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Hello rebels!

For quite some time now I've been reading the blog, absorbing some ideas, lol-ing with another ones, but of all those ideas one stood up in my head and won't let go: I can be better, and for this I don't need to spend my life in a gym.

I don't like gyms. I hate gym guys who go kissing their drug-filled biceps and, incredibly, don't choke at their own self proclaimed awesomeness. The idea of entering their dungeon always terrified me to the last bit, but not now. Now I've heard of people who can still be normal, like what they like, and have time to live their lives outside of a damn sweaty space, and I am proud to get in touch with some of these guys, A.K.A. the rebels.

Trough all the reading I've now reached a critical point, a point where I realized it's my fault my body is this way, and once you get to that point is quite hard to ignore the mesmerizing voice from behind your neck that says "it's you fault, you got it this way, you understood how to change it, now go and F*ING DO SOMETHING"

I'm overweight, can't run more than a block to save my life, I'm a smoker, I'm weak, I feel tired every friggin' day no matter how much i sleep.... Nope.

I was all that.

I made a promise to myself after a lot of reading and inspiring found here, and this promise is "by 07/07/11 my body will be my tool to roam, change, and enjoy the world, not my burden."

For this, tomorrow, I'm starting my 30 days of paleo and exercise just to see how it goes, and I'll smoke only on the weekend, 2 cigarretes tops.

I'll set some other goals after I analyse how bad I am to set how much I will improve, but for now "better" paints a picture good enough for me.

Hell, that post is something a little longer than I expected, but will have to do. Count me in for the trenches of the rebel army!

Thanks folks and sorry if I screwed up something here, my English ain't perfect.

Tenkyuu. =)

P.S.: And hello from Brasil (here we write it this way)

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Welcome to the Rebellion! You're one of us now, let us know how we can help. Do you have any idea how you are going to achieve your goals (ex., weight training, martial arts, running, etc.)? Paleo is a good choice as far as diet goes. I've been doing it close to a year now, and feel great (I'm not quite where I want to be yet, but I will be there). I was like you, in the fact that I could sleep forever and still be tired all the time. You can do it!

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Bem-vindo! Eu podia praticar meu português com você? :P (I know absolutely zero fitness-related Portuguese, so you'll have to help me out there.) O ginásio não é o inimigo. Abraça-lo!

(Desculpe pra o português horrivél...há muitos meses que eu tenho estudado-lo.)


"Did you go to the gym when you were alive?"
"I died in 1938. For exercise, we drank sloe gin and smoked Lucky Strikes."
- Dead Like Me

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I know 0 Portuguese, much less fitness related, so I will just say:

Howdy Tenkyuu and welcome to the Rebellion!

Always good to have another Paleo dieter.

If you need any advice for quitting smoking, I know there are a couple of members on the boards, myself included, that would be more then willing to chat with you about methods and tips.

One of the best things I found for quitting smoking was exercise. I remember after my first workout, I saw someone light up outside and I nearly lost my lunch.

"She turned me into a newt!"

"A newt?"

"I got better..."

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/NFPlex

That's NFPlex.

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Welcome and good luck with your personal challenge. We do 28 day challenges, and the next one might come right after your 30 day trial. I am doing my first challenge and am finding it very helpful to have other people to be accountable to, and I've met a couple of people, too. I highly recommend a paleo/primal diet, too.

I read a study once that said doing ANYTHING in the gym is more anabolic than doing NOTHING sitting in front of the computer.

~Chris Shugart @ T-nation

Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and is

transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.

~Morihei Ueshiba


* Robb Wolf Podcast #68- Matt Lalonde vs gluten (<-transcript)

*Documentary: Fat Head

*NF blog:Most Inspirational 20 Minutes

*Starting Strength Wiki

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Thanks for the warm welcome folks!

I've noticed the seriousness of my smoking on a soccer game with some friends... I almost puked my guts too.

I already quit smoking once, and it last for some months, buuuut I was in a nice bar, the craving came back and I started again with renewed vice... (from lights to reds...)

As for the Portuguese, hell yeah! It'll be great to help, but let's write it in Port. and in Eng, so everybody else can read too. =)

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Hi and welcome! Congradulations indeed on your new resolve. That's wonderful to read. I know you can do this, and look forward to reading your Woot Post on 07/07/11, bragging about all you've accomplished.

I like your long-term goal, but do you have any short-term fitness goals you want to accomplish? Walk a km? Run a km? Do a yoga class? Do a pushup or a pull-up? Wanting to change your life is the first step, the next step is figuring out what you want to change it TOO. There's lots and lots of ideas here.

Especial thumbs up to the quitting smoking. I'm a former smoker myself, and it's tough to stay off the poison, but SO VERY WORTH IT.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Took me a while to come back, but here I am.

Took me some time to assess what I could or couldn't do. I have tried the begginer body weight workout, so far so good. My arms are weak, my legs are fine. 15 sec planks, 20 squats, 20 walking lunges went ok, but the DB rows were hard. My goals for next month are run 15min (can't run more than 5), finish at least one stinking pull up, finish 20 perfect push ups, and reach the 100 body weight squat mark. I'm still not sure how much can I improve in one month, but I'm pretty sure this goals won't be too easy but are certainly reachable.

As long as paleo goes, I've slipped up in the weekends. It's kinda hard to resist a marriage buffet and a graduation... I'll not even start talking about beers. Let's just say that was THE major mess-my-diet-glorious-liquid-of-the-damned-gods...

Couldn't wait 'till the weekend for a smoke, so I changed my goal to 2 a day. I'll reduce it again next week.

See ya later

(Same post in Portuguese to train w perfect42.)

Demorou, mas eu voltei.

Levei algum tempo para verificar o que eu conseguia ou não fazer. Tentei o Begginer body weight workout, e até agora tudo bem. Meus braços estão fracos, minhas pernas estão ok. Tábuas de 15 seg, 20 agachamentos, e 20 walking lunges (não faço idéia como chamam isso por aqui, vou tentar descobrir) foram tranquilas, mas as remadas foram complicadas. Meus objetivos para o mes que vem são correr 15 min (não consigo correr mais que 5...), completar uma maldita barra, finalizar 20 flexões perfeitas, e alcançar a marca de 100 agachamentos.

Eu não tenho certeza de quando é possível melhorar em um mes, mas tenho certeza que estes objetivos não são tão fáceis, mas são alcançáveis.

Quanto a dieta Paleo, vassourei (this is a slang) nos finais de semana... é meio complicado resistir a buffet de formatura e casamento... E eu nem vou falar sobre as cervejas. Vamos só dizer que elas foram o principal líquido-glorioso-que-avacalha(slang)-dietas.

Não consegui ficar sem fumar até o final de semana, então alterei o objetivo para, no máximo, 2 cigarros por dia. Vou reduzir denovo semana que vem.

Até mais!

P.S.: Aqui é mais comum chamarmos gyms de academias em vez de ginásios. Na verdade chamamos de ginásio lugares onde se treina ginástica olímpica ou esportes e chamamos de academia lugares onde se treinam artes marciais, musculação e etc. Não tenho certeza se isso vale para o país inteiro, mas aqui no sul é assim. =) Grande abraço!

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Um grande abraço! Só quero dizer que é muito legal achar alguem quem fala português aqui no NerdFitness! Welcome, man! And, not ALL of us gym guys' biceps are drug-filled, just so you know ;-)

The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed - Steven Biko

Uma coisa é você achar que está no caminho certo, outra é achar que seu caminho é o único (It is one thing to believe you are on the right path; it's yet another to believe yours is the only path) - Paulo Coelho

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dtayq

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Opa! Somos 3 então! Tem o Perfect42 também! =D

I said that because I never had a pleasurable experience in a gym, and have been offered one or another tipe of s*** more than once =P.

But i have nothing against the rebels, altough I never met one that really acted, ou trained like one in the gym I had to go to fix my knee back then.

But see ya!

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Cara, I feel you. There are some sketchy types in gyms, for sure. Good luck with achieving your goals and feel free to ask any of us for any advice. Boa sorte!

The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed - Steven Biko

Uma coisa é você achar que está no caminho certo, outra é achar que seu caminho é o único (It is one thing to believe you are on the right path; it's yet another to believe yours is the only path) - Paulo Coelho

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dtayq

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