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Fat nurse with no excuses but laziness...

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So yeah...that about sums it up.

I'm 37, a wife, a registered nurse, and mom to four great kids (raised them all, but inherited three of the four when I married their dad). I'm lazy, tired, hormonally challenged, and in desperate need of change. My body is breaking down, my joints hurt, and I have no energy. I am a Star Wars geek, GoT addict, and have a rather unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who and Sherlock.

My husband and I look like the number 10 when we stand side-by-side...and I ain't the 1.

Motivate me, guide me, and love me.

Help me fellow fighters...you're my only hope.

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i love your no excuse attitude towards all this. That is one of the biggest battles already won. Apply that to working out, eating right, and you've got this. Welcome aboard! 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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Guest Dirty Deads

As a nurse and mother I assume you naturally put everyone else's needs before your own. When you focus on bettering JUST yourself you become the strong person they need. Get it done for you, for them. Welcome!!  :D

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The biggest piece of advice i can give, as i give this with the knowledge ive gained doing exercise and personality psychology in my degree, is that you have to start immediately, and you have to improve a little bit every time you exercise


there is a wonderful piece of research done on new years resolutions that most people think of them before christmas but only 95% of us, or something very close, start on new years etc and about 1% of those people will go on to complete more. Those that start their new years resolution when they think of them complete them 80% of the time. the reason is quite simple, it comes down to quitting and putting things off. If you are already putting it off until new years when you know you need to do it then you are going to put it off when it gets boring or difficult but if you do it immediately you are already in the right mindset. 


If you dont have time to go to the gym because of kids try doing home bodyweight workouts, sit ups, burpees, bodyweight squats, buy a cheap punching bag (but yes that does cost money) are all good ways of working out. Also go for tabata workouts, you can find loads and they burn off the fat immediately. i know that sounds like a line for promoting some company but the reason is because it is really hard


final piece of advice, treat exercise like quitting smoking. It is a lifestyle and one you will have trouble breaking into because your body is not going to know what hit it. so it will scream and shout like a fussy child but eventually it will calm down. Given a couple of weeks the workouts dont get easier, you just get better and of course eat paleo unless you are an ectomorph because no other body type can handle grain properly


Hope it goes well, tonight

  • [*]Level 2 High elf - Ranger (56.7 kilos, approximately 13% body fat)[*]strength 4, dexterity 3, stamina 6, constitution 6, wisdom 5, charisma 2.[*]Challenge - run 5K straight, do 3 day exercise with weighted backpack, reach rep goal for 6 weeks, revise enough for exams; maintain code of bushido[*]"Go into battle determined to die, and you will surely live. Go into battle hoping to live, and you will surely die"


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Sometimes it take a little tough love on ourselves to get motivated.


As a child of multiple tried and failed remarriages of my parents -kudos- to you on accepting those kids.


Why not start a photo journal. I won't lie, when I took pictures of myself, I cried. But then, I got motivated. I take pictures weekly... when I see those little pieces tuck and change... it fuels me.


And what better motivation to get tough than to remember ... 'winter is coming'



Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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My mom is a nurse, and consequently I know a lot of nurses. A lot of them are overweight, citing stress and long hours as reasons. The job is not and easy one and I salute you!


It is also how I know that you are going to make these changes you need to. Nurses don't give up on anyone, and you aren't going to give up on yourself!

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Good Luck Rugby Momma!


I've gone from being super skinny/out of shape when I finished high school, to in shape and feeling good, to back out of shape, all in the course of about 12 years. I just turned 30 and want to get into shape again, I'm starting with martial arts forms again (I got into shape when I was earning my black belt), they're increasing my muscle tone and reducing joint pain when I do body-weight stuff.


I'm actually thinking about recording some how-to videos for anyone that's interested.


Best of luck!



STR[3] DEX[2] STA[2] CON[2] WIS[4] CHA[3]

My Character Sheet - http://nerdjutsu.com/about/character-information/

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