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I've been on this site forever and I still find it hard to contribute anything of value. I'm right there with you on that part. haha

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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Well you have to just jump in somewhere and "blurt" your thoughts out....well that is what I do because I don't usually have anything educational to say so I just write what comes into my head and hope for the best.  


So why did you join Nerd Fitness?  I joined to try and make friends with similar interests and to build up a sort of support system while I try to level up my life.  I see on your profile page you are into martial arts...can't remember the exact name you used....but any ways how is that going?  Do you have any other goals fitness/health wise that you are working on?  One of my goals is to get more into callisthenics and doing "graceful" tricks with my body....I am far from graceful at the moment....

I love reading more fantasy books myself but have heard a lot of great things about the Enderverse series so that is on my list of things to read....right after I watch all the Star Wars movies.   I think I had only seen the first one ever so I was shocked to find out there are 6 Star Wars movies....I have watched #1 and #2 so far....maybe I will watch #3 this evening.  I am also going to re-watch Lord of The Rings once I am done the Star Wars set.  The last books I read were the Game of Thrones Series (can't wait for the next book to come out), I did recently watch the second season of the Game of Thrones series and I have to say I was sort of disappointed by how different it was from the book.  I am usually pretty apprehensive about watching movies that are made from books I have read because they are always a little different and it drives me nuts!   
Any ways I am done gibbering on about myself, tell us about YOU!  :D

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Elder, I urge you to read Enders Game. It sat on my book shelf for at least 6 months (because thats what I do, comfort buy books and take ages to get around to reading them) before I finally picked it up to read it, and could not put it down. its one of the best books I have ever read. I'm enjoying working my way through the series now.

I joined NerdFitness because it sounded pretty awesome. I think its hard sometimes to see that intelligent people can be interested in sport and fitness. But I think people with a brain can actually get a lot from it, and its great when someone thinks that because you are the geeky one who can produce the right Harry Potter spell to do the right action, you are gonna be a push over, or not be able to do long distance running etc.

Martial arts is going good, got my black belt a few years ago and love doing it. Its a very rewarding hobby, not just about improving myself, but helping the lower grades climb the ranks, whether they be 8 years old or 80 years old, its brilliant watching them progress and seeing them use the things you've taught them to show others.

What fantasy books do you read? I've just started reading 2061 Odyssey Three. Read the 2 previous ones a while ago and finally got round to picking this one up. Arthur C. Clarke is a great writer and is really easy to read.

I watched all the extended edition LOTR movies over 2 days, a couple of weeks ago. It actually felt like I'd gone on the journey myself by the end of it. Worth watching them in a relatively short space of time to get the most of it.


Synyster, I'm gonna have to disagree about Jar Jar Binks, but each to their own. Darth Maul is my favourite character from that movie, and its in that movie that you first see how good lightsaber battles can be

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Ha well I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Wow you really have been on for a long time. What do you use it for mostly? if you don't mind my asking


I use it for motivation, advice, and to keep myself accountable. I try really hard to be social but it's always been a difficult task for me. lol

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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Darth Vader is a pretty imposing character, but I think I actually prefer him as Anakin when he's turning evil. He has that lust for power, and the tragedy with losing Padme makes him crazy. Plus he's awesome with a lightsaber. Episodes II and III were not the best films, but the action is amazing, very well choreographed, and I think they get better every time you watch them. Reading the books set in the same sort of time period is really good to add extra depth to the characters, especially Palpatine, you see how many pies he had his fingers in and all the ways he manipulates the galaxy to eventually take over it.

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Ok just watched #3....Whaaaaat!  I didn't see that coming...but now I know where Luke and Leia come from.  I agree with you marcwitheresea, I like bad Anakin better than Darth Vadar.  So far though I am Light Side all the way!  It's funny though....I keep expecting Obi-Wan Kenobi to break out singing "Your Song" from Moulin Rouge.  Hahaha  Maybe #4 tomorrow...?

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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It'll be interesting to hear someone's point of view who is watching the films for the first time in chronological order. I, like most people, saw the original 3  movies and then later on watched the prequels. So all along I knew where it was heading but was interesting watching the roads it took to get there.


Whys there so much focus on Dark side and Light side of the force? The Jedi and the Sith are the polar extremes of force users. I think the Sith are way too caught up in trying to conquer the galaxy. But the Jedi can never be as in tuned with the force as fully possible because they shun so much of it. If the force is so brilliant and powerful, why would it create the Dark side (and all the grey bits in between) if it doesn't want them to be used. What's everyone else's thoughts?

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have you participated in any of the challenges?  that is a great way to get involved more w/the forums.  especially if you pick a guild that is smaller than say the adventurers.  i'm in the Druid guild at the moment - not many folks there - so we are all getting to know each other pretty well.


It'll be interesting to hear someone's point of view who is watching the films for the first time in chronological order. I, like most people, saw the original 3  movies and then later on watched the prequels. So all along I knew where it was heading but was interesting watching the roads it took to get there.


Whys there so much focus on Dark side and Light side of the force? The Jedi and the Sith are the polar extremes of force users. I think the Sith are way too caught up in trying to conquer the galaxy. But the Jedi can never be as in tuned with the force as fully possible because they shun so much of it. If the force is so brilliant and powerful, why would it create the Dark side (and all the grey bits in between) if it doesn't want them to be used. What's everyone else's thoughts?

i'm sure that like most "religion" or philosophies or whatever - the force had something a little less polarized in mind.  you are right - if the dark side is so bad why have it??  it is a necessary thing probably.  without the dark side - is there a value to the light?  and honestly, are the jedi so perfect? they suffer some pretty ridiculous levels of pride and hubris.  they are always so sure they are right.  that their decisions are best.  Let's save Anakin from slavery but leave everyone else there.  They always seem to be quick to fight and kill.  No mercy, etc. There is an argument to be made.  And let's not forget, it is a movie franchise and it has to be exciting.  Or no one would pay for it.


Have you ever read the NightWatch series?  Forget the movies (they are ok - books are better).  They have a similar idea - light side and dark side.  but the central characters have a lot of discussion about good vs evil and their purpose etc.  the main character is constantly struggling with whether or not the light side is right.  its pretty good reading. 

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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You guys have some good points, too much light side is just as dangerous as too much dark side.  For there to be balance in the universe there has to be an equal amount of both.  Well no that's not it....the dark side and the light side need to come together and create something new so that everyone can have the best of both sides.  I am sure there is some good information and talents on the dark side that the other guys could use and visa-versa. 


It's hard to say, ultimately there should be total peace throughout the universe and everyone should be all knowing.  But there will always be those beings who want to know more and want to be more powerful and want to rule the world, and that is why there will always be a need for the complete opposite in order to try and keep the power hungry fiends at bay.  


I do agree with what you've said about the Jedi and I have come to the conclusion that I am a little less light side....say maybe 60/40... :D  

I'm going to watch #4 tonight so stay tuned!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I personally prefer the way that Goto (G0-T0 from Stars Wars Knights of the Old Republic) summed it up. When talking to the Exile he tells them that he wants them to stop the, and this is a paraphrase, "infighting of this religious order" and bring stability to the Galaxy.  He basically summed it up as the Sith and the Jedi are just two different groups that have opposing ideologies that are pulling the galaxy apart around their wars. 


It also amused me that he didn't care who won as he was going to do his thing either way. That said I lean pretty heavily towards the light side.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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You guys have some good points, too much light side is just as dangerous as too much dark side.  For there to be balance in the universe there has to be an equal amount of both.  Well no that's not it....the dark side and the light side need to come together and create something new so that everyone can have the best of both sides.  I am sure there is some good information and talents on the dark side that the other guys could use and visa-versa. 


It's hard to say, ultimately there should be total peace throughout the universe and everyone should be all knowing.  But there will always be those beings who want to know more and want to be more powerful and want to rule the world, and that is why there will always be a need for the complete opposite in order to try and keep the power hungry fiends at bay.  


I do agree with what you've said about the Jedi and I have come to the conclusion that I am a little less light side....say maybe 60/40... :D

I'm going to watch #4 tonight so stay tuned!


There's a quote "The Force is like duct tape, it has a Light side, a Dark side, and it hold the universe together". I don't think you could have one with out the other. Its just a shame that they are so opposite. I think if there was a third option, some grey are in between, the Jedi and the Sith would both hate it.I know there was a group of Jedi that strayed from the others that actually allowed marriages and encouraged relationships. It makes sense that to be the Light side, you must be able to embrace love. Theres also Dark Jedi, who don't really accomplish much because they're too self involved.

I'm probably about 70/30 toward Dark. You've gotta love the electric powers.


Let us know your opinion soon as you finish!


This is why I loved the KOTOR series :tongue: Awesome stuff.


Dark side. All the way. (:


Which is the good KOTOR stuff? I haven't played the games at all. I've read Revan, Deceived, Fatal alliance, and Lost tribe of the Sith. Also read the Darth Bane trilogy which I thought were pretty amazing

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Ahh ok. I think the Darth Revan book is set in between the games. It was pretty good and I wanted to know what happened but I never got around to playing the games. I know the Old Republic Online game is now free, but I know I'll get sucked in and I don't have that much spare time at the moment.

Yeah definitely check out the Darth Bane books. Really good to read things from the point of view of someone rising up the ranks of the Sith Empire when it was at its peak, and seeing how it falls

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So all this KOTOR, Revan, Deceived, Fatal alliance, and Lost tribe of the Sith, etc that you guys are talking about is a part of Star Wars 'world'?  hmmm I will have to look in to this.




Just finished episode 4!   And I enjoyed it.  Some parts took a little getting used and I had to keep reminding myself that the first three episodes were made AFTER.  My one big complaint is that there wasn't enough lightsaber action in it...I'm a sucker for lots of action and explosions and there were some good fights going on.  Some of my friends who have watched Star Wars love the first movies but absolutely hate the old ones...I don't get why they hate them.  Luke Skywalker is like that annoying little brother you just want to smack upside the head....he's kind of like Anakin in Episode 2....he's got a lot to learn.   Oh and hellloooo Hans Solo!  Haha Harrison Ford was a good lookin' guy back in the day. 


Still loving these episodes so far!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I think the best part about the old ones is that Lucas actually made a world that looked lived in. Nothing is shiny and new, everything looks quite old and beaten up. Except maybe the Death Star. I'm pretty sure there's even one point where you can hear two Stormtroopers walking out of shot asking each other how their families are

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I  like that fact that R2 wasn't bright and shiny for the entire movie. 


A lot of times the older movies are better than newer ones because they didn't have all the fancy technology, like you said it makes the world look a lot more lived in.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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There's a person in R2D2?!?!?!!  You just blew my mind!  I thought there was someone in C3P0 but I just figured R2 was just a machine....must check this out!


I think it would be so much fun to go to a Comic-Con or a Cosplay.  However I would be going alone because all my current friends are "too cool" for nerdy things like that.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Have you watched episode 6 yet elder?


Guys if there's a comic-con near you you should just drag someone a long. Even if they aren't that interested in comics, there's normal plenty there. The one I went to had lots of actors doing signings. Plus there was a cosplay event which was really fun to watch. I need to get to one this year myself

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No :( it's been a pretty busy week so far.  But I will have time this weekend since I am going "home" to see family so I will have lots of lazy time!  And I still need to watch #5 before #6.


I have to look in to where a comic-con is, I think the closest is about 8 hours from me.  I don't mind going by myself, I do most things by myself any ways.


So big plans for the weekend...if you are celebrating Easter?  It is going to be my first time away from my house and daily routine where I have to keep up with my diet and workout routine, so it should be interesting.  I think the working out will be easy.  I am going to do a body weight workout on Friday and go for a run on Saturday.  I think the biggest challenge will be the food.  I have two dinners to go to, one at my mom's and one at my dad's.  My mom's dinner should be fairly Paleo, I will just have to stay away from the potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and dessert!  But I think I am going to get a sweet potato or some other good veggies so I can have those on hand to eat.  My dad's girlfriend always cooks like there's 37 people coming to dinner when in reality its only usually 5 or 6 of us.  There is usually three meats, lasagne, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, fresh buns, etc, etc, etc.  But I think I will be able to manage.


I am not 100% Paleo, I'm about 80/20 so if I make sure there are lots of good veggies around then I will be ok.


Have you guys gone big family gatherings where no one else is consciously trying to eat healthy? How did it go?

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Ok guys I finished Episode VI.  I have to say that it was my favourite.  I actually like them all they're great!  I love how Anakin in episode 4 looks so much like Anakin from the first episodes.  I thought the entire time that Luke was going to have to battle and kill Darth Vadar.  It was an unexpected twist when they had their little father/son moment.  


Question though....ok a few  I am sure it explains things better in the books (?) but while the emperor and Darth Vadar were in power how were all the different planets affected?  They showed everyone cheering at the end but I didn't see that they were treated badly while the emperor was in power.  Did the empire go around killing and pillaging or what?  And what was he going to use the death star for?  It seems like it was more of a revenge thing between Sith and Jedi and didn't have anything to do with 'the people'.  Unless I missed something.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I love the first one because of Jar-Jar. Everyone seems to hate him ever since that came out, but I think he's funny.

Same here! Everyone always says things like "omg I hate Jar-Jar, hes so annoying" And I'm just like ... He's one of my favorite characters.

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