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Day One...here I go!

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Hey everybody -


I haven't worked out or eaten healthily on a regular basis since I graduated high school. :( I've somehow managed to maintain a normal body weight of 115 at 5", but I know that even though I don't look fat to the average passerby I'm still not fit or healthy in the least and I am not okay with that anymore. So, my goals are geared more towards changing my diet and getting toned rather than weight loss (in fact, I'd be okay if I gained a few since muscle weighs more than fat). I'm pretty nervous about this because I give up on working out easily since I become bored/don't see results fast enough and I hate that about myself, so here's to being better than yesterday and setting realistic goals. I have already bought groceries for the paleo diet and have a plan all set up to go home and begin the beginner's body weight workout followed by the interval workout tomorrow. Tonight is the night my friend and I go out to eat at this awesome hibachi type placed called Ton's Mongolian Grill and I've decided to forgo the pasta/rice (no more last hurrahs to derail me before I even get started) and just throw some shrimp and a ton of veggies into my bowls (and I'm strangely excited about it, too! I take this as a good sign...). I'm tired of making excuses and then wishing I felt better not only about how I look, but just in general- I want more energy and to feel like I'm doing the best for my body so it can work at its best. No more excuses! I'm here to eat right and challenge myself until I see results and then I'll keep eating right and challenge myself even more!  :) I hope to be able to encourage and support others and thank everyone for any encouragement and support you might give me.



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Welcome! I am pretty new here too, and also super familiar with getting frustrated / falling off the fitness bandwagon when I don't see results immediately. I think the community here is going to be a great help in maintaining the forward-looking, long-term attitude.


Excited to track your progress! There's a new challenge starting up in a few days that could be a great way to keep you on track for the first six weeks!

My battle log

Goals for May 2013:

- Level 2 Recruit workout

- Slooowww transition to paleo

- Don't weigh myself all month!

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Welcome Heidi!


I'm in the same boat as you! Just want to get trim and get a good grip on my diet. Have you tried any of the workouts yet? They don't seem so boring as running on the treadmill for hours.


We are here for support for each other, so when you don't think you are seeing results, just know we are here!

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Hey guys- thanks! I will definitely check out that challenge - I need a little extra kick in the butt, especially today. I did pretty well yesterday with sticking to the paleo diet although I allowed myself a little bit of rice when I went out to eat with a friend. I did the beginner's body circuit yesterday and it was pretty difficult, but more enjoyable than other exercises I've tried since each of the exercises aren't super complicated and its not one exercise over and over. When I get off work I am going to do the interval training which I'm a little nervous about, but I feel good after a good first day. I discovered the Battle Logs today, so I'm going to start that tonight, too.


Thanks again!

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welcome!  I've been able to get started with the paleo diet when I made it more of a habit and not something I'm 'forced' into doing.  Eventually it becomes second nature.  Planning everything to eat ahead of time so I never have to actively think (oh god what I do do/make now) when i'm hungry makes a big difference for me.  Another thing is not looking at the scale so much.  Clothes fitting better is a great indicator. 


Challenges start next week and I'm excited to start.  Everyone starting at the same time makes this not feel like I'm alone and failing at doing something.  gl and have fun.

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