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She-Ra vs the 2 mile run


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As e-Adora had trained over the last 5 weeks, she knew this day would come. She did not allow herself to worry or focus on it. Finally, it was here. Week 5 Day 3 of the C25K program. Run 2 miles or 20 minutes, no walking.


Approaching the track a bit wary, e-Adora stretched her calves, quads, shoulders, and arms as always in  preparation for her run. Head phones on, eBook cued, timer ready, she began her 5 minute warm up brisk walk. The book was an old favorite, only recently acquired in mp3 format. She did not need to listen carefully, but she did in an effort to block out negative and nervous thoughts. Finally, the timer blasted in her ear, signifying time was up. e-Adora drew from within, summoned her power and transformed in to the superhero She-Ra. She drew up all her will and focused it on the task, and thus started her first non stop 2 mile run.


The first quarter mile slipped by, and She-Ra felt strong. Before long, She-Ra had gone three quarters of a mile, her previous personal best. She had 2 laps to go before the half way point. She told her self over and over, "you CAN do this" and ignored her screaming quads and tired calves. She-Ra focused on her breathing, her stride, and pulled through. Upon crossing the one mile mark, she threw her arms up in success and celebrated her first ever non stop. Now, to do it one more time.


Superheroes can't give up. They don't throw in the towel, they don't quit. They conquer. She-Ra reminded herself of this and dug deeper and kept moving. She focused on the story and kept a lap count, repeating it like a mantra "One and seven, one and seven, one and seven" she finished the first lap. "two and six, two and six, two and six" she finished the second lap. The story was at a good part and it helped to to ignore her body's protest to the demanding task. Following this pattern, She-Ra progressed through her laps. She always ran, though it wasn't as fast as her first mile, and forced her body to obey her mind. Mercifully, a comrade in arms joined the battle with two laps to go. She was an unknown soldier, but fighting the same battle. The two superhero's joined forces. Rallied by her comrade, She-Ra adapted the unknown soldiers pace and the two finished a lap at a slightly faster pace. The last lap loomed ahead of the superhero. As the two progressed through another lap, a second soldier joined the battle. This soldier was much faster. He was sprinting towards the pair which gave resolve to She-Ra and as the sprinter came near, She-Ra engaged all she had and With gratitude for her fellow soldiers, She-Ra threw her arms up in victory, voiced her victory cry, and gave them both grateful and delighted smiles.


She had won the battle. The day was hers.

Level 3 Human Ranger


STR 3.2 STA 3.2   CON 7 DEX 2 WIS 7.5 CHA 4.5



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