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Anyone into Call of Cthulhu?


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I'm going to be starting my first scenario and then moving onto campaign soon, and I thought it'd be good to ask around here for hints and tips to being a good Keeper :D

Also any music suggestions would be amazing - I really want to find some music to play quietly in the background, not getting in the way of the RP but helping complement it. A friend has recommended the Silent Hill soundtracks, but I'm always open for more education :)


Thanks either way!



Starting weight: 102kg - Goal: 54kg

(Please excuse sporadic replies - I have no home internet at present)

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Oh Call of Cthulu. How I love/hate you so.


I had this one particularly hilarious session, where I needed to carjack someone in order to get somewhere quickly. So I try, it was an undercover cop (I hate my DM). He knocks me on the ground and we spend 15 rounds trying to shoot eachother (point blank. yeah our dice was working against us) before he finally hit me once and it was a 1 hit head shot -_-.  


Anyways, only hint I can give, is at all times have 2-3 character sheets ready to pull out and play when you are in game. Your characters will die, that is a guarentee.

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Isn't that the point of Call of Cthulhu, if you're playing it's all about how long you can survive, and if you're the GM it's all about offing the characters in horrible ways. 


I've also GMed COC a few times, my biggest suggestions are lighting, you want it gloomy, but not so dark that you and the players can't see dice, sheets, flavour stuff ect ect... Having some fun flavour stuff is cool too, you don't have to be creative, but if someone is given a letter, make one up; or make up a journal, just add some tangibility to the game. My last tip is one I learned from our old GM; that is lull the players into a nervous sense of security, then if you have a sound board on your cell or ipod; use that to break the mood, it works well and keep everyone on task. I learned this one because he did it to us once and 


I hope these helped. I love GMing, my last piece of advice is enjoy yourself; you get to be a total dick, so revel in it. 

Level 1 Gnoll.  Druid at heart, training with the Scouts



Good? Evil? Let's just say I'm chaotic stupid 

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