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Newbie from Texas

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Hello everyone! I am new to the forums (although I've been browsing the site a bit recently). Glad to be here, thanks to a friend Jo who recommended I join up on the forums! 


I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is TC. I'm a 21 year old student at the University of Texas (I guess I fit into nerd status :P  I'm a Chemistry major, graduating in 2014. I love riding motorcycles, which has really been my passion for getting into better shape. I will start amateur racing this summer, with the hopes of someday going professional, but getting my education for sure in case that never happens! 


I love the bodyweight workouts, those have become my new passion. Over the past month I have surpassed so many goals by training using just my own bodyweight. Thanks to some good nutrition and workouts (many of which I found thanks to this site) I have gone from looking like this on february 1st:





To this as of yesterday:




And I'm only hoping to keep more progress coming, summer weather is coming soon (and sooner than you think here in Texas hehe). Nice to meet you all :)

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Hi T.C.!! Great to meet you, Im Chelsi! You look AWESOME!! Keep up the good work, youre an inspiration :) Stick to you goals! :) I know how many temptations college can have :) Far too many, haha! 

Level 1 Adventurer

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 3 | CHA 3

"Do something today that your future self with thank you for!"

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Hi T.C.!! Great to meet you, Im Chelsi! You look AWESOME!! Keep up the good work, youre an inspiration :) Stick to you goals! :) I know how many temptations college can have :) Far too many, haha! 

Nice to meet you too, Chelsi! Thanks! I've come a long way from my 300lbs whenever entering college haha. Trying to get lean for racing, less mass means I go faster :) Too many, especially since I just turned 21 around 3 weeks ago haha.

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Wow 300 lbs since you started college!? Thats freaking AWESOME! College is what made me want to lose weight too. But when 21 hit, it was a whole other story. Alcohol can pack it on like no other. And thats even more added peer pressure. If it wasn't enough for what youre eating, now its for what youre drinking, or NOT drinking. Happy belated birthday by the way! Stay strong with all of that, hearing your story, no doubt you will!! 


Ive been wanting to get a motorcycle for awhile now. Last time I was on one though, I leaned the opposite way cause I was scared, which I guess was a huge no no. Are you racing straight motorcylces, or motocross stuff? Sorry if thats a dumb question, I dont know much about it at all. Except for that my cousins and uncle ride motocross. 

Level 1 Adventurer

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 3 | CHA 3

"Do something today that your future self with thank you for!"

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Yep! I am 6'5'', so I'll probably never see less than 200 lbs anyway, but it has been a long journey. I knew nothing about fitness, but cleaned up my diet and started running my freshman year. I went from a couch potato to a 10k runner by the end of my freshman year. Sophomore year, however, I moved off campus, started working, and trying to balance everything was difficult, so I put back on about 20 pounds. This year however, I've really worked to get back in shape as I work towards my amateur race license. My first week of being 21 I neglected everything, got all of my partying and drinking out of my system. I was feeling terrible, which was what I wanted, it was good motivation to keep going back to my healthy way of living. I will still have an occasional drink, but don't have the need to go out every weekend like so many college students I know. Thank you for the belated birthday wishes :) College is, to me, a great way to set me up for the rest of my life, and if I don't start working towards a healthier life style now and integrating it into my everyday routine, I don't know how I ever wil find the time for it :)


I love motorcycles, they are very fun! Yeah, leaning the opposite way is a no no, but a good rider knows how to deal with it and just give you a hard time for it haha. I have no experience in motorcross stuff, and it certainly isn't a stupid question! The superbike racing is not very popular in America like motorcross is. This is what it looks like:



I was going to start racing last year, but then this happened . . . 



So I'm working on getting back into the routine and back to where I was prior to that crash. I'm a bit faster now, which is good, but still don't have my full confidence back haha. There's a lot that crashing at 125mph will do to your head (luckily no injuries, just mental blocks for me!)

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WOWWWW! You survived that, eh!? Youre like some kind of superhuman! I'm glad that you are ok. That looks insane and def looks like its a total rush! 6'5 is a very nice height! 


Was there anything in particular that made you want to make a change in your life? 


Its good you got the drinking out of your system. It def isnt all its cracked up to be. And you should be proud of yourself for working and going to school, that can be really tough and stressful, and hard to find time for anything else. You sound wise beyond your years! College really does set you up for the rest of your life. Its not so much about the classes you take, but all of the things you experience while going through it that teach you a lot about life. 


Yea the driver def gave me a hard time, with good reason, but I didnt know anything about it and I was scared. I cant wait to get one of my own though! 


Those pictures you shared are so cool! Thanks for sharing them!! And congrats on all you have achieved so far! Youre def inspiring me! 

Level 1 Adventurer

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 3 | CHA 3

"Do something today that your future self with thank you for!"

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Yep, I just fractured my pinky, and fixed the bike up a bit and rode it the next day (you can see in my picture from riding the next day haha). It is a huge rush, but the crashing part is not super desirable :P Yeah, I'm tall, I like my height, but hate hitting my head on everything :P


Riding really did. I always told myself "i'd rather be fat and happy than fit and sad" but I was not happy being so overweight. I realized that my weight was hindering me from doing things that I wanted to do! First it was riding, being physically unfit makes it so much more strenuous on your body. Then I started rock climbing, and the better shape I got in, the easier that got and more challenging obstacles I could do. I find being fit lets me do so many things that are much more fulfilling in life, than sitting around playing video games or watching movies all the time. 


It really isn't, my sophomore year was my party year too. Plenty of late nights drinking then, only to realize how much time I wasted doing it. Thanks, if I didn't work no way could I afford the bill to race these things, I have very few sponsors who help me however they can, but many are small start up companies, so can't offer a ton. I do sacrifice some things, such as the fact I've been single for the past 3 years of my life, and I don't get to go out with friends as often as I'd like, but I enjoy working. I haven't had a bad job since I started college! And thank you, that is one of the best compliments I've ever received. I feel too many people look at college as just getting an education, rather than realizing what all you can get out of it! I try to see the better meaning in everything I do, rather than just accept it at face value. It makes it easier to prioritize and understand what I really want to get out of this life. I don't want to live just to be alive, I want my life to be a true experience.


They're massively fun and addicting! I actually found this forum thanks to a friend on a sportbike forum I'm on :) I give my passengers hard times, but often I'm more concerned about doing something stupid that will make them scared or uncomfortable. Their life is in my hands, and they should never question their safety.


No worries, I have a ton of them on my facebook, feel free to message me and I'll give you the link to my personal profile. Keep up the hard work, because I guarantee you inspire people too! We are all going through this life together, and seeing other normal people like ourselves doing what we do is the best way to realize we can do whatever we want as well.

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