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First, a bit about myself, my name is Erica, and I am 20 years of age.  Originally from San Antonio, Texas, I am now relocated to Westerville, Ohio for school.  I am a bit out of shape as well as pounds overweight.

Second, my goals for the next year and why I am doing this.

  1. Run a mile in 10 mins
  2. Be able to finally do a pull-up
  3. Strengthen my left leg  (due to injury my left leg has gone a bit soft)
  4. Drop a pant size

The major reason for wanting to jump into NF and get involved is for my own self.  I want to better myself now in my 20's so when I am in my 60's I won't be having problems.  I also want to be able to enjoy getting up in the morning and getting dressed.


The second smaller reasons are because I signed myself up for a very fun 5k called the Electric Run and I hope to finish it out walking or even running if possible.  And, I want to try out for mascot.  This is something that has been a dream to me since I was in the 10th grade at a college tour and saw their mascot. However, the mascot costume adds 50 more pounds to your frame along with not being well ventilated leads to easily becoming out of breath in a few minutes.  If chosen to be the mascot, I would have to spend hours in the suit moving around.  So I hope to build up my stamina and endurance to be able to do this without hyperventilating in the costume.


Lastly, how I found this place and when I plan on starting. I believe God lead me to NF because I am at a point in my life where I hit bottom and want to grow, and He has made so many things fall in to place that if I don’t dive in, I will be passing up a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I recently went on the Military Diet, it worked a bit, I lost 3lbs however, I was pretty much starving myself.  I see the Paleo lifestyle being very reasonable since my favorite things to eat are chicken and vegetables.  I am lactose intolerant so I shouldn’t have dairy anyway, and I rarely eat bread unless eating out (which I hope to cut back on).  I know diet is 80% so that is going to be my main concern, however, due to mascot tryouts coming up in May, I need to push myself to also up my workout schedule/routine.  I was going to give myself until April 10th, because that is when I get paid, so I will be able to stock up on groceries plus use up the last of what I bought the last time before starting the Paleo diet.  This date is also close to the start of the next 6 week challenge.


I realize I typed a lot  :redface:  and I am sorry about that! But that's me! Also, I'm going to try and reply to posts, but I can be a bit of an introvert.

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Welcome! Liking the fact that pretty soon we'll have a mascot as a member of the Rebellion.


As Synster above suggested start a battle log! It's a nice and easy way to keep track of everything you're up too and it let's people chime in with advice or just encouragement. Also for your training/workouts why not try and talk to some of the old Mascots if they're around? Ask them what they would suggest and who knows, you might make a few friend with similar interests as you.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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Welcome! Liking the fact that pretty soon we'll have a mascot as a member of the Rebellion.


As Synster above suggested start a battle log! It's a nice and easy way to keep track of everything you're up too and it let's people chime in with advice or just encouragement. Also for your training/workouts why not try and talk to some of the old Mascots if they're around? Ask them what they would suggest and who knows, you might make a few friend with similar interests as you.


Thanks! I really hope so! And I want to get in touch with the current mascot because I know he's trying out too (they want 3 people) to see if he has any suggestions. 





Hey that's really awesome! Welcome to the Rebellion! I recommend not putting off until the 10th, I know it's not far but the sooner you start the better! Maybe not the diet part until then, that is understandable, BUT that gives you a nice little space to introduce yourself back into workout routines! Check out the Bar Brothers for some kick ass motivation, you'll find a link to them in my signature. Start your Daily Battle Log to keep yourself in check, and I see you have started your character to get in on the challenges...awesome! Get to it, stick to it and DON'T QUIT!


Thank you! I actually started today with the beginner body weight workout, so I'll have to create my Daily Battle Log soon.  :) I can't wait to get in the routine of things! 

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