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Not Such a New Newbie


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     I wasn't sure where to put this exactly, as it's involving the start of my fitness quest, but since I'm not really new to fitness, the Beginner's section seemed out of place. A little back ground first:

     In 2000 I was an overweight, borderline asthmatic, chain smokin' trucker. I hated my life and wanted a change. So, at 25, I joined the Army. At first I was less than stellar as a Soldier, but as time went on, I steadily became better at it, and therefor more confident. In early 2007, I was a Sergeant in 1/1 Cavalry (Buedingen, Germany) and at the peak of my physical conditioning. Only one point was keeping me from maxing the APFT. The unit was shutting down, so I needed to find an assignment. Silly me, I went to Recruiting and shit got stupid real quick. Six months in (March '08) things got real bad, and with the stress of a sales job I couldn't just quit, my fitness plummetted. In June '10, my fitness was below Army standards still, and since I was having brain issues, I was retired early. Since then, I've essentially sat life out and now am back to where I was physically in 2000. My wife passed last October, and I'm finally coming out of the shock pat of the mourning process. Racheal's death was directly attributable to her never taking care of herself. I see the path I'm on now, and don't like it. I searched for a motivator of some type, and I found it here, at Nerd Fitness.

     That was longer than I expected! :nonchalance: Well, after scouring this site, like so many others, I came up with a starting point. I first tried to see how many pushups and situps I could do (I ain't tellin'). My plan then was walk three miles on a quarter mile track, and after every loop, alternate between doing 5 pushups or 5 situps. I did this for a week, and realized I was capable of more. So I switched to another track that is 6 laps to the mile. I walk at a brisk pace for twenty laps. After each odd numbered lap I do 5 pushups, and on even numbered laps I do 5 situps. It's invigorating but not what you'd call a smoker. It's not meant to be. It's just meant to help me establish the habit before starting Challenge 1. My Challenge for April 15 will be to take this, and escelate it so that at the end of the six weeks, I'm jogging those laps, and knocking out ten reps at each pass. My second challenge will center around Steve's Beginners Body Weight Workout with a running goal, and the third Challenge will be to transition into the Advanced Body Weight Workout with a bicycle goal, and a continuation of the running. My long term motivator is the fulfillment of a childhood dream (hike the Nahanni Valey). My shorter term goal is to be ready for next years Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range.

     While serving, I should've learned how to create PT plans, instead of just showing up every morning wearing my PT shorts and a scowl. I don't have a weight loss goal. I really don't care how much I weigh. I figure it'll all work out once I'm where I want to be. I care more about gaing strength and endurance than I do about losing pounds. If anyone has any constructive input, I'm willing to listen. also, if anyone out there is in an hour radius if Iva, SC let me know. I'm trying to find a workout partner, and the member map is worthless (it doesn't show me, so how many others does it not show?).

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Welcome JT.  Thank you for your service brother.  There is lots of advice to be had around here.  I will step aside and let those more practiced than myself handle that.

TheBBP, level 1 Jedi Adventurer

Hebrews 12:11-13
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.â€


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