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It's been a loooooong time!

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Hi guys,


My name is Steve, and it's been a loooooooooooooong time since I've been on these forums.  I was around when they first started up in 2010, and I'm glad to be back to being a part of this awesome community (with a new account, because I couldn't remember what I used as my old username, d'oh!).


Anywho, a little backstory.  I've always struggled with my weight, and in 2009, weighing in at 265 pounds, I made it my goal to lose weight, be healthy, and keep it off for good.


I did really good for a while, lost 30 pounds, ran a couple of 5ks and a half marathon, but around mid to late 2010 I just let things go to shit.  I began half assing my working out, not watching my diet, and basically fell back into every old habit that I had intended to leave behind.  I'd have a few spurts of good decision making, but at the end of it all I gained back the weight I had lost, plus about 50 more pounds, going up to a high of 317 lbs.


I finally got my sh*t together again last September.  I joined Weight Watchers, and I renewed my commitment to lose weight and get healthy.  For a little over a month now, and thanks to an awesome Groupon deal, I've been doing CrossFit five days a week, and I love every minute of it.  I'm pushing myself harder than I ever have before, and I've become a part of a really awesome community.  Part of the reason I'm back on the forums is to increase my support group. :)

As of last Saturday I weigh in at 274.6lbs.  I'm down 25.2lbs since rejoining Weight Watchers, and 42.8lbs from my all time highest.  I've actually come to like strength training (which is something I've always hated and avoided) and have realized that I am a lot stronger than I ever thought I was (managed a 225lb back squat and a 145lb strict press, when before I'd probably dick around with 50-60 lbs on a weight machine).  I'm also running my first 5k in 3 years in ten days, and am going to attempt another half marathon next month.  I've also been trying to incorporate more of the ideas from the Paleo diet (while still doing WW), and will be doing a 30 Day Paleo challenge this weekend along with the rest of my Box.

I also blog, if anyone is interested, at steveisgettingfit.com.  My original blog was 265andfalling (and it went through numerous name changes afterwards), but I decided to start fresh a little over a month ago.

That's all I got for now.  It's great to back! :)

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No problem man! Be sure to post your progress and workout plans and stuff for people to critique, and starting your own thread to track your progress is a great way to keep at it.

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