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Short & chubby but made of WINNING

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Hey guys! I'm a long time lurker and huge fan of NF. I found this site way back when I was searching how to do a pull up, and then spent all evening trying to digest all of the information.


So, my background: spent most of my childhood a lardbutt until about high school when I developed an eating disorder. Spent the better part of two years rehabilitating my relationship with food an exercise. I was super skinny but still depressed and in the "low cal lots of cardio" mindset. I then went to college and discovered booze and cigarettes! Freshman 15? More like the freshman 30. Or 40. I went from a size 2 to a size 10.


I graduated college fat, unfit, still depressed, and marginally alcoholic. And then I decided it would be an awesome idea to get married and move to Australia. The relationship turned sour, and I delved deeper into drinking, smoking, eating, and not doing any exercise. I was a physical and emotional wreak. The marriage ended, we separated (still in Australia), and I spent about 6 months being absolutely miserable.


In July 2012, I decided to get on my bike for the first time in about 8 months. I went for a ride with a recently made friend (prior to this I had no real friends outside of those met through the ex), and I had fun for the first time in a very long time. Since then I have gradually turned everything in my life around:


  • I have one drink a week-- if that. I really don't miss drinking. Now it just makes me sick!
  • Cleaned up my eating. I went to eating out for 50% of my meals to about 80% paleo (but 100% gluten free). Except for Saturday brunch, I cook everything at home.
  • Joined a crossfit gym. Started out going twice a week. Now I'm up to 4 days a week. When I first started I could barely make it through the warm up. Now the warm up is just that: a warm up for the awesome WOD!
  • I used to stay up late and sleep in as much as possible. Now I'm up at 5:30 AM every day to go to crossfit or just go for a jog. People refer to me as the Grandma because I'm usually in bed by 9 PM!

I am no longer depressed! I'm not stressing myself out with calorie counting or how much cardio I can fit in a day. For the first time in my LIFE I am enjoying exercise! I now plan 30-60km Sunday morning bike rides and encourage others to come along.


What I really had to get over was the fact that I haven't dropped a single kilo. In fact I have gained 5kg! But my body composition hasn't changed a mm-- so I'm packing on muscle faster than a Russian gymnast on steroids. I'll never look like a girl on the cover of fitness magazine, but I'm healthy and happy so it's all worth it.


I also want to give a huge freaking shout out to Spezzy-- her story was such an inspiration to me! I'm starting a program next week through my crossfit box to increase my strength faster. I want to start powerlifting and getting into some serious weight.


Now, I have to admit, I'm kind of a former nerd... Used to be a hardcore comic nerd & gamer in uni but then life took over! I guess at the moment I'm more of a classic nerd: fantasy novels, technical computer things, quiet activities. LOTR if that wasn't obvious. I'm also into sewing and knitting so feel free to judge :)


Anyways, you guys are awesome and keep up the support. If anyone needs some encouragement about going to a gym or starting crossfit give me a shout! I was absolutely terrified the first time I stepped into the box, but I mustered up enough courage to do one WOD and then I was hooked. It doesn't matter if I'm dead last on all the exercises-- the only thing that matters is that I'm THERE and giving it 100%!


Stay classy,


Level 1 Human Adventurer

on the path to being a Warrior

 1 STR | 2 DEX | 3 STA | 3 CON | 5 WIS | 1 CHA 



Current Quest


"Do whatever it takes. "- NerdFitness

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I LOOOVE knitting and being in bed by 9pm!  hahaha I am the same kind of "classic" nerd.  I need to start making some friends who are more like me because at the moment my friends are all late night "let's get drunk and partay!" kind of people.  It just isn't fitting very well with my new found health and wellness.



Congratulations on turning your life around and working so hard.

I have thought of doing cross-fit but am a little intimidated to go for the first time.  I am also kind of a cheap person and cross-fit seems pretty expensive.  I believe that if I really wanted to do it I could "re-arrange" the budget and find the money for it.



Welcome, welcome I am glad you decided to join up!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Yeah it's pretty hard sometimes when you're the only one who doesn't want to go out drinking or declines to drink while being out. Here in Australia the culture for after work drinks is pretty hardcore. Starts on Wednesday night! That's a whole other rant though :P


I was so intimidated the first time I went. I walked in the door and they were doing some elite training for the crossfit games. I was about 2 seconds away from running away as FAST as I could! I barely made it through the intro session, I was so unfit! But no one expected me to rock up day one and start doing muscle ups :D


I had to completely reorganize my budget as well! It's $55p.w. here for unlimited sessions, and considering that's about how much I spend on food.... yeoooowch! But you get small group classes, personal coaching to make sure you're doing things right, and supportive people. I'm a bit fortunate that I "found" that money by not drinking or smoking and the membership paid for itself. It helps being a tightwad because then I have to justify all this money I spend by using the membership!


Thanks for the welcome!

Level 1 Human Adventurer

on the path to being a Warrior

 1 STR | 2 DEX | 3 STA | 3 CON | 5 WIS | 1 CHA 



Current Quest


"Do whatever it takes. "- NerdFitness

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Yay!  More nerds who sew!  I don't knit, but I crochet, and that's close enough.  And I hear you on not losing weight after so much work.  I have been running for about 18 months (just completed a the USA 15K Championship yesterday -- woot!), and I've gained 14 lbs (6kg).  Aargh!  People tell me I look thinner, but I don't see it.  Kinda frustrating, but I know I'm better off now than before I started.  I'm going to start eating cleaner and adding strength training and hopefully get those numbers heading in the right direction.  Good luck and welcome!

Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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