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Time to stop lurking and join the Rebellion for real

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Hey everybody,


I discovered this website quite by accident several weeks ago and was immediately excited.  Geek? Fitness? Awesome! Two things I am, united at last! I am sort of an extroverted introvert however and was intimidated by actually getting involved.  I had been bugging my DH to get involved with me and now he has actually become more involved more quickly then I have.


I do have a lot of very plausible excuses, though.  I really do.  The first is that I am a 'lurker'.  I like to stay on the sidelines until I feel like I know what I am doing, then jump in.  I was holding back because I was worried "What if I am not geek enough?"  or "What if I am not fit enough?" or "What if they think I am a poser! I'm not a very good geek after all!" or "I'm just going to get bored of it like I get bored of everything anyway, so might as well not get too involved."  


See, those are some good excuses!   Riiiiight....

So here I am!  


My current stats are:


Age: 26

Sex: Female

Height: 5'11.5 (Was 6 foot once, but I have scoliosis and I'm shrinking already!)

Weight: 81kg/178lbs

Measurements: 35" bust, 29" waist, 44" hips (No thats not a typo.  Think white Nicki Minaj without the boobs)


My goals include to get a little more comfortably into the healthy BMI range.  I am a very stocky individual so I will never healthily be a BMI of 20, but a 23 is attainable I think. I want to be STRONG!! To do this I am lightly into rock climbing (I go once or twice a week), I am on week 4 of the C25K, and now just purchased the NROL for women.  I have truly buggered up feet so running is probably not the smartest thing for me, but nevertheless I want to do it.  I plan to get a bike this summer and focus on that rather then running though, because I'm sure my knees will eventually disallow the running.  No cash or weather to support the purchasing of a decent hybrid bicycle right now though (Hello Canadian winter!).


Food wise, I'm working toward de-processing and de-carbing my diet.  I really, really like carbs though.  Like a lot.  I am aiming for "Paleo-inspired".  I'm not totally sold on Paleo, but I think there is a lot of good in it.  But no dairy? Sorry mates, not happenin'.  I am also on myfitnesspal.com so feel free to add and harass me.  


Character-wise, I'm thinking Ranger.  I want to be strong, efficient, bad-ass, but also practical.  

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.â€- Mahatma Gandhi

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Ah ha!  I made my profile before you did! 


This is the woman that has badgered and harassed and loved me enough to help me get my fitness goals started.  She's probably the biggest reason I'm not a bloated gargantuan mass hiding in my apartment.


I mean, uh, RAR!  I can punch through walls!  Umm... Right.  I think i covered that sappy mess well.

Half-Giant Monk

current challenge

"Promote yourself, but do not demote another." Yisroel Salanter

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