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Paleo Carb Loading ???


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I am doing the Nashville Rock N Roll Half Marathon this Saturday...what are the best foods for me to eat the night before the race?  


I've been 80%-95% Paleo for about 9 or 10 weeks now - for past races of course I did the standard pasta meal the night before.  Now I'm not sure what to do.


Any info would be helpful :)



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I may be wrong, but i've heard that you should carb load two nights before a race and eat protein the night before.


I was going to suggest that paleo wouldn't really suggest carb loading.... I know a guy who does tris fasted and full paleo

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Sounds great!


Something I've been doing is adding coconut oil and cinnamon, and it's amazing. Who says healthy food can't taste good?





Sometimes ill add some coconut oil, but i find if i do a nut butter AND coconut oil its a little too greasy for my liking (or maybe just need to add less coconut oil and see!)...and id much rather have the nut butter. :)


and if i really want something sweet with it, i add a small amount of raw honey on top. seriously honey is so sweet and you dont need tons. 


omgah or sweet potatoes+ a sliced banana+nut butter+cinnamon= heaven. (lol i did this today actually for my preworkout breakfast meal.) 3 eggs and a small amount of sweet potatoes with cinnamon, a little banana and peanut butter. (yeah peanut butter isnt paleo, but ill be damned if im giving up peanut butter)


i had my friend try sweet potatoes,with cinnamon and almond butter...she said it tasted like "diet food"...*face palm* 

mind you it wasnt hot because i was at work and i have this thing about not using the microwave, so im used to cold food now. but sweet potatoes cold/hot taste delicious. i just get so sad when people dont think healthy food can be delicious.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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Sometimes ill add some coconut oil, but i find if i do a nut butter AND coconut oil its a little too greasy for my liking (or maybe just need to add less coconut oil and see!)...and id much rather have the nut butter. :)


and if i really want something sweet with it, i add a small amount of raw honey on top. seriously honey is so sweet and you dont need tons. 


omgah or sweet potatoes+ a sliced banana+nut butter+cinnamon= heaven. (lol i did this today actually for my preworkout breakfast meal.) 3 eggs and a small amount of sweet potatoes with cinnamon, a little banana and peanut butter. (yeah peanut butter isnt paleo, but ill be damned if im giving up peanut butter)


i had my friend try sweet potatoes,with cinnamon and almond butter...she said it tasted like "diet food"...*face palm* 

mind you it wasnt hot because i was at work and i have this thing about not using the microwave, so im used to cold food now. but sweet potatoes cold/hot taste delicious. i just get so sad when people dont think healthy food can be delicious.


Stop it! You're making me hungry lol.


Yeah, I found it very tough to give up peanut butter. But the amazing taste of almond/sunflower seed butter is a fair replacement for PB.



My personal health and fitness blog: http://JJStrength.com

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I may be wrong, but i've heard that you should carb load two nights before a race and eat protein the night before.

Agreed with this, protein should be kept up as usual the day before... but you don't want much the morning of, it takes a lot to digest and will take energy you could be using for running.  It also takes about 48 hours for your muscles to completely rebuild their glycogen stores.  Eating one massive amount the night before a race is not going to do you as much good as eating higher carb in general over the 2 days before your race.


If you are serious about paleo and running marathons then read this (http://www.amazon.com/Paleo-Diet-Athletes-Nutritional-Performance/dp/1594860890) it is a great book about how to use the diet to your advantage, and it goes over carb loading, what to eat day of race, and how to cycle your food and training to get the best results for endurance events.

LVL 3: Zoran Warrior

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"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

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That's awesome - I will check it out...


I in fact did do my pre-race nutrition over the 2 days before my race.  I had carbs on Thursday - then all protein on Friday night, but not a large amount.  I had a banana for breakfast and then Gu Chomps, Water and Gatorade through the race...


For long distance races I am still a run/walker...Race conditions were miserable (50 degrees, windy and it rained the entire time!!) but I still made a PR :nevreness: 

My goal was under 3 hrs and my actual finish time was 3:01:02 (UGH!) I'm pretty sure I can contribute some of that to my new eating habits and weight training...amazing what a stronger core can do for you.


This was going to be my last long race for a while...but now I'm motivated to shave off that extra minute...


Thanks to everyone for the great input and suggestions, I appreciate it all!

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