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What cellphone do you carry? (Model/OS)

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This is just sort of an off shoot of 1fever's inquiry as to how many of us made our living. In seeing a high percentage of "nerdy/geeky" responses of coders/IT pro's I thought I'd take this off on a tangent △... and see what cellphones people were using. (Please try to refrain from needless bashing of other mobile OS's!)

I had been in the market for a new smartphone for quite a while but could never make up my mind about which to get. I decided against iPhone (or WP7 for that matter) b/c I don't like being tied to a specific OS/App to sync my phone, as I am a heavy Linux user.


So I've just recently purchased a Nokia N900, running just that! Maemo5 based off of Debian:

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Although I just ordered it last week and haven't gotten it yet! (Also a poll seemed like a good idea but I can never figure those out on forums)

"Tomorrow = Never"

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Original Moto Droid, from about New Year's 2010, I believe it was. Haven't done any of those Root mods, so I'm just running Android 2.2.1 (Froyo). I'm given to understand that so far, the only way to get Gingerbread (Android 2.3+) on the MotoDroid is to root it - so I might end up playing around with that, don't know. My next - and last (>:( @ Verizon!) - New Every 2 comes up in August, I believe, and I'll probably sit on it for a little while and look to see what's available. If the new model of Droid is close to release, I'll likely go with that - I've been very happy with mine, and would like to stay on Android, I think. Might shift phone manufacturers if Moto doesn't release a Droid with the new dual-core chips and plenty of memory, like LG's new Optimus - but I see that Moto HAS a Tegra-2 phone out now, the Atrix, and am right this second reading up about all the new goodies they're planning and rumored to be releasing through Q4, including what could be the first quad-core phone (o_O). Must have >=dual-core, must have 4G/LTE capability, GREATLY desire 1GB+ of internal memory plus microSDHC card slot (MUST have the microSDHC), and I can't see departing Verizon's network.

I'd enjoy the opportunity to play around with a tablet, but am not ready to buy one. I still need something I can put in my pocket, or hang on my belt, and cart a library around with me everywhere I go (that's one of the biggest uses my phone sees - I read books on it, using Aldiko).

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[...] I'll likely go with that - I've been very happy with mine, and would like to stay on Android, I think. Might shift phone manufacturers if Moto doesn't release a Droid with the new dual-core chips and plenty of memory, like LG's new Optimus - but I see that Moto HAS a Tegra-2 phone out now, the Atrix, and am right this second reading up about all the new goodies they're planning and rumored to be releasing through Q4, including what could be the first quad-core phone (o_O). Must have >=dual-core, must have 4G/LTE capability, GREATLY desire 1GB+ of internal memory plus microSDHC card slot (MUST have the microSDHC), and I can't see departing Verizon's network.

I'd enjoy the opportunity to play around with a tablet, but am not ready to buy one. I still need something I can put in my pocket, or hang on my belt, and cart a library around with me everywhere I go (that's one of the biggest uses my phone sees - I read books on it, using Aldiko).

I've got an Android tablet, which I mostly use for reading books, but I haven't used it in a while. Just a 7" underpowered Chinese one. Auegen GenTouch 78, fun to mess around with though, great for surfing the web. I'd considered the Atrix on ATT, but wasn't really ready to switch of Verizon for that phone. It sounded great but I just didn't really have to have it. It does look like there have been some leaked photos of the Droid 3. It's looking to have a nice keyboard, a five row.

Tehehehe! Now I'm as giddy as a school girl! I just checked my tracking number and my phone is "Out for delivery! I should get it today!"

"Tomorrow = Never"

Twitter | Thingist | Challenge | Squad

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I am the proud owner of one of these babies.


Oh yeah. You're jealous.


"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Its not the software at all, or any of there products, because I'm sure they are fine. It's the smugness Apple people have when I tell them about my Droid/PC/Meizu MP3 player, usually after they ask me if I'm an Apple owner. They bring up how much better their products are with an er of hautiness and look down at me almost as if I'm still plugged in to the Matrix and Apple has thankfully freed them. "Apple has an easier interface" they say. Well you know what my Droid will eat an iPhone, my PC is customizeable, open ended and easy to use, and my Meizu sounds a ton better then an iPod (I did give in once and buy an iPod to my dismay because they sound terrible). As a matter of fact my Moto Droid sounds better then an iPhone. But its a culture I guess. It all started with the stupid "I'm a MAC" commercials. Instead of trying to be like the cool guy, I hated him for being a douche. Plus, Apple sells itself as this hip and free system while in the background they keep an almost communist like grip on their users. It's like the people that look at my SUV and tell me about how much gas mileage their Prius gets. But I love going into the Apple Store in Waikiki talking on my Droid. But yeah I'm a hater.

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Oh I definitely agree with you there. I wanted one of the black mac books for a really long time but was like, man I can NOT justify spending a grand on some hardware that I'll just put Linux on ;)

You've got plenty of fanboys(girls) for everything, but it does seem that a significantly higher percentage of Apple users fall into that category. I've been "removed" from the Apple store plenty of times. Usually b/c I go into single user mode and change a bunch of stuff, and they're like you can't do that. And I'm like "It's a read-only file system, you can't make changes (even though you can, just have to re-mount the disks)." We can't have you change anything. "I CAN'T!"

The whole blah blah, heavy *UNIX user looking for functionality before purchasing route, doesn't really sit well with them either since they have no idea what I'm talking about.

"Tomorrow = Never"

Twitter | Thingist | Challenge | Squad

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Its not the software at all, or any of there products, because I'm sure they are fine. It's the smugness Apple people have when I tell them about my Droid/PC/Meizu MP3 player, usually after they ask me if I'm an Apple owner. They bring up how much better their products are with an er of hautiness and look down at me almost as if I'm still plugged in to the Matrix and Apple has thankfully freed them. "Apple has an easier interface" they say. Well you know what my Droid will eat an iPhone, my PC is customizeable, open ended and easy to use, and my Meizu sounds a ton better then an iPod (I did give in once and buy an iPod to my dismay because they sound terrible). As a matter of fact my Moto Droid sounds better then an iPhone. But its a culture I guess. It all started with the stupid "I'm a MAC" commercials. Instead of trying to be like the cool guy, I hated him for being a douche. Plus, Apple sells itself as this hip and free system while in the background they keep an almost communist like grip on their users. It's like the people that look at my SUV and tell me about how much gas mileage their Prius gets. But I love going into the Apple Store in Waikiki talking on my Droid. But yeah I'm a hater.

remember that not all apple people are like this.

i love apple products for many reasons.

i also understand that while they're what i want, they're not what everyone wants.

their ads are just marketing, and marketing that worked perfectly.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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remember that not all apple people are like this.

i love apple products for many reasons.

i also understand that while they're what i want, they're not what everyone wants.

their ads are just marketing, and marketing that worked perfectly.

Yeah, I read a book called Start With Why. It goes into the Apple marketing scheme and why its so successful. It also talks about the Apple culture and why people are so apt to fight for it even unprovoked and in the face of an obviously superior product whether in price or features. Don't get me wrong they have a system that works and most Apple people are decent but like everything the few ruin it for me. Plus, Apple breads this mentality of "you're not cool unless everything you have is Apple, but not just Apple, it must be the newest Apple". There stores say it all and their commercials. Any more I think they are just trying to hard to be cool and non-mainstream. Its like the goth kid I saw with a t-shirt that said "you laugh because I am different, I laugh because you are all the same" and not 20 mins later I saw the same shirt on another person. Apple fills a niche and I wont bash a guy for having an iPhone in line but I have been told twice while playing with my Droid at the same grocery store "you should try an iPhone, they are better". I just said "no thanks, I don't want to be ashamed of my phone". He gave me a dirty look. Wish I would have thought of that the for the first person that said it, but it was a female.

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I agree. I never really quite got the whole fanboyism. Especially as a Linux user, the thing I hate more than anything else is Linux fanboys. Linux does not cure cancer, is not the best OS, your grandmother probably doesn't want to use it, and no one is a fascist for using Apple or Microsoft products. It is a tool to do a job. I just chose the operating system (phone included) that best fit my needs and preferences. I highly doubt many people would be as pumped as I that a full build of Perl 5.8.8 would be installed on their cell phone. I try to stick to the "This is why I like it and why I chose it." People that can list off things like that rather than just "It's better" are much more prone to describing a feature that I hadn't heard of before, which may prompt me to look into it.

"Tomorrow = Never"

Twitter | Thingist | Challenge | Squad

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Yeah, I read a book called Start With Why. It goes into the Apple marketing scheme and why its so successful. It also talks about the Apple culture and why people are so apt to fight for it even unprovoked and in the face of an obviously superior product whether in price or features. Don't get me wrong they have a system that works and most Apple people are decent but like everything the few ruin it for me. Plus, Apple breads this mentality of "you're not cool unless everything you have is Apple, but not just Apple, it must be the newest Apple". There stores say it all and their commercials. Any more I think they are just trying to hard to be cool and non-mainstream. Its like the goth kid I saw with a t-shirt that said "you laugh because I am different, I laugh because you are all the same" and not 20 mins later I saw the same shirt on another person. Apple fills a niche and I wont bash a guy for having an iPhone in line but I have been told twice while playing with my Droid at the same grocery store "you should try an iPhone, they are better". I just said "no thanks, I don't want to be ashamed of my phone". He gave me a dirty look. Wish I would have thought of that the for the first person that said it, but it was a female.

I have the whole "everyone should just leave eachother alone" mentality. I have an iPhone. You (general population, not you yourself) has a (insert type of phone).

My phone does what I want mine to do, yours does what you want yours to do. I don't think anyone ever needs to argue over such silliness. Superiority does not come from material items, that's for sure. When people have said to me "oh, you should try the Droid" my response is just always "eh, I'm happy with my iPhone". and that's the end of it.

And not to be meant as offensive, while Apple fanboys give other Apple users a bad name, I think Apple haters are just as bad as Apple fanboys.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sorry, is that not what we're doing here?

I have the iPhone 3Gs and love it. My wife has the iPhone 4 and I love it slightly more. I'm on the Telus network, and they didn't get the iPhone right away. I was ready to switch carriers but they picked it up a couple of months before my current contract expired, so I was able to sign a new contract and get the phone. I was officially the first person in the store to buy it. So yeah, bit of a fanboy :)

(Actually at our house so far we've gone through 20GB iPod, iPod video [or whatever they called that model], nano, touch, second gen touch, and now two iphones. We have about a billion sync cables and are the go-to people in our friends/family for when someone needs a cable)

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Who's arguing or fighting? Do not think I insinuate Apple owners are the same as the Fanboys. There is no insult here to anyone, like I said last post I have no animosity towards Apple users in as much as I have no animosity to the guy next to me driving a hybrid. The issue arises when they fanboy up as Junglizer put it. It just so happens I run into Apple Fanboys alot more then anything else and it turns me off of their products. That and the sound is not as good in the iPod even through my Beats and my wife's Bose headphones. But for what I do the Droid seems really no different then the iPhone, other then when I got my Droid, Verizon had better coverage then AT&T. But the thing is, I'm not a Blackberry hater and they compete with Droid. It's those fanboys that bring it out. But I notice that you may as well argue about religion before talking about the Apple/Droid or Mac/PC fight. I am actually interested in seeing what the WP7 can do since I really haven't seen it and Iraq is suprisingly not really a haven of technology. On a side note I am a fanboy in other areas. 1. I refuse to play Allies on WoW and 2. Boise State Football is like a 2nd religion to me. Other then that I don't really care. To each his/her own as spezzy put it.

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sorry, is that not what we're doing here?

haha no, no fight at all. i'm just stating my opinion. that's all :)

all i was trying to say was that while apple fanboys are pretty bad, there are people on the opposite of the spectrum (like people who make anti apple websites, and such) who are just as bad. because seriously, what's the point? it's a phone. that's all.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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My current phone is a Palm Treo but I have disabled all smartphone stuff and use an iPod Touch for all smartphone things. We have a Peel for data connectivity. I'm in an area where the only Verizon Service is if you stand on top of a particular stump over by the guest house and are tall enough. ATT is almost as bad so we are on Sprint. If Sprint had an iPhone I'd buy one in an instant. I'm a Mac user, hubby is Linuxx but we drive a Hummer, original H1 style. I love the basic it usually just works nature of the Mac but I hate the lockdown that happens on iPod/iPhone devices. But for me the kicker is running Omnifocus and DEVONThink. Those 2 apps are vital to me and only run on Apple devices.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I have an HTC Inspire on AT&T. I would list the OS, but I'm constantly flashing new ROMs. I was running 2.2 overclocked to 1.6GHz, then to 2.3. Just flashed MIUI over today. Kind of iPhone-ish, but I'm theming that away. Need to try CM7 soon.

Also have a Barnes & Noble Nook Color. Flashed Honeycomb over to it and is overclocked to 1GHz.

Android, I <3 you.

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