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Hello from Milwaukee, WI!

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Hello everyone! I'm Vanessa, or Nessi, and I have been reading Nerd Fitness for about three months. I am pretty overweight and have lost the same 30-40 lbs more than twice which really frustrates me.  I reached the highest weight I have ever been in my life about five months ago and since then I have been working on eating healthier and becoming more physically active. 


I've been on this mission to get healthy, mentally and physically, for the past three years or so. August of 2012 I did my first ever Warrior Dash and I absolutely loved it. My time was not great but I did the course and I finished it which was enough for me to feel really proud of myself. However, I have a hard time staying motivated. My fiancé is not really a healthy person himself but his body type is fairly lean and it has been difficult to work on this without his support.  Recently we both signed up to do Wisconsin's Zombie Mud Run together and he got a membership to gym out here. He's gone a few times. Our schedules have made it difficult to stay on track with exercising.  


I will say that he has been, in the past month, very open to eating healthier. We've both been eating more fruits and veggies for snacks rather than chips. I see the potential for us to be really great motivators for each other once we get a plan but we are both struggling with following through currently. 


Since Thanksgiving, I have managed to lose about 30lbs by eating healthier and moving around more. I do feel as though I need to kick it up a bit because I still have about 60lbs to go.


My long term goals are:


- lose 60lbs

- eat significantly less processed foods

- be able to wear a bikini


Short term goals:

- not get winded going up stairs

- lose 15 lbs by May 18th


Like I have said, I would like to be actively involved in this community, I am just unsure of where to start. I have knowledge about nutrition stuff, at least a little, but I would like to learn more and encourage others while I get stronger, better, and more healthy. 


Feel free to add me and send me a message! Also, if you are from the Milwaukee area, let me know because perhaps we could get together and exercise together or do activities together.





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Hi Nessi! Well, first of all, huge props on finishing the Warrior Dash - that is a goal of mine (I need to actually write these down somewhere - will work on that later)!


I totally hear you about losing (and relosing) the 30-40 lbs. I've done it twice now, and it is so frustrating. Every time, I swear I won't let it happen again, and yet... Maybe with the support here we can make this time be our last?


I don't have much support from my husband - not that he's not supportive of what I'm doing, but he's not doing anything with me, necessarily. Still, he eats whatever I cook without complaining, and he doesn't give me too much grief about my gym membership that gathered dust for about 8 months! He'd like to lose a few lbs too, but knowing him, just eating better (by way of my cooking more often / healthier) will do it in no time. 


I've found that I do well when I eat Primal (I guess Paleo, plus a little dairy in the form of cheese, and the occasional fruit). Eating fewer processed foods comes naturally with that. It also helps to have limited options for snacking - certain things are off-limits (I know this triggers some people, but I need the structure or I just tell myself I might as well have the croissant!). If you need nutrition advice / recipes, Mark's Daily Apple is a good place to start. 


Also - on the advice of someone in a thread here, I downloaded the Zombies Run! 5K app and started that today - you might like it!

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Thank you! I have been looking into Paleo eating habits for awhile.. that is actually what brought me to Nerd Fitness.  I think I just remember hearing something about a paleo diet and googled it and came across the intro to paleo diet post on the NF blog. 


I did buy the Rebel Fitness Deluxe guide this evening so I am going to read that over, and then let my fiancé read it over too.  I'm hopeful that we will start a new chapter of our life together in a really positive area! 


I appreciate the advice about the Zombie 5k app, I will have to check that out. 


Hope your evening is well.



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Hey Ness!!!

I'm a noob here too, actually this is my first post :)

I was really excited to see that you are from WI and did the Warrior Dash!

That is my goal for this summer, well that and I want to be able to do it without any one needing to

push my ass over anything! LOL

So my brother-in-law and I are working out together, here in Kenosha.

I have never heard of the Zombie Run, that looks AWESOME!!!

I'm just finishing up the C25K program and need a 5K to run, that could be the one!

I wish you the best of luck with your goals!! Mine are pretty similar, infact my story in pretty similar LOL

I hope this site and community will be the kick in the pants that we need and we will become the warrior princess' that we want to become!

See you around!






"Get busy living, or get busy dying."

Shawshank Redemption


"To find what you seek in the road of life,

leave no stone unturned."

Edward Bulwer-Lytton


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Hi Marne! I am happy you replied to me! I am hoping to meet more Nerd Fitness rebels that are in the South Eastern Wisconsin area!

Yay, you are going to do Warrior Dash! I did it, and although I skipped a few obstacles (I just wasn't in shape enough to do them) and perhaps my time wasn't great, running in it and crossing the finish line was an amazing experience. Trust me, it will be difficult if you have never done anything like this before but it will most definitely be worth it; it'll be a fantastic natural high! I did it solo but there were so many wonderful, positive, and fun people that I met along the course.


I would love to help you reach your goals through encouragement or any other way that I can. I added ya as a friend. I hope to hear more from you! :panda:


Have a great day,



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