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Hello from N. Dartmouth!

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Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking for awhile now and my boyfriend (ArmyMBM) convinced me to join.

I'm 5'5" and 165lbs and I've been stuck at the same weight. My diet is okay, but could use alot more healthier foods (Kinda hard when everything at my dining hall is covered in grease, but I'm trying)

My main goals are:

- to be 135 lbs again

- to be able to ride my bike without knee pain

- to be able to do 50 push-ups and 100 squats.

- to be able to run half a mile without stopping

Glad to be here :)

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Hey, welcome! Excellent goals, and good luck to you in healthy food choices! I live with roommates so am at their mercy for dinner a lot of the time, and I know how frustrating it can be, but you can do it!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Army: hi baby!

1fever: thanks, glad to be here!

Alethea: Thanks! It's so hard to eat well at our dining hall. This morning when I got breakfast I couldn't even eat half of it because it was just dripping in grease; it's hard to find fresh fruit and the salad is always wilted from sitting out all day. :(

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That is tricky. I wish I had advice for you, but I'm afraid I've never lived in dorms. I DID, however, recently see a book at the book store titled something along the lines of "How to Be Healthy through Dorm Living", or something, which may give you good ideas. I'm not saying buy it, but a flip through at the bookstore might be useful? If you want I can try to get a title or author. I wander through bookstores fairly frequently. :P

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Arright, the book is called "The Dorm Room Diet" by Daphne Oz. It is more about general healthy living when going to college, and doesn't have too much specific information regarding eating at cafeterias, aside from things like "avoid fried foods", "remember yummy and unhealthy things will come around again, so you don't have to grab them the moment you see them" and "chicken with salad is a great standard dinner". I really suggest you take a flip through it before purchasing, since you may know a lot of the info already.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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your stats are pretty much exactly where i was at 2 years ago... (I was 5'5", ~170lbs)

I could also not do any of the things on your list.

It took me about 5 months to get back to about 135 (and about a year total time to get down to 117, which was my lowest)... totally doable.

glad to have you here! you have an awesome resource all to your self (armymbm ;) ) but let us know if we can help in any way!

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Howdy Liz, and welcome to the Rebellion!

@ArmyMBM: Woop woop Magic 8 ball !

Sorry, had to be done.

In any case, those sound like a great goals centered around functional fitness. Absolutely nothing wrong push ups, squats, running, and biking.

Do you know your baselines yet?

"She turned me into a newt!"

"A newt?"

"I got better..."

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That's NFPlex.

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