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Another aussie.

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I need somewhere to track my progress (if you know of any good iPad apps, let me know!). I'm not a nerd as such, but a professional geek.

After a near death experience stripped the muscle from me last year, I've had to start from scratch. Throughout my teenage years I rode mountain bikes and lifted a little to keep mostly in shape. Then I partied rather hard for a while which ended up with me at 67kg, down from a healthy 95kg. Last year I was inflicted with Steven Johnsons Syndrome, I was at the time a growing 83kg, and after a month of SJS was at 80kg with barely enough muscle to hold myself up for the trips to hospital.


Fast forward to January of this year and I was around 83kg, 24yo, healthy-ish due to loads of hiking with a certain puppy, but knowing that my back was weak, and working in a desk job I wanted to do something about it.


I invested in setting up the spare room at my house with free weights, squat rack and padded the floor (I am yet to purchase a bench due to space). I neglected to do all the 1RM's, measurements and photos that I should have recorded so that I could track my progress. I did capture a video of an attempted squat, and have since been taking monthly progress photos. My training journal can be found below.

At the same time as starting strength training, I began sprints up hills in intervals on the walks with the dogs- I live in a mountainous area, so figured I should make the most of it. It is rare for a walk of the dogs or trek along a trail to not include a run. I started being unable to run to the street corner, I now can run a few km, although haven't kept track of it as DOMS slows me down ;-) The dogs have gotten fitter too! I now try to do 15-20km on a Sunday schedule and weather permitting, note: that is hiking, not running.


My goal is simple: Fix my body!!

Since beginning training I have also been visiting an osteopath, my spine is now aligned, and stays aligned. My hips required realignment which took me back to square one for squats, DL, rows, OHP etc. although this should be thought of as "square two" as it is still progress.

I will release progress photos, videos, and new PB's in my training journal.

I have refined my goals to include:

  • Oxfam trail-walker 2013 (100km in 48hr charity trek)
  • Overland track in Tasmania
  • 200kg DL
  • 140kg Sq
  • BW OHP
  • 12-15% BF (sitting around 18% at the moment, callipers due this week to confirm)
  • Increase my weight to 95-100kg, whatever my genetic max. is.


Progress will be tracked here: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/26339-training-journal/




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Oh yeah, diet: I'm gluten and dairy intolerant.


Avg day is:

meal 1: 2x eggs, 1 slice bread, 100ml soy milk (latte)

meal 2: 30g of walnuts and goji berries, 900kJ

meal 3: wherever the team at work eats, I eat. I try for chicken and rice, chicken with salad etc.

meal 4: 30g of walnuts and goji berries, 900kJ

meal 5: 30g of walnuts and goji berries, 900kJ {if I work late}

meal 6: lately I've been eating out every night, I SHOULD be eating protein and veg/salad.


My diet is rather relaxed, I live alone so often eat out for dinner with friends, and watch my BF increase as I do it!


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