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Concept of Cutting vs. Bulking (QUESTION).

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I pretty much agree with the train of thought that having one goal and the likelihood of achieving it is higher than trying to achieve two goals at once. But in terms of functional fitness, does the same hold true?

Back in my weightlifting-noob days, I used to run into the concept of cutting/bulking phases a lot in those bodybuilding forums I used to read for research purposes. I'm guessing to this day, it still is very relevant in their practice because they need to cut down to single digit body fats. So in essence, body builders lift heavy up to a certain size and then go on a hardcore diet/cardio/cutting phase to make them as ripped as possible.

For people who just want to lose weight/look fit/be functionally strong, does the same principle hold true? Should we segregate our goals between gaining muscle (in this case, strength gains) and losing weight? Or should we aim to do both at the same time?

In an ideal world, having both would be ideal. But you see in my case, my strength program dictates that I lift heavy 3 times a week and my legs are too sore for running all throughout. The program says that gaining all that strength will burn off excess fat ~eventually~ but as of this point, 4 months into it, it's not really happening as fast as I'd like.

Ideally, I'd like to reach epic strength goals like a 300lb squat but I'm going to be honest when I say I'd like to lose the excess weight as well. So I'm at a crossroad, should I put my strength program on hold and go for a crossfit-type regimen of mixing sprints + compound lightweight exercises to boost my metabolism (focus on the weight loss) or should I just stick with my strength program and just try to add more cardio into the mix (essentially 2 goals in one)? I'm on a very clean Paleo diet, almost 0 carbs and a lot of vegetables. Truly I feel great, fit and healthy (I know I should be thankful for that) but the excess fat needs to go.

Thoughts? Sorry for the epic length HAHA. Rebel out.

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I don't think it would hurt to add in some sprints and such. I'd suggest that doing them at the end of your weight training is better than doing them on what should be your off-days, though.

The current term being bandied about lately is "finishers", or metcon. Since StrongLifts 5x5 is essencially the same thing as Starting Strength, take comfort in the fact that Rippetoe himself has talked about how it's possible to add this kind of work in, if you really feel it's needed. The idea, though, is that you HAVE TO KEEP IT SHORT.

Light barbell complexes would be a good thing to add in. Take a light barbell, even a blank bar to start, and do 10 romanian deads, 10 hang highpulls, 10 hangcleans, 10 front squats, 10 push presses, and 10 back squats, without your hands ever leaving the bar. You can start with less, say sets of 6. Rest for a couple minutes, pick your spleen up off the floor after you puke it out, and run through the whole thing once more. ;)

Hill Sprints would be another option. Find a hill. Run up it. Do it a couple times.

"Countdowns" are a good option. Alternate pushups and jump squats, and do 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Time yourself, and do it faster each time.

Find a benchmark Crossfit WOD, and cut it in half. Like, "Cindy" is 20 minutes of as many rounds as possible, of 5 pullups, 10 pushps, and 15 squats. Do it for 10 minutes only, and/or drop the reps to like 3/8/12.

Here's a helluva thread: http://board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?t=35062

There are several PDFs of all those WODs compiled floating about the internets. Find one. Again, keep it heavy, and keep it short. I'd say if you want to start true primarially to SL5x5, limit any metcon/finishers to 10 minutes. IF you're not done with the metcon, oh well. Ten hard minutes is what you get.

Finally, while slow and steady cardio gets bad press these days, VERY slow cardio still has its benefits. Walking 30-45 minutes every morning will burn a lot of extra calories.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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This is something I struggle with a bit (deciding what to do). I went from 172lbs to 195lbs bodyweight, added a bit of fat and a lot of strength (back squat went from 135lbs to 265lbs in 3 months). Ended up getting a little burnt out, but it was great. Took some time off, lost 10lbs and maintained that for a few months. Back on strength training regiment since December, which means eating more, and went right back up to 195lbs and I'm continuing to make strength gains (only PR I haven't set recently is bench press).

I've changed things up a bit and have added in conditioning exercises, my favorite of which is a barbell complex twice a week after other lifting is done.

Sets of 8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and than 1 of the following without taking my hands off the bar.

Romanian Deadlift, Bent over row, hang clean, push press, front squat, and than turn the hands around for curls (which actually seem to be a good addition as it really taxes my grip at that point).

That being said, I'm trying to do conditioning to increase conditioning, not decrease body weight. If I can get stronger and have better lungs, it's the best of both worlds, but I've had to sacrifice lifting volume in order to make that happen, going from 3x heavy squats a week to twice. I figure that if I'm stronger with better conditioning it will probably be easier to lose weight down the line than do it now.

From what I've seen big strength gains in a short period of time require a good caloric excess. It's really hard work to recover from heavy workouts and the body needs excess fuel. The unfortunate part is that almost always equals a little padding on here or there. A few people are gifted with the genetics to stay lean while getting stronger but most of us mortals will be on the yoyo get bigger / stronger and than lose some fat wagon.

I haven't gotten big and fat by any means though, according to rough measurements, I'm somewhere around 16-18% body fat and would like to keep that as my max.

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martin, dear. do you really even need to ask what i am going to say for this?

burpees. lots. of. burpees. :)

(oh, and everything kw said. because i dont feel like retyping in my own words)

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Thanks for the input KW, always super informative. I'm actually a big fan of sprints (I run a pretty mean 5k but nonexistent 10k hahaha) so okay, I'll try to see if I can kick it up a notch.

Always wondered what metcon meant, actually.

is there a track near your barbell?

for like... press days and upper body movement days... ive been doing a set of strength... then sprinting 200m... then a set of strength... then sprinting 200m (with time to catch my breath in between :) )

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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I disagree with that. If you're pressing heavy, you need those breaks in between sets. Finish off the workout with something to get that blood moving, but if you're trying to get strong doing anything other than nothing inbetween sets is going to tire you out too quickly.

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eh, ive tried it both ways... just sitting there and sprinting in between.

ive seen no difference performance wise in my lifts.

so for me it just gets more done in less time.

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Thanks for the input guys!

@MrRed, your situation in the past is actually resonating with me. Although I've always been in the position of being too overweight and trying to pare down my weight whilst gaining strength but I see the relationship between trying to keep up with strength goals, extra fuel = extra padding. Gosh.

@Spezzy, HAHAHA burpees are quite the challenge. Will definitely look into this, but I have to agree with MrRed when I say I don't think I have it in me in-between sets to bust out sprints or anything taxing. I use those minutes to catch my breath/psych myself up. Especially now that I'm in the heavier numbers, 5 minutes feels like 30 seconds hahaha. What I will try though is adding more "MetCon" stuff after all my weight training: may or may not involve devilish burpees.

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Thanks for the input guys!

@Spezzy, HAHAHA burpees are quite the challenge. Will definitely look into this, but I have to agree with MrRed when I say I don't think I have it in me in-between sets to bust out sprints or anything taxing. I use those minutes to catch my breath/psych myself up. Especially now that I'm in the heavier numbers, 5 minutes feels like 30 seconds hahaha. What I will try though is adding more "MetCon" stuff after all my weight training: may or may not involve devilish burpees.

haha yeah, the funny thing is - on deadlift days, i actually really enjoy a "light" jog around the track quick in between sets... feels like it keeps my muscles looser and i tend to do better.

then again, i have a very hard time sitting still. like, ever.

oh, and yeah. dont do burpees in between. do them as one of your metcons.

after you're done strength, just basically do as many as you can in a row.

then catch your breath.

and then do that again, and again, and again.

until you cant go anymore :)

(it wont take long, so you'll probably be under kw's suggested 10 minute max :D)

don't be afraid of throwing yourself onto the floor. you're not going to hurt yourself with less than perfect form here :)

i truly believe that there is no better way to cut fat than burpees. :)

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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