The biggest compliment I have gotten, I have actually gotten a lot lately. 


My roommate and I have gone lifting together a few times. It was mostly at the beginning of my training a few weeks ago. Since then he has kind of gotten busy with finishing up grad school and what not. Recently as I have come home from the gym and stood around talking to him he will interrupt me to say something to the extent of, "Your arms are looking huge!" or "You are looking awesome!" These types of things make me feel like I am making progress. 


The other day, we went lifting together, and we were doing his workout, and he jumps into his dumbell bench press with his 40 pound dumbells. Not a bad weight at all. I grabbed 35 pound dumbells and he was shocked that he was lifting more than me. I told him I needed a warm up before i began my lifts. After my Warm up set, i jumped up to 55 pound dumbells, and then for the next set 60, and for the final set 65. All the while, he remained on 40 pounders. When we were done with the lift, he made a comment, "I don't think I want to lift with you anymore if you are going to continually double the weight that I am putting up." (all said with a smile on his face.) It made me feel awesome to be made out to be some guy with superhuman strength. Maybe all my training is paying off after all.

Level 1 Dark Elf Ranger

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 2

Constitution: 2

Wisdom : 2

Charisma: 3

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a woman told me today I should pursue professional dancing and be on broadway.


I was incredibly flattered.  


Clearly she has no idea what she's looking at when it comes to dancing- but I was flattered none the less :D


Maybe she does and you're over thinking! Remember Glass is half full.

I'm the Guy who lifts stuff.


Bodyfat: 14%   Weight: 74 Kilos


ORM Bench press : 58 Kilos     ORM Deadlift : 115 kilos       ORM Squat : 75 kilos

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I was stopped in my college class by a couple of girls, who asked about this nasty bruise I have on my bicep.

"Wow, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh, I was playing ultimate frisbee and ran into a pole."

"In frisbee?"

"Yup, it gets pretty intense."

"oh, yeah that makes sense.  you look really athletic."


Very offhand, but it still made my day :)

Human, Ranger

"I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition."

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"How long have you been working out? It seems like just yesterday you were (makes round shape with hands)!" (granted I'm still round, just slightly less so)

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Maybe she does and you're over thinking! Remember Glass is half full.

LOL probably- compared to my dance mates I'm really at the low end.  So it's hard to hear all these compliments when I know compared to them I have to much further to go.   :)  It's okay- it's always nice to hear though!!!


I was stopped in my college class by a couple of girls, who asked about this nasty bruise I have on my bicep.

"Wow, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh, I was playing ultimate frisbee and ran into a pole."

"In frisbee?"

"Yup, it gets pretty intense."

"oh, yeah that makes sense.  you look really athletic."


Very offhand, but it still made my day :)

Ultimate Frisbee ruined more than one cadet's promising army career- or seriously put it on hold- torn ACL's were pretty common. Be careful!!!  and watch were you're running ;)


My ex's mom (who is the grandmother of my first born not my second born) said " your such a sweet person and a great mom. Your kids are wonderful and are lucky to have you" Not going to lie...teared up a bit.

good parents are a rarity.  That's certainly high praise!!! congrats to you :)


"How long have you been working out? It seems like just yesterday you were (makes round shape with hands)!" (granted I'm still round, just slightly less so)

:)  that's alway's awesome to have people notice that!!! 


I usually just tell them- not long enough ;)

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Had a couple of minor ones today- apparently to a mutual gym acquaintance my occasional training buddy said I was 'pound for pound, twice as strong' and make some lifts look easy.
The other was allegedly you could hear me deadlifting throughout the whole building. I make a habit of not dropping weights, but when you're lifting over twice bodyweight for reps it's a bit hard to put them down softly. And I did suggest them getting a lifting platform a few months ago!

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