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I'm new here and thought I'd introduce myself because I'd like to join the April 15-May 27 challenge. I've had a rough two years and have gained about 30 pounds because I just stopped caring about making an effort. Now I'd like to lose it (and more) -- 45 pounds, in all. I'm hoping that getting involved with a challenge over six weeks will get me motivated to start.

My overall goals are big and will take lots of time and discipline to accomplish, but if I can lose anywhere between 12-18 pounds during this challenge, I'll be thrilled. Mainly, I want to get myself used to exercising, again, and being healthier in general.

So, my current goals (for this challenge) are modest:

-- Go to the gym five times per week.

-- Cut junk food & processed food out of my diet.

-- Eat 3 balanced meals in a day, instead of one unhealthy one.

Level Up: Organize my studio and my bedroom.

Attempting Challenge: November 26 to December 23.

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Welcome, Psychic-lipstick!

So tell us a wee bit about yourself. 

Also, your goals are to go to the gym, stop eating bad food, and eat 3 times a day?

It may be just me, but goals 2 and 3 sound fairly similar, and cutting out all junk/processed food could be tough to do cold turkey. 

Sandwich, level 1 Half-Elf. Training with the AdventurersSTR 2|DEX 2|STA 3|CON 3|WIS 2|CHA 3

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I like your goals, they're fairly straight forward and would provide a good foundation for anything else you wanna do. One suggestion I have is to work your way up to going to the gym five times a week, if you're not active already suddenly changing that can be a huge shock to you body. Maybe add a gym visit per week so by the time you're at week 5-6 you're going there 5 times?

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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welcome.  I agree with terrormortus.  I've tried before to just go 200% and try to go to the gym 5 times a week and I burn out really fast.  You're body just isn't used to it.  3 times a week would be every other day, letting you have a rest day.  Then try to build up from there.  Hope to see you in the april 15 challenge!  gl and have fun

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Thanks for the welcome Sandwich, terrormortus, and terosx. So, I'll give some info about me alongside clarifying my goals, as requested.


I go to the gym about twice a week and sometimes do spin. I'm not disciplined about it though because life's been tough to navigate, lately. I've taken a year to help my elderly infirm parents who are adjusting to kidney failure/dialysis (dad) and coronary bypass surgery recovery (mom), to care for my four nieces and nephews (under five) while my siblings are at work, so I'm often exhausted. Family can be stressful, but adding the domestic thing is tiring and lacking in appreciation.


Plus, I've spent the past two years finishing up grad school (PhD dissertation will eat your soul) and going on the job market while coping with the destruction of my marriage (husband cheated egregiously, went berserker, we separated) and moving back home, so I've been coping with major depression. I'm a writer and academic and seldom find time for research or writing, much less exercise. It's hard to feel motivated when you'd rather escape into Doctor Who or urban fantasy novels or video games in the limited free time that's available.


So, my goal one is really "exercise 5x a week, preferably at the gym so I'm not being a cave-dwelling hermit" And, yes 2 and 3 sound a lot alike. So I should clarify the difference I see.


My siblings and the kids eat junk food so it's always around. I have a sweet tooth and will eat candy if its there. Bad habit. Plus, I'll cave in and snack on chips and things because its fast and easy and right in front of me. I want to stop doing this, as much as possible. When I lived on my own, I didn't buy junk food, so if I wanted it, I had to walk to the store and burn off some calories to get it. Better to learn how to resist the temptation, though. So, I guess goal 2 is better stated as "Resist the temptation to snack on convenient junk food."


And, I'm guilty of subsisting on coffee and junk food snacks all day and making no time to eat, which results in one hasty and unbalanced meal late at night when everyone has finally gone to bed and I have free time. I want to change that and actually do the more sensible thing of eating a few balanced meals in a day and maybe not while staring at a screen. :) So, I guess goal 3 should be "eat 4 small balanced meals in a day".


In grad school, I gained 45 pounds; lost 30 of it and then un the past tear, gained that 30 back post-heartbreak and life change. I want to lose it and feel better about myself. I've not properly unpacked yet and am living out of boxes and suitcases (not exactly, but close enough) which sucks (hence the level up organize goal) but I'm preparing to move to a new city for a new job teaching at a new university. Yay. I'd love to look a bit better when I get there and maybe fit back into my 30 lb ago wardrobe. I'm strong and have good endurance and stamina, but I'm carrying too much fat and my objectives are both vain and practical -- I want to look better and be less tired.


Ok. That was long winded...

Attempting Challenge: November 26 to December 23.

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Wow, that's a lot of tough things to have piled on you in a short span of time, and you still managed to get through a PhD dissertation?! Amazing and inspiring! 


As Terrormortus said, things will get better and we'll be here if you need support! 


Best of luck on the challenge!

Human Adventurer

Level 1

STR: 3

DEX: 3

STA: 2

CON: 2

WIS: 3

CHA: 2


"What upsets people is not things themselves but their judgements about the things" - Epictetus

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Couldn't agree more with Nerdartist - that is an awful lot in a short time. I did the take care of family (ex-mother in law) thing and you are correct it tends to be under appreciated (especially by siblings I found). Sounds like some positive changes coming!


Welcome aboard.

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