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Sparkly Geek Girl Present and Accounted For!

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Hi All! My honey theactionpoint pointed me to NF. This morning I rolled outta bed and did one set of the Angry Birds workout and I feel great for getting up and going right to it!

I'm a Burlesque dancer, teacher and producer and am really interested in leveling up my physical self as my flair and experience increase in the land of all things sparkly.

In two weeks I'm teaching a fan dancing workshop and realized that I've underestimated the endurance needed for using small fans! I've gotten used to my big giant fans which, while heavier lend themselves to long graceful movements. These little fans have much more flexibility for use and expression!

I'm also a mom, devoted girlfriend, and co-GMing a 3.5 edition game - and playing 4E with my honey as often as we can manage it. (A challenge since he's in Afghanistan)

I'm excited to level up with y'all!


Sweet Louise

Edit: 4 years ago when I started performing burlesque I was 200 pounds and outta shape like woah. Burlesque plus having had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant w/ my son (he's 5 now) really motivated me to drop the weight. I didn't want to develop diabetes post bebe and wanted to be healthier all around!

I'm somewhere around 165 right now. I'd like to loose another 5-10 lbs or so - more importantly I want to build strength, endurance and tone up.

Level 2 Human Viking Assassin
STR - 2, DEX - 3, STA - 6, CON- 7 , WIS - 4, CHA - 5
Participated in & Finished Challenge 4/30/2012

Current Challenge:  Thread Link

http://www.brittanis.com Come to Brittanis. Live the Legend. 

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Sorry to hear about the 3.5 game :\ Just kidding. I hope you didn't buy all the 3.0 stuff only to have it invalidated by the "upgrade" (and I totally appreciate that WotC includes all the rules updates in their online 4E builders).

Congrats on getting up and getting to the workout. I know that's something I need to do more of, but I do love staying in bed until the absolute last minute. Drives the wife nuts some days.

And welcome to the Rebellion.

I read a study once that said doing ANYTHING in the gym is more anabolic than doing NOTHING sitting in front of the computer.

~Chris Shugart @ T-nation

Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and is

transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.

~Morihei Ueshiba


* Robb Wolf Podcast #68- Matt Lalonde vs gluten (<-transcript)

*Documentary: Fat Head

*NF blog:Most Inspirational 20 Minutes

*Starting Strength Wiki

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Hey, welcome! I saw a burlesque fan dance for the first time a few months ago at a salsa congress (? A bit out of place, but I wasn't complaining), and OMG it looks amazing! It must be so much fun to dance!! Have you tried pilates at all? Very graceful long movements, I think it might appeal to your dancing soul, and it's an extra bit of awesome fitness once or twice a week. Awesome for posture, flexibility, etc, etc.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Jeeebus, @Plex - I didn't even know I had nightmares about that! In the history of geekdom I'm a relatively new and enthusiastic recruit.

@Alethea - Ooh, I'm excited - been looking at the Druid forums and think that's the route I'm going to go. I never got seriously into pilates I did go for a weekly hot yoga class that was WONDERFUL. I'm going to see if that's still going on. Ass kicking, mind centering sweaty, sweaty goodness that was. Have you seen any other burlesque in your area?

@Gowaduv - I kinda inherited the 3.5 game. I wish the group would mosey along to 4e but they won't for now - It's a good group and they are really digging the campaign so we're having a ball.

Thanks @Clawed_bear!

I'm super pleased I battled the Big Boss of "Heavy Gravity Snoozemonster Kitteh" this morning and was up and at em on the first alarm. Rawr.

Level 2 Human Viking Assassin
STR - 2, DEX - 3, STA - 6, CON- 7 , WIS - 4, CHA - 5
Participated in & Finished Challenge 4/30/2012

Current Challenge:  Thread Link

http://www.brittanis.com Come to Brittanis. Live the Legend. 

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That's my girl!!! Love you, darlin! Keep up the good work :D

Get Strong One Day At A Time.
Level 2 Human Warrior (Multiclassing into Assassin)- STR 5, STA 2, CON 3.5, DEX 2, WIS 6 [on a good day...], CHA 5.5

Challenge 4/30/2012; +9 Points

Current Challenge: Captain America and Wolverine are Multiclass Warrior/Assassins
"It is easier to find men who are willing to die than those willing to endure pain with patience."-- Gaius Julius Caesar

Brittanis Dark Arthurian Adventure-- Come to Brittanis. Live the Legend. 

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those cats have eerie mind-control powers, I swear it.

Hot yoga is AWESOME. Any yoga is awesome, really, but hot yoga appeals to me because yoga was created in India, which they tell me is frigging HOT, so it's satisfying to do it in the actual conditions. Melty muscle goodness. If you wanted to give pilates another go, www.ultimatepilatesworkouts.com has free streaming videos if you sign up, and they have very clear instructions for all skill levels. I did yoga for years, and it wasn't until pilates that my posture really straightened fully.

I've only seen a few other burlesque shows long long ago. I love comparing it with bellydancing technique. Such different approaches, both look amazing.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I did yoga for years, and it wasn't until pilates that my posture really straightened fully.

I've only seen a few other burlesque shows long long ago. I love comparing it with bellydancing technique. Such different approaches, both look amazing.

I'm so glad you mentioned your posture! I feel like I'm constantly correcting mine. This surely needs to be a goal for me.

Do you belly dance? I've been watching loads of belly dance Isis Wing performances on Youtube b/c I think I'll be choreographing a number like that this summer. Plenty of burlesque dancers use Isis wings but generally speaking I find the belly dance performances much more compelling as far as inspiration goes. I took a few belly dance classes and use lots of moves inspired by what I learned then. It *is* interesting to compare the technique.

Level 2 Human Viking Assassin
STR - 2, DEX - 3, STA - 6, CON- 7 , WIS - 4, CHA - 5
Participated in & Finished Challenge 4/30/2012

Current Challenge:  Thread Link

http://www.brittanis.com Come to Brittanis. Live the Legend. 

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I did, haven't for a while but I want to get back into it in the fall. My issue is I have a million things I want to do and a limited cash fund. I need to win the lottery - I'd be the happiest millionaire EVER. What do you like best about burlesque?

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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