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I'm brand new to the site (saw it for the first time yesterday) and I am soooo glad something like Nerd Fitness exists.  I'm a sideline nerd - wanted to play with my brothers as a kid before they kicked me out of their games and, foolishly, I not only listened to them, but also I decided to avoid everything they were interested in then in spite. Damn.  Bad move.  Oh well, so here I am - a level 1 Lizardfolk training to be a Ranger with an extra dose of Scout. 


Current condition:  5'8", 212lbs, unknown body fat % but I know it's not good.

  • able to walk 5 miles in 2 hours with minimal soreness the next day,
  • running is limited to 1 block at a time with about 4 blocks needed to recover and rinse andrepeat 4ish times,
  • I can do 1 3/4 full-length push-ups, 1 45-second plank followed by 1-20 second plank and
  • can touch my toes but not gracefully. 
  • Prone to injuring my back and shoulder but very rarely get sick (knock on wood!).
  • I'm also sugar/carb junky, although I gave up caffeine for Lent and am considering it to be a lasting change (the tired all the time was worse before I gave up my 6 servings of caffeine acouple weeks ago).  That experience is tempting me to give up more of said sugars/carbs if it will help me avoid the major crashes and exhaustion I feel during the day and early evening. 
  • I have tried many workout plans that work for a few months until my support systems leave and/or I get bored or injured. 
  • I am currently signed up to jog 14 miles (divided into 4 parts) on June 1st as part of a 50-mile relay race with 3 co-workers who are in way better shape than me.  That was supposed to motivate me and it's kind of working. 
  • Oh yeah, and I'm allergic to raw fruits that aren't citrus/berries and raw vegetables that aren't leaf-based (yes,it's a true allergy to the produce and not the pesticides and yes, I'm wierd. No, that is not an excuse.  This is part of my underdog story that will totally kickass in the inspiration part when I can tell folks I can eat healthfully even with a strange handicap).


My long-tern goals:

  • Run 6 miles in 60 minutes and 1 in 8 minutes.  Why?  Because if every I need to out-run an attacker, I'd like to have a fighting chance, and besides, I like high-energy dogs and they need to be run on a regular basis.
  • Lift my own body weight up over a wall at least 3 times in a row with relative ease.  Why,? Again, if you need to escape or jump the fence because your dog just did that or just to show off, I'd like to be able to do so.  Also, I love Mud Runs and they always have a few walls in the middle of their races.
  • Have sustained energy throughout the day without relying on caffeine or other fake energy supplements.
  • Be able to out rough-house (time-wise) a small child - because I like to goof around and have fun and kids have the most energy of anyone I know, so if I can last longer than they can, then obviously I'm in decent enough shape.
  • Drop to 150lbs OR reach below 160lbs, be in top shape and have body fat % of <20%.
  • The really crapp in terms of specificity but true goal = I want to be able to have fun in life without worrying I'm going hurt/kill myself.  I also want to be like my great-aunt who went skydiving for her 80th birthday party and was able to walk 6+ miles a day until about a year before she died. 

Level 5 Lizardfolk: Assassin STR - 4, DEX - 3, STA - 5, CON -4, WIS - 20, CHA - 12

"You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."


Current Challenge: "Idealistinfire's 2% Improvement Plan"     Battle Log: "Idealistinfire Battle's Saboteur's Spawn"                                

Epic Quest: No fancy name yet


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I've been seriously considering removing at least the fructose corn syrup from my diet - my boyfriend was doing that when I met him, but I may have corrupted his diet a bit. When you dropped all the sugar, did you have reactions like dropping caffeine overnight?  And did you do it all at once or little by little. I've been considering the Paleo diet, but I'm not quite ready to get rid of all my beloved carbs.  Still, I'm looking into a 80% paleo with 20% healthier versions of my current diet.  Have to wait til I get paid though since I already bought this month's supply of food and no cash this month to get extras (dang car ate my money just because it could).


Awesome to hear others are managing to do healthful eating with weird allergies.  My coworkers and friends just accept my excuse and are terrible motivators.  I'll definitely look into the links you provided - thanks!

Level 5 Lizardfolk: Assassin STR - 4, DEX - 3, STA - 5, CON -4, WIS - 20, CHA - 12

"You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."


Current Challenge: "Idealistinfire's 2% Improvement Plan"     Battle Log: "Idealistinfire Battle's Saboteur's Spawn"                                

Epic Quest: No fancy name yet


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